Oh yes !
Thanks for making a thread about this topic
I'd never heard of this 'making clouds dissipate' phenomenon until I saw it a few years ago online. And there were photos of a man supposedly
doing it. Old photos .. possibly from the 1920s or 30s.
I forgot about it soon afterwards, even though it seemed so interesting.
Then, a couple of years ago, I suddenly remembered it again while I was outside.
So I tried it. I pushed all the natural scepticism etc. aside. Just blocked it out. And concentrated strongly but calmly . Didn't want to let my
emotions get in the way. So even though I was concentrating hard on making a cloud dissipate .. at the same time I managed to remain detached (it's a
little trick of the brain .. hard to describe, but a bit like a light-switch).
The cloud did disappear. And it didn't take long, either. On one hand I was amazed that I could do it. Yet another part of me took it for
So I persuaded a family member to come outside.
I pointed to a cloud. I chose a chunk of clouds, all mixed up together. Then I chose a spot in one of the thickest and heaviest sections.
I told the family member that I was going to make that specific area disappear .. leaving the rest of the cloud mass untouched. I thought that was
the best way to illustrate it. If I'd chosen a wispy cloud on its own, the family member might believe it had dissipated on its own. So I chose a
thick, strong section within a mass of heavy looking cloud. That way, it would be clear that only the target section had been deliberately
Then I concentrated on making the target area disappear.
To begin with, nothing seems to happen. Then, it seems to progress really fast after that. Basically, I concentrate, and I include an element of
'fabric softener' into the 'beam' I'm creating with my concentration.
If you've ever poured fabric-softener into a mass of soap-suds, you'll know what I mean. The fabric softener cuts right through the soap-suds,
leaving a hole within the mass of suds. So that's what I project, mentally. I 'see' the imaginary fabric softener making a hole in the cloud
Within a few minutes .. not long .. maybe five minutes .. there was a hole in the midst of the cloud mass. The target area of cloud just wasn't
there any more, even though all the cloud around the target was still there and not much changed at all.
It was a bit like a new toy for a while and I tried whenever possible to arrange for a family member to be present. I'm glad I chose family members,
because they were really reluctant to leave what they were doing in order to witness my activities. They were what might be described as 'hostile
witnesses' and only very reluctantly would they admit that yes ... the target areas of cloud had been dissipated. They were far from suggestible and
if they could have debunked what was going on .. they
would have done, believe me ! Sulky, hostile witnesses who begrudgingly acknowledged
that it's possible to dissipate clouds with just concentration. But that's better for the purpose of the exercise than someone who will agree with
you, or someone who's suggestible and easily swayed.
I'd forgotten all about it until I saw this thread .. so thanks for reminding me
I'll have to write myself a note, to remind myself to start doing it again.
If I can, I'm going to try to arrange for someone (family members again) to take photos, although that won't be easy, knowing them.