posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:01 AM
Oh Please.
I'm sorry, but assumptions that war games are developed for the sole purpose of forwarding some secret agenda is completely absurd. While they do in
fact desensitize the population, it is not done for reason of following a clandestine plot.
Game categories include: Fighting, Racing, Strategy, Adventure, Simulation, Sports Puzzle, First Person Shooters, and more. Street Fighter is to
fighting as Gran Turismo is to racing. Mario is to adventure as Doom is to first person shooter. Tetris is to puzzle as Command & Conquer is to
And guess what, human nature is to fascination with Sex, Drugs, and Violence. We do this to ourselves. Pop culture reflects a mass population's
liking. We as humans enjoy sex and have a curiosity for destruction (ie: if you've never experienced a hurricane before, and one is in trajectory
with your very area. It's human nature to be curious, almost excited to see what it does). The powers that be just exploit the negative in order to
manipulate or ruin the population. It's as much our fault just as it is theirs. 50 Cent was living in the ghettos of NYC. Katie Perry was once a
normal highschool girl. And Marylin Manson was once a low-self esteem normal teenager. We make them who they are and that is convenient to the powers
that be.
That said, it is to no surpirse that war games are so popular. Violence sells. It's not like these game companies set out to conspire an agenda. They
develop what sells. If we didn't buy war games there wouldn't be a countless sequels of Call of Duties, Command & Conquers, Rainbow Six's, and the
list goes on and on. But we consume these games; we buy them so they'll keep making more.
The pattern is also consistent to their genre. That's why you'll never see an "adventure" or "puzzle" war game. If you were a game developer
fond of making strategy games, what better concept for strategy is there rather than war? Maybe building cities (Sim City)? But I can assure you war
games sell more than city-building strategy sims. Just as strategy games evolved into running your own hopsitals, zoos, trains, amusement parks, they
also evolved into another branch that is war-strategy, command your own armies.
The same can be said about first person shooters which started with Wolfenstein, Doom, and evolved into the countless of war first person shooters we
have today. It was discovered that a well-made first person war game shooter could make millions of dollars with Medal of Honor about a decade ago and
war games have never looked back. It makes absolute perfect sense that the common and oversaturated "find key, open door" simple
first-person-"shooter" evolved into a war sub-genre. It's no conspiracy, no agenda. I agree, it desensitizes the youth, but boy oh boy does it make
a living. And as long as they sell, they'll keep em' coming ladies & gentlemen.