posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 05:18 AM
WHOA Karl and I agree on a point? No way....
Ya so this is what prisons are for. Isolate the person and "try" to rehabilitate him...but then again there is the distinct possibility for the
individual to commit the same or similar crime. Which is why I believe prison should be more of a large, open, and walled off partition where the
inmates can co-mingle (not the ones that attack other inmates - one strike and in the hole/confinement) and are given things to do like raise their
own food and educate each other for the benefit of the criminal society. Ya, some people are multiple murders or are insane/confused to the point
that they need to be isolated...but, that is no reason to just up and "avenge" an action of someone in your own society, at least I think so
In regards to the prison idea, I am tainted with seeing how several European nations have their system set up and with the info I have come across as
to how well our (US) system works.
ALSO, hehehe, I have been imprisoned before (25 days, no charge, was in the military - I was on a probation/no use of alcohol watch and refused to get
put on narcotics for the chronic pain I am STILL in
and I said someting to someone one night when I was, once again, lit up like a Christmas
tree and two weeks later got arrested for it...and then released to civilian life to get treatment for my ever so thoughtful condition)...There was a
prgram where the guys who were headed for Kansas for further "chill out in the icebox" periods were aloud to go outside of the prison to work on the
island cleaning up vegetable debris and stuff - helped with keeping them busy, in shape, and feeling worthwhile. Uhm, I don't know if any of them
were convicted of murdering other people (mixed jail, even was a dude from the Coast Guard in it) but all of them were in good spirits all the time
that I was there. So, I think the "cage the animals in tight quarters" thing FAILS us massively.
So but my thinking is that murdering a member of our own community is immoral and sets a bad example - no matter what crime was committed (like Karl
said about molestors and rapists being one split hair's width away from murderers - I want to see the rape people castrated...but would that actually
help? Does it?). I don't agree with war, either, but some people want to do that and we have to do the best we can stop that sort of thing from