posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 08:26 PM
i have great respect for all of you who post and read at this ATS site..
sometimes, ( like this time), i am compelled to inject my humble but insightful first person experience with what is being discussed..
( please excuse my spelling and WAS fun!, but a fog...)
i attneded some courses in a medium sized collge in PA during the 60s..
those were very intersting times..
NARCS were everywhere...
and the "red neck vs hippie" wars, were getting very hot..
my circle of aquantences, included all sides..and because of my job, even more..
i was variously, on the ins and outs, of all the groups, at various times..
what i am getting around to try and say, is the police, and and "higer" involvement in the drug trade then..was very ernest, and deadly..
i would watch "drop offs" and distribution, of goods to the fraternity row houses..for sale and distribution..
these drop offs, were done while carefully monitored by local police..
the huge shipments were guarded by state boys, in shipment from the large metro areas..
heads up would be given to ready the in betweens, so no one would be left out..
i was given a certain area to distribute..and i would 'hire" small time people to sell.
however, it was my duty to collect.
this money was carefully counted. very carefully. those that skimmed too much, or broke standard prices, too low, or too high, were delt with.
drug "busts" were usually only done on those who were outsiders to the ring..and the local radio, was always quick to warn about busts, so there
wouldn't be any panic destruction of goods.
poor sellers weren't fired..they were always as to provide a show for the people..however, they were also let go, and that way remained
very very productive and loyal.
all '___' was provided by college labs..under special sueprvision..
the supervision, was almost always the LEIU..
incentives for good sales, and loyalty, was provided women, or men for sex..
alot of either, was drugged, and therefor raped..
again, gathered by the LEIU.
all the local cops were on the "take". and happy for it.
the mob figured heavy in this, and it was amazing, the number and high rank of mobsters, that came to that town..
drug distribution carried from the college, to the high schools..again, controlled by the LEIU. amazingly, alot of the sellers, or major distributors,
were new teachers, just out of college, with Frat backgrounds.
i know some that were so confident as to carry in their own cars.
and woe to anyone trying to report them. i know of one, who reported this activity to the staties..only to be hounded until he HAD to leave the
he was lucky, he reported anonomously.
the one rule was control. everyone HAD to stay within certain areas. no crossover, unless it was done by the very lowest.
and even then..
HOWEVER, selling to the blacks population, was open and nasty..
this was where the wars could and would be fought..
and so long as the "bosses", or major distributors were not endangered..we didn't care who was hurt or killed, or whatever.
we could sell anything to them..and we didn't care what they did with it.
and we didn't care which of them got burned, picked up, or whatever..
no protection was afforded to them, and no loyalty.
the big people of the town, the bankers, layers, judges, business people, all played. money was banked, laundered, people and things bought.
church going board menbers were happy.
state and local cops, met with the heads of the mob and thier reps in special monthly meetings at high end dinners and restaurants.
pay offs and collections were so time kept, it was easy to watch, and know.
i was privey to seeing more than once, calls to agencies, to clear up disagreements.
and the special power given to any LEIU "agent". i got out before i got "in".
and have ignored since, for mental well being.
it's there, get used to it. it's NOT going away.