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Congratulations to President elect Obama from People outside America.

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:02 PM
Congratulations from Australia, and a recent poll shows that most Aussies are all for Obama.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:58 PM
Congratulations on this thread, sorry I mean for buying into the Obama as the worlds hero, it's what they're making him out to be and as the solar maximus was in 1990(Snr Bush NWO Speech) then 2001 (9/11) and the next one isn't till 2012, so nothing as far as him #ing the world over will happen until 2012. My guess is you buy into this and then brag about how you're so glad you voted for him for the next 3~3.5 years and then right when you bend over to tie your shoelace, BAM, he sticks it to you and all your 'clan'.

Doesn't it suprise you a day or two before the election McCain had Schwazzeneger come out and say you the man McCain, you should all vote McCain, then obama got in office and is trying to get Schwazzeneger in a position of power, even though his pop was a Nazi.

So congratulations on pretending to love the people president elect, just remeber that love always prevails over hate/darkness/low vibration.

To the rest of you please research,I didnot have time to read through this thread but felt you should hear my op anyway....

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Malankhkare
Congratulations from Australia, and a recent poll shows that most Aussies are all for Obama.

Maybe if you're an idiot from aus or watch the media which is all owned by you know who, same as the train line between darwin and alice springs is owned by haliburton. I bet you are an aussie who handed over your gun without question or thought, as I was only 8 at the time I had no say as to the gun law, wake up man and any other aussies, look at RON PAUL! FFS he is a true patriot and doesn't matter which party he is from as its all the same, however he is truly trying to make things better/a difference and has been for years, unlike obama who votes every which way.
Sorry, not personal, but don't say the whole country is when its only what the media tell you.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:38 PM
I hope my teacher at the reeducation camp I'm sent to will accept my congratulations , but I dought it.

A two year senator with ties to the cfr and international banks helping America? please. Do you people really think he will cancel all of GW's presidential orders, virtually throwing our constitution out of the window?

Do you people really think Obama is not going to war with Iran, maybe even Pakistan? He is tied to all of the same internationalist that Bush is.

Please save your congrats, send us your pity.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 11:53 PM
I love that the world is finally getting behind us again.

I want all those who posted on this thread to know that, while a portion of this country does not care what you think, most of us with common sense know that we need you as much as you need us. I appreciate your input and help getting this country back in line - without the world putting us in check, many wouldn't have realized our folly.

This victorious election is as much due to you guys outside the US, as it is to us who fought hard for what we believed in here. I extend my thanks to all of you for helping us out!

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Irish M1ck]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Comind
reply to post by timelike

Not since Kennedy have we had such a leader--someone with principles and goodness; someone of great intelligence and eloquence; someone who will fight for the common man. The forces of evil (ignorance, selfishness, greed for money and power) are surely regrouping after this setback. We should all envision Obama as safe and successful. He is a beacon of hope not just for America but for all humanity. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

He isn't even in office yet nor is he our leader yet. That is an unfounded statement and none of us have any idea what he is going to do. Statements like this scare me.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by dantrav

I'll concur with this statement. However, since you find that disturbing, I think you should also join the cause to stop the mudslinging.

If it is not okay to say benevolent things about Obama yet, then you should certainly agree that is not okay to slander his name before he has had a chance to institute any policy.

Also, I think the whole "eloquence" thing was fair. That is allowable, he is very eloquent.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
reply to post by dantrav

I'll concur with this statement. However, since you find that disturbing, I think you should also join the cause to stop the mudslinging.

If it is not okay to say benevolent things about Obama yet, then you should certainly agree that is not okay to slander his name before he has had a chance to institute any policy.

Also, I think the whole "eloquence" thing was fair. That is allowable, he is very eloquent.

I agree he is a very eloquent individual.

I also agree that people should stop the mudslinging. I do however think people should openly express their disdain if it is based on some sort of factual evidence, news article, or personal experience.

Example 1. "Obama is evil because i said so." - That is a ridiculous statement and i think should not be said as there is no foundation.

Example 2. "It scares me a little all this talk of youth corps... this news snippet" - That is justified in my opinion.

My personal opinion is as follows;

I have no idea what he is going to do but i do find some of the things i have read quite discouraging. I am terrified that people are addressing him as "savior," "world president," "The best leader we have known," and many others. It was all propaganda and this election (as the others i have seen) was the best reality show i have ever watched. There are people behind the curtain who own the media and everything else who simply run the show.

That aside i do believe that this election shows that the American people are growing up and are not the same they were 10 years ago.

I don't hate Obama, I hate the fact that the same people who were "anti-establishment" a week ago now believe that everything is going to be ok based on one hell of an advertising campaign.

I hope i am wrong, and hope that everything is going to be ok, but my personal logic points to, "bussiness as usual," once all is said and done.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
If people only voted for Obama because he's black then that means people only voted for McCain because he's white. How does that sound?

Deny the truth if you wish. People didn't get out and register to vote for 'change', they got out and registered to vote for the black guy. I said it already, I said it today, and I'll say it again. You smug euro-scumbags can 'congratulate America' all you wish, nothing has changed.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by SpacePunk

You don't even deserve to have a voice in politics with ignorant opinions like that. 
Do not speak for me.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by Irish M1ck

That's something coming from someone that said "I agree he is a very eloquent individual. "

You could just come out and say that he's well spoken for a black man. If he were white, you wouldn't have agreed that "he is a very eloquent individual."

But, everyone please continue your hero worship, your messianic orgy of praise for someone that never had to want for anything, unlike a majority of his praising followers he attended a private school, a Harvard educated lawyer, promiser of everthing - soon to be deliverer of nothing, attended a racist church for years, a person with ties to Louis Farrakhan, betrayer of that friend when it became politically expedient, promiser of change, deliverer of jobs to washington insiders, and he voted for the big money give away.

It'll be business as usual, nothing will change. The stages of denial that people have about Obama are already happening. It'll be fun to watch in 2009 when they realize they have been tricked.

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