posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Good grief. Let's get to the bottom line, here. If she does in fact have any evidence of these encounters she has made it clear that she does not
intend to present it here. That leaves us with the following options:
A. Fuss and fret about it
B. Take her at her word
C. Don't take her at her word
D. Leave it as an open possibility, neither proven nor disproven
If you choose option A, I'd say you ought to settle down a bit. Granted, any discussion in which the participants vehemently disagree on something
can lead to a bit of an argument, that's natural. But for the past two or three pages most of the responses from both sides of this discussion have
been repetitive and have added little or nothing of value to the discussion. Although I was planning to put in a good word for you, Hank McCoy, for
posting empirical data that contradicts your earlier hypothesis. I agree that honesty is vital to any truly skeptical viewpoint.
If you choose option B, I'd say you might be a little too quick to jump to conclusions. There could be other possibilities, information that you
don't know about. Calihan, I suspect there could be a series of coincidences leading to this result... emphasis on the word, "could." For the sake
of this post I'm not doubting what you've experienced, but there may be other causes you haven't fully considered; we must always remember that the
mind can play tricks on us. Mine certainly has, and I might come back to that later. We must treat all possibilities with equal fairness before we
judge them.
If you choose option C, I'd say you're too quick to dismiss the possibility that she could be right about most or everything she's saying. The
moment we start thinking we know everything about what's going on around us is the moment we cross over from the land of scientific inquiry into the
land of fools. Since we have only her word to go on, and what we do know about the universe tells us that an alien presence could be a very real
possibility, it is difficult or, perhaps in this case impossible, to deny that she might be right.
I say, go with option D. There's just not enough evidence to go on, here, to formulate any kind of conclusion with any certainty. Maybe that means
it's pointless to participate in this thread... if you feel that way, that's fair enough. I, for one, am interested in what else she may have to
say, if only to indulge my own imagination.
That said: Calihan, if I were to assume that these "abductions" were in fact extraterrestrial as you have suggested, I'm curious to know what your
reaction is. How do you feel about it? Do you feel a pressing urge to prevent them from reoccurring, or to reveal them as a reality to other people?
Or have you come to just accept them or put up with them as a part of your life that you cannot control or affect?