Allow me to clarify, just for clarities sake as the message that I was attempting to transmit has been slightly mis-interpreted.
Last night, Obama did one good thing for the nation; he made people believe. He gave people excitement and hope, all around the freaking world and a
very real energy rides the wave of that celebration.
Now forget whether or not Obama is going to do what his followers believe he will. Forget for a moment whether or not you believe he's a puppet of
the NWO or whatever else. Instead, focus on the energy of belief that united so many people, hold onto it and apply it to the rest of your lives.
Yes, we can.
And that has nothing to do with HIS promises of fixing an economy(that needs to crash), healthcare reform(that the government should have no say in)
or whatever else the democratic talking points are. There’s a much more important message there:
Yes we can. Fix it. change. Make it right.
Us. Not Obama. Last night everyone believed that. Don’t stop believing it but, at the same time don't put all your faith in him. Save some
for yourself.
Take your power back, for it is yours. He lit the fire, now its up to us to take that one small gift he's given us (and it may
very well be the only one) and use it where we need too.
Open our eyes and hearts a little wider. And believe, utterly as you did last night across the board, in every aspect of your being; Yes, we can. Are
one. United. Can do it. Will not let the NWO win. That the madness and lies will stop. The time is now.
That is the power of those three words. Not one man's promise. Don't rely on him, open up to the power within you.
Yes, we can. And we will.
Namaste, Espavo.