posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 10:02 AM
This is just my theory onto what could happen in the near future.
Anyway the world is getting to the point where the government is controlling freedom, really bad. its so stupid to be honest with you.
However who would you be a rebel fighting for your freedom, or a person who need's to take control of other people's freedom.
i can see to the point in the next 20 years that it's going to end up like the film equilibrium or however you spell it.
I am so F****n fed up with this! no one gets any privacy today, you tube videos getting deleted as one person said on a thread,hoaxes,area 51 and all
god help us all, to be honest i would love for another galactic force to appear that's why i was a strong believer to blossom, but after that hoax i
was upset and new that this is it.
People we need to fight for are freedom....SERIOUSLY!
My question to you though is who would you be?