Originally posted by ARNOMANNN
I hope and pray that the poop doesn't hit the fan after tomorrow!!!!
Oh, I'm sorry, you must not have heard about our fine country. This is America, as in the United States of America. Here, we allow murderers to go to
prisons that offer three meals a day, full health and dental care and many times those convicted felons can be released even if they were sentenced to
life terms.
Here we have corrupt business leaders who are not held accountable for their greed and evil ways. Instead we pass laws that hold the middle class
accountable for bailing out these corrupt men and women who then turn around and use the funds to go on lavish vacations while their own employees get
In America education of our children is the lowest possible priority as teachers are constantly judged by the grades their students receive and the
scores their students make on TAKS tests, not whether the students are actually learning anything. Here, we pass laws saying that if students don't
turn in their homework, the teacher is not allowed to give the student a zero, and must give the student more time to turn in the work and cannot
count off points for it being late (true story, this recently happened in Dallas County ISD).
In America, we have an unnatural love relationship with our motor vehicles - such that many opt to drive huge SUVs that get 10 or 11 miles per gallon
and belch out tons of environmentally poisonous toxins. Our motto on cars has, for a long time been, "F**K the Earth, Get Yours!"
In this country we encourage smart men and women to become soulless defense attorneys who will twist facts and sentences to get people they know whom
are guilty off the hook so they can make an extra buck and gain reputation. The more scumbags we can get off, the higher our reputation becomes and
more we are revered by our fellow Americans.
Here, we judge each other not by how we treat our families and friends, but by how much crap we own. The finest people in America obviously have the
biggest, best and newer things that our markets have to offer.
In America we encourage people to eat badly from the time they are children, and then tell them not to worry, as there are the wonders of plastic
surgery and gastric bypass to help them lose that weight almost overnight. Go ahead and super-size those fries! You can drop the weight later!
We also encourage our citizens to always, always borrow much more than they can pay back so people live beyond their means. It's okay, because we
have prominent lawyers who will help you declare bankruptcy to get out of paying off those debts! Go ahead and run up those credit cards!
Dude ...
You wonder why this country is so screwed up? We've been that way for a long, long time.