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Penn & 9/11 'I Don't Know'

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posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 04:28 AM
Remember when Penn & Teller aired that episode of bull# dissing the 9/11 conspiracy theories? I always had a lot of respect for them and their show bull# because they did a great job of exposing so much nonsense in the world. Right up unitl their episode on 9/11 I was a huge fan but suddenly found myself conflicted with my opinion of them. Well now in 2008 it seem's Penn is having second thoughts, or atleast admitting that he doesn't know. He's the vid:

Well this is good news I guess as even someone as skeptical as Penn can be made to look at 9/11 and atleast admit that 'they don't know', or perhaps it is something to do with becoming wiser with age.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:23 AM
Penn is one confused individual, and if this is what passes as a cultural reference for americans to build their belief systems on, they are in a lot of trouble.

Nice to see him recant a bit on the 911 stuff, as it's increasingly obvious what 911 was, false flag state sponsored terrorism with a social engineering goal, but the way he unloads on the people who are changing his worldview is telling about the psychological issues he, and most normal americans, have with 911.

Edutainment dosen't work, and if people hope to get a working worldview from the likes of Penn & Telles, Colbert or Stewart, then they are sadly mystaken. All that will happen is they will end up clueless and confused.

The easiest way, imo, to get a working worldview that allows some degree of accuracy and truth is to observe the people in your community, the good and the bad, and realise that our society is a fractal phenomenon and things are basically the same structure at all scales. This will allow people to realise what is possible and what isn't regarding human interaction, and it will show how corruption, manipulation and greed are present at all levels, including mass media, military and high officials. On this backdrop false flag terrorism is possible, even likely.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Insolubrious

I have to say, a person proclaiming "I don't know" after they made claims on something is always encouraging. Penn has shown that he is not going to put 'keeping-face' (denying the possibility of being wrong in most cases) above intellectual pursuit of truth.

A lot of my faith in him has been redeemed with those three simple words.


posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:39 AM
After seen how he condemned 911 truth movement before... ( Maybe last time I have look his show...) this excuse heal those wounds from his stance.

Whats so wrong in asking questions?

"I dont know", is better answer than being skeptic, just because you want to be.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by JanusFIN

Agreed. It's the point at which you cease being objective and start being subjective.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by Good Wolf

I think thats also main reason why people so eagerly want to reject the truth about 911. Its great weakness to say "I Dont Know" in time of individualism, and large egoism, and in times when Idealism is rejected, its much more common to stance with skeptical point of view against all stances, no matter they are based on truth, lies, or just believes.

I just look great interview yesterday in here, where ex-KGB agent says it all in the two last parts... Its all part of KGB brainwash agenda. Check that out!

Threat at:

And interviews available at:

Part 8
Part 9

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by JanusFIN

Yeah but it's not really about denying truth with most people is it? Most of these people don't know the facts, claims and evidence so they can't really deny it. In their mind 9/11-inside-job is just silly and from the little they actually know, it's not truth. These people aren't in denial, just .... uneducated, to be fair.

However, to the typical 'sheep-person', truth is an illusion, something they could never hold or distinguish from misinformation because their minds don't belong to them any more, they don't think for themselves at all. Their minds belong to the elite who keep them 'pugged in' as it were, to a convincing, yet imaginary, fantasy world were embracing ignorance is key to being "a goodboy, well done, have a treat."

sigh- that felt good. Rant over.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 07:22 AM
I don't know, it seems like he said as much as he could to say as little as possible, and the 'distributed by sony entertainment' /theme at the end has advertising written all over it.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 03:42 PM
I may be mistaken..... But he is not talking about 911. He is talking about Global warming.

When he firsts states "I don't know" he is talking about the truther that he met back stage. The truther said "I don't know", not Penn. The same truther that Penn called called a "Self Righteous Pr**k. The same truther he called a "whack job." and also called him a "clear cut unbelievable a**hole."

Penn did state:" I don't know about global warming"

Other things he said about truthers:

"threatened me"

"accused me of being a part of the Zionist movement"

Anyway, the story Penn was telling was about the 911 Truther that he called a "whack job". The Truther said: "i don't know."

Penn then, I assume is second guessing his stance on Global Warming. He just doesn't want to become the man he met back stage.

