posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 11:46 AM
I've never consciously sought what might be my power animal, if in fact the concept has any basis.
But if I were to nominate one, I suspect mine might be lizards.
They chose me, rather than the reverse.
Not that I know much about lizards at all. But several years ago, I experienced a series of extremely accurate precognitive dreams, featuring
lizards, as I've written about in previous ATS posts.
The precognitive dreams continued for several weeks. All involved lizards. All occurred in reality a day or two later, except the last and most
disturbing, which did not manifest in reality until ten days later.
I related the dreams to others, as soon as possible after I'd dreamed them. And in each case, there were witnesses when the events manifested in
this our 'real world'.
Have never been quite sure why I was sent the dreams, or why lizards played such a prominent role in those dreams. I suspected it was in order I
would pay equal attention to dreams yet to come.
In fact, this turned out to be the case. Soon after the lizard-dreams ceased, I had another dream, equally vivid, about a home-invasion and
And as it happened, the police apprehended a gang of men who in fact had been observed in two cars which had been parked outside our home for several
nights. The men departed swiftly and without turning on their vehicles' lights when a neighbour made it clear they were being observed at the same
time those men had been observing me. The neighbour was prompted to action when two of the men began scaling our perimeter fence. Subsequent
investigation revealed the gang of men were responsible for a number of break-ins in previous weeks, during which the victims' homes had been
destroyed in what the police later described as 'frenzied, animalistic orgy of destruction' during which even the victims' vehicles had been
destroyed beyond repair.
None of the other victims had been at home at the time of the attacks however, whereas the gang had continued stalking our home despite their
awareness I was at home and awake.
Several weeks prior to the commencement of the lizard dreams, I'd accidentally trodden on a very small lizard which had been partially underneath our
front door mat. I'd put the lizard in an empty matchbox on my dressing table and a few times a day I dropped a few droplets of water in the box and
a dead ant, to sustain the lizard if it began to recover.
Initially, others had advised the lizard was damaged beyond repair, but I had hope for it and in fact, it made a full recovery in time-- it was quite
amazing, considering how badly it had been damaged. I released it back into the garden when it was fully recovered.
Don't know if the 'lizard kingdom' rewarded me by sending me the series of precognitive lizard-dreams, which in turn led to the precognitive dream
about the potential break-in.
Until the lizard-dreams, I'd had little to no experience of lizards. I suppose if I hadn't had the lizard dreams, I would have remained frightened
of them.
The lizard dreams foretold of a specific lizard which would appear at various locations on our property. Within a day or so, a lizard conforming with
the dream would appear in exactly the dreamed-of location. Some of them were quite large .. up to a foot or two in length. The lizards were of
various kinds. We'd had no lizards at all on the property before the dreams began. It was a densely populated suburban area.
Perhaps because I'd dreamed of each lizard before I saw it in real-life, I wasn't as scared of it as I would normally have been when I encountered
it in reality. In any event, with my son's help, we managed in all but one instance to coax the lizards into large containers, after which we drove
them to a native-animal reserve where they were released. The lizard which was the exception died, in exactly the manner revealed in the final
precognitive lizard dream.
As consequence of the lizard dreams, followed by the real-life encounters with the lizards, I grew to quite like them. Since then, I've had a few
dreams of being in a desert and being 'saved' by lizards, who 'spoke' to me and kept me company . . led me to water and a place to hide. Should
add that these later dreams have been just that .. simple dreams and not of the precognitive variety.