posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:35 AM
If the Aliens wanted to initiate contact with us , a mass fleet hanging over majr cities is a big no no , not only as stated in a previous response
would it attract the attention of the military , it would also 'freak' out the populations they are trying to have contact with.
Most people of Earth are so 'acclimatised' to watching films portraying Aliens as flesh eating , face ripping and conquering the masses for farming
or slave labour then the population would attack them even if asked / told not to.
If the Aliens were considerate to the masses of this sordid little berg then they would also know that any mass landings or even mass fly-bys would
mean that more than a few thousand people would panic and commit suicide in fear. The Aliens should be compassionate and would not approach Earth in
this manner.
I therefore would suggest that IF I were an Alien I would send one ship to the power hub of the World , either New York, Washington DC, London or
Moscow, or actually thinking about it all those countries are the ones that seem to be fighting all the time. I would send one to Tokyo , the Japs are
quite relaxed about 'foreigners' but the 'landing/fly-by would have to be done in Daylight so the masses there can take pictures/ videos etc.
Then as the ship hovers there for a few days let the news trickle down to the rest of the world via local media. And any country supressing the news
( as the Aliens would / should be monitoring the broadcasts) they should send a ship over the that country to force the issue, ( any attack should be
dealt with by 'paralysing' said forces and not destroying anything). Come in peace and all that.
Then after a few days of dawdling and allowing for the news to filter down then broadcast on all radio/ tv frequencies " we come in peace" in all
known languages, and if theyre 'pyschic' then we'd hear the message in our heads in our own primary language ( the one we all think to oursleves
then pop down to street level, and shake a few hands, kiss a few babies, stroke a few dogs, and then usher in a new peaceful era by allowing us to
'assimilate' technology that would help us but not kill or harm us. and not divulge any weapons technology no matter what we offer /demand.