Then again, I could be wrong.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Insolubrious
Remember when Penn & Teller aired that episode of bull# dissing the 9/11 conspiracy theories? I always had a lot of respect for them and their show bull# because they did a great job of exposing so much nonsense in the world. Right up unitl their episode on 9/11 I was a huge fan but suddenly found myself conflicted with my opinion of them.

same here man, same here. Actually, their episode on "big brother" really put me over the edge. I went from total respect and interest to absolute disdain and disappointment.

Originally posted by Insolubrious
Well this is good news I guess as even someone as skeptical as Penn can be made to look at 9/11 and atleast admit that 'they don't know', or perhaps it is something to do with becoming wiser with age.

the odd part of that though... I would expect skepticism of the official report. "9/11 truth" is really just a code word for being skeptical of reports. Everyone that mocks "truthers" is basically saying "of course the official reports are 100% accurate and truthful! You are an idiot for thinking the government would lie about anything!"

Embracing official stories to me, is paramount ignorance and the opposite of skepticism.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
I may be mistaken..... But he is not talking about 911. He is talking about Global warming.

Yeah I had thought the same to begin with but it says on his youtube page:

Penn discusses some doubts concerning the events of September 11th.

I think it's just the way he is phrasing it and comparing to global warming, as in 9/11 is like global warming, no one really knows (even though he claimed it was bs in the past).

direct link:

[edit on 5-11-2008 by Insolubrious]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:11 PM
I was always put off by the Penn and Teller Magic/Comedy speel.

I was even more put off that they thought they were doing anyone a favor with their 9-11 'analysis'.

I agree, they lost my respect that day.

But I was never that respectful of them anyway...

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 07:04 PM
This thread certainly points out some flaws in thinking. Just because he varies slightly from a certain mindset you don’t care for them anymore? That seems kind of shallow in my book.

Not to mention the fact that he is a comedian… not a rocket scientist or engineer. Who cares what he thinks. If he’s entertaining, then watch him. The clip is very non-specific & rambling, but he is basically saying that all the truthers are wack jobs. Basically, he may be a authority on magic or card tricks, but the rest is only his human experiences.

Looks like another clip taken out of context & misconstrued. He just called you all “scary a$$H@Les”, of course you don’t like him anymore.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Jake the Dog Man
This thread certainly points out some flaws in thinking. Just because he varies slightly from a certain mindset you don’t care for them anymore? That seems kind of shallow in my book.

Not to mention the fact that he is a comedian… not a rocket scientist or engineer. Who cares what he thinks. If he’s entertaining, then watch him. The clip is very non-specific & rambling, but he is basically saying that all the truthers are wack jobs. Basically, he may be a authority on magic or card tricks, but the rest is only his human experiences.

Looks like another clip taken out of context & misconstrued. He just called you all “scary a$$H@Les”, of course you don’t like him anymore.

The posters above lost faith in him because he reveled himself to be a propagandist, it's not about his views.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
"threatened me"

Good. As he stated on his show that others should push people like me down stairs.

If anyone's the a**hole, it's this big loud mouth IMO.

On topic: I can't hear the interview until I get to work and have a chance to listen with head phones. Why do they even include speakers with laptops when they are useless?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Jake the Dog Man
Just because he varies slightly from a certain mindset you don’t care for them anymore?

No. He asked others to do physical violence against another human being/s. Other than just being disrespectful as a person, it is actually unlawful too.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 06:25 AM
I DONT KNOW who that douchebag in the video is...
or why people rate his opinion on anything.
but I DO KNOW i want my 9 minutes back plz

[edit on 6-11-2008 by Shar_Chi]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 06:39 AM
I think a lot of people want to reject the 9/11 conspiracy theory is because if they believe it, it open so many other doors that are even more scary. It kind of a hard pill to swallow. I mean if the powers that be are willing to kill 3000 plus people to accomplish there goals. What else are they capable of.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 07:20 AM
I have no respect for this pompous big mouth. I heard his anti truther diatribe, in which he was advocating violence against truthers and I didn't appreciate it. I agree with ThroatYogurt. He's really talking about global warming. I don't think the person who wrote the notes for the page on youtube knew what he was talking about.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:19 PM
I haven't seen their 9/11 BS episode, but I was in correspondence with Penn when 9/11 actually happened. His initial reaction (later that night) was to use the attack as an example of why believing in god was a dangerous thing. As an atheist he was disgusted both by the use of religion as a motivating or instigating factor, and the US's response of "national prayer" lead by Bush.

I like to think that Penn would change his stance on ANY topic (including religion) if he were shown suitable proof. He's stated as much before, and I believe he would. Just because he's loud and opinionated, doesn't mean he's unreasonable.

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