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Correlation between ears ringing and alien abductions

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posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 09:59 AM
This is another topic that I've had on my mind for sometime but haven't had a chance to delve into this issue....

I've recently been searching on the net about a condition I have, a loud ringing in my ears. The rining is loudest at night when I'm trying to get to sleep. Only up until I started doing some reseach I discovered that some people correlate alien abductions / alien interaction with have constant or semi-constant ears ringing....

I would like to know if anyone else has this problem or any information regarding the correlation I mentioned


[Edited on 30-3-2004 by psd_1]

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 10:09 AM
So perhaps you are an abductee? Yes I've had ringing in my ears but it would come very randomly during the day or night and haven't had it happen lately. I think it's your ears adjusting to volume levels or many different tones at once.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 10:13 AM
I'm not claiming to be abducted but I was just wondering what other people's experiences have been. My ears ring real loud at night, it takes me some time to get used to it and get to bed.... I've been told about TMJ, but my jaw doesn't click


Originally posted by Jeffrey
So perhaps you are an abductee? Yes I've had ringing in my ears but it would come very randomly during the day or night and haven't had it happen lately. I think it's your ears adjusting to volume levels or many different tones at once.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 10:17 AM

i hope that helps... my ears were ringing, and i cleaned them out with q-tips. that only made my left ear worse though, because i pushed the earwax up against my eardrum... so i went and bought some cheap, CVS earwax removal liquid. it worked really well, i would suggest skipping the q-tip and using that.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 10:19 AM
That link would have been more helpful if it provided some suggestions for treatment... I've tried ear drops, but it didn't help... As for q-tips, you really need to be careful and not push too hard!


Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid

i hope that helps... my ears were ringing, and i cleaned them out with q-tips. that only made my left ear worse though, because i pushed the earwax up against my eardrum... so i went and bought some cheap, CVS earwax removal liquid. it worked really well, i would suggest skipping the q-tip and using that.

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 04:25 PM
nobody really knows what the ringing in the ears is, do they?

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 06:22 PM
not sure... I've never looked into it myself, but I know my ears have always rang... especially bad when I try to sleep (not just when it's quiet, although they do ring then too). I've never really thought much about it, being that I'm 28 and it's been happenning as long as I can remember.

One theory I read about 2 years ago said that it could be caused by world noise pollution... residual frequencies that don't escape the atmosphere, but rather bounce back off the ozone. This theory seemed somewhat feesable, considering that higher frequencies travel longer than lower frequencies.


posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 07:01 PM
Yeah i think everyone gets the ringing in the ears. It's always happened to me for as long as i can remember. Just a random thing that happens so often I think. Would be interesting to find out what it is exactly.

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 07:22 PM
at night its just the massive silence after youve been in the noisy day world....your ears ring...
unless during the day you get a very sudden and somewhat loud ringing for a short period ....some one is talking about you.....
in antiquity we had developed this as humans as a defense mechanism and as telepathy

when i was young i used to hear my friends say exactly what they were saying about me and then id tell them ...even though they were a 100 ft away and whispering to each even tell them the exact words they used

in past life times ...that is if you beleive in past life times
you had probably developed the ability to be develop this by becoming closer to the infinite spirit and it is just a deterrence if your trying to get there...
Read Pantanjalis Yoga sutras if you want to know more..
theese powers are called siddhis....but they wont get you closer to the goal ....there just there to let you know your getting closer and to test you to see if you want the gifts or the goal

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 07:32 PM
There is no real cure Tinnitus. Some people really do suffer with major ringing in the ear, even in noisy places they can still hear the ringing. I have it in my left ear after years of working in a noisy factury. I do remember reading that they are trying to develope an aid to help. This aid uses 'White noise' to cancel out the ringing sound.

As for alien abduction/interaction, I've heard some real bull in my time but this takes the biscuit. Sorry to be so blunt but please, what are they trying to do, make first contact!

If it's a real problem, go see your Doctor, get him to check you ears and maybe give you a test.

[Edited on 31-3-2004 by Britman]

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 07:36 PM
Well...Sorry...but my ears don't ring...but I believe you.

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 07:47 PM
they only have theories on why ears ring. I for one have my left ear ring sporadically, the worst is when I'm talking to someone, and I don't know how loud I'm talking. So when it happens, it's really hard to decipher the volume of my voice. Which really sucks, because my career is based on me constantly talking. My ears also ring during the night, and sporadically.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 10:16 AM
Well I'm glad to hear that my situation (ringing ears) is not unique. Some nights its worse than others....

Interesting to hear about any correlation to past lives and telepathy, never would have thought about that....

Not surprised that there are skeptics, there's always gonna be people who are non-believers


posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 10:35 AM
I've never had serious ringing problems, but my ears ring occasionally. Sometmes it is just randomly, and sometimes it is due to the fact i play steelpan alot. After carnival, with all the steelpans and deafening soundsystems, when i got bck to my quiet house my ears rang really badly. I reckon most of my ringing is due to changes in volume, but sometimes its inexplicable.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by psd_1
Well I'm glad to hear that my situation (ringing ears) is not unique. Some nights its worse than others....

Interesting to hear about any correlation to past lives and telepathy, never would have thought about that....

Not surprised that there are skeptics, there's always gonna be people who are non-believers


come on, you're attributing tinnitus/earwax buildup to alien abduction,
is your bottom itching as well? you must have been anal probed too!, aaahh fresh paranoia

naw seriously though,
tinnitus is quite horrible, I've had unbearably loud ringing in one or both ears and fluttering sensations as if something was trapped inside my ear, u should see a doctor.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:01 AM
It could also be a disorder called Menyuers (spl???pronounced: men-yours). My father has it in his left ear. Some symptoms include ringing in ear, upset stomach, verdigo and disorientation. A bunch of doctors thought he had TMJ and a lot of other BS. I believe it is caused by fluid in the ear leaking - not sure though.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:06 AM
Maybe you didn't fully read the original post...

I didn't say I was abducted... I wrote that when I search the net regarding the ringing in my ears I found some info about aliens and wanted to get some opinions...

Read twice respond once


come on, you're attributing tinnitus/earwax buildup to alien abduction,
is your bottom itching as well? you must have been anal probed too!, aaahh fresh paranoia

naw seriously though,
tinnitus is quite horrible, I've had unbearably loud ringing in one or both ears and fluttering sensations as if something was trapped inside my ear, u should see a doctor.

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 03:19 AM
[Edited on 29-4-2004 by megoquest]

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 03:48 AM
I have two different types of ringing.

The first is a controlled ringing, I can can "call it up" so to speak anytime I want just by focusing. It's easier to do when its quiet. It sounds like some one ringing a high pitched bell, it's not a constant tone more like ding-ding-ding-ding, and is heard in both ears.

The second is random and only heard in one ear (random each time). All other noise will go quieter (in the specific ear only) and it sounds like a high pitched continuos tone.

How do I find out if I'm implanted? I don't want to disect my self or anything though

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 10:02 AM
Far be it from me to # on some of these seriously crazy excuses for ringing ears but you're never going to get a definitive answer until you visit the doctor. Brain tumors have also been known to cause ringing ears. It could be a serious illness...if you're ears are ringing you need to start getting your priorities straight. Instead of taking 10 minutes to get online and post on a forum dedicated to Extraterrestrials you could have taken that 10 minutes and called a doctor and made an appointment.

Use your head and be as logical as possible. It could be may not be serious...can you afford to find out too late that it was life threatening?

[Edited on 4-26-2004 by Preest]

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