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Portal established between the Sun and Earth

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posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:43 AM
Saw this and thought it very interesting:

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:47 AM
Its interesting that its every 8 minutes that the "portal" opens. The same time it takes for the light to reach the Earth.

Coincidence or intelligent creation?

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:11 AM
It seems obvious it has to be intelligent creation.

The lord said : "let there be busy, working particles, then let there be lazy ones."

So that when a lazy particle sees a busy one leaving for its long journey towards earth, can just sit back and enjoy its time in the nice, warm sun's atmosphere.
Then the lazy particle catches the high speed express ride and gets to earth before the working one.

It all makes sense, The Lord did this to level the playing field and to teach particles to use their brain.

Incidentaly, the lazy particles organise huge parties on the sun making fun of the working ones.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Chrysalis
It seems obvious it has to be intelligent creation.

The lord said : "let there be busy, working particles, then let there be lazy ones."

So that when a lazy particle sees a busy one leaving for its long journey towards earth, can just sit back and enjoy its time in the nice, warm sun's atmosphere.
Then the lazy particle catches the high speed express ride and gets to earth before the working one.

It all makes sense, The Lord did this to level the playing field and to teach particles to use their brain.

Incidentaly, the lazy particles organise huge parties on the sun making fun of the working ones.

The Lord?

Why does everything have to be from a Lord?
Do you even know the meaning of the word Lord?
It means someone above you that tells you what to do.
The word was put in the Bible by the British Monarchy who reigned at the time.
Why do people need someone to tell them what to do?
Cant they think for themselves?
Clearly if there is such a portal, it was made by other intelligent life not a LORD!!!

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Interestinggg

Originally posted by Chrysalis
It seems obvious it has to be intelligent creation.

The lord said : "let there be busy, working particles, then let there be lazy ones."

So that when a lazy particle sees a busy one leaving for its long journey towards earth, can just sit back and enjoy its time in the nice, warm sun's atmosphere.
Then the lazy particle catches the high speed express ride and gets to earth before the working one.

It all makes sense, The Lord did this to level the playing field and to teach particles to use their brain.

Incidentaly, the lazy particles organise huge parties on the sun making fun of the working ones.

The Lord?

Why does everything have to be from a Lord?
Do you even know the meaning of the word Lord?
It means someone above you that tells you what to do.
The word was put in the Bible by the British Monarchy who reigned at the time.
Why do people need someone to tell them what to do?
Cant they think for themselves?
Clearly if there is such a portal, it was made by other intelligent life not a LORD!!!

Perhaps your Sarcasm-O-Meter is broken as well?
And it seems your Political-Joke-O-Meter is due for calibration.

Anywho...this really ties in with the whole Electric Universe theory, and makes me wonder if it could somehow be used to generate usable energy.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:13 AM
Cool man! Twisted facts...

But now when we know this, what do we do?
Can I go there?

Flag n' star!

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:29 AM
This is truly amazing indeed and it has to be the creation of something intelligent, i doubt events like this collaborate perfectly. Now, how could we use this to our advantage, as a species...

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
Its interesting that its every 8 minutes that the "portal" opens. The same time it takes for the light to reach the Earth.

Coincidence or intelligent creation?

Or how about causation? Could it be that *gasp* the two events are perhaps mathematically linked? Maybe there's a ratio at play here, a combination of the earth's distance from the sun, its rate of revolution, and the two bodies' respective magnetic fields? Or is every coincidence a product of a higher power meddling with us?

Ever wonder why your car always stops moving the exact minute you run out of gas? Spooky, huh?

Originally posted by serbsta has to be the creation of something intelligent, i doubt events like this collaborate perfectly...

Well it's a good thing you and your doubts are on the case, or this little mystery may have gone unsolved forever.

Come the hell on people, it's a natural phenomena that just needs to be explained. At least wait for the explanation to have a gap before you inject your god into it.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:13 PM

Someone posts a great discovery with loads of discussion posibilites and some great science to boot and it becomes a thiest versus athiests debate.

If anyone is actually interested in the science and not just philisophical sniping perhaps this may interest you

Meteorologists can no longer view the Earth as an isolated system. Both long-term climate changes and day-to-day weather show links with the Sun's activity. Scientists therefore study the nature of those links intensely. With data from ESA's spaceprobes SOHO, Cluster, and Ulysses, we now have the information we need to solve the mystery of how the Sun's activity affects the climate here on Earth. This study is the first step in setting up a new type of weather forecast - the space-weather bulletin.

For the Sun to affect the Earth's weather, the Sun's behaviour must vary in some way. At visible wavelengths, however, the Sun is remarkably constant. Satellite data show that there are dramatic changes going on beyond this narrow range. For example, the Sun emits a 'wind' of charged particles and we know that this wind is variable. The ultraviolet radiation released by the Sun also varies. Studying the interaction between solar variability and the Earth environment is a science known as 'space weather'.

Earth's magnetic field buffeted by solar wind
This solar variability is caused by the ever-changing magnetic behaviour of the Sun. The Sun's magnetic behaviour changes on an 11-year cycle, passing from 'solar minimum' to 'solar maximum'. At the peak of this cycle, one of which occurred last year, the solar wind is stormy because explosions on the Sun's surface catapult particles outwards with an increased intensity. The energy released during such explosions can be up to one thousand million megatonnes (or 66 thousand million times the energy released by the Hiroshima atomic bomb). Such events are also the source of the variable ultraviolet emissions.

ESA's solar fleet is observing these phenomena very carefully and from several points in space. The joint ESA/NASA spaceprobe, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), is constantly watching the Sun, monitoring this activity. The solar wind gusts buffet the magnetic field of the Earth. ESA's quartet of satellites, Cluster, monitors these effects close to Earth while Ulysses patrols the Sun in a tilted orbit, well away from the plane of the planets, to get a more 'global' view of the solar wind.

It is quite clear that the suns weather can directly affect the earths. I will also be interested in seeing if this will have an effect on forecasting meteorolgy as well as implications it may have on harnessing solar power. Great find OP star and flag for you.

and to you philisophical goons parading around with your less than palatable replies we could do without your sniping here on the sci/tech boards

[edit on 1-11-2008 by constantwonder]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Chrysalis

The lord said : "let there be busy, working particles, then let there be lazy ones."

What luck for rulers that masses don't think...

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:08 PM
Not sure if anyone has posted a link to this movie yet, but its a must watch for anyone interested in this phenomenon.

Thunderbolt Of The Gods

Also, the 8 minute window must have some link to the 8 minutes it takes light from the sun to reach us.

On a side note this might answer the age old question of what would happen to the earth if the sun were to suddenly disappear.


posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by TheRealDonPedros

On a side note this might answer the age old question of what would happen to the earth if the sun were to suddenly disappear.

Don't know, but we would have only 8-minutes to figure it out?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:26 PM
Cool stuff..

The 8 minute relation to light is very interesting and could be related
to many different theories.

I would bet it has something to do with earths ability to support life.
we know that the magnetism affects us, (studies have found that
when cows are at pasture they tend to graze predominantly in line
with earths north south magnetism, so much so that it isn't
coincidental, but we aren't sure exactly why)

I wonder if these portals ever go beyond earth or in another direction,
or do they specifically only come toward earth?

And it's weird that they just so happen to be about the size of earth.

I wonder if there could be any way we could use these for to improve
the speed of space travel.

Good find, more research should be done on this.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Thousand
Come the hell on people, it's a natural phenomena that just needs to be explained. At least wait for the explanation to have a gap before you inject your god into it.


Next you will be trying to tell me that Raiden from Mortal Kombat isn't responsible for the creation of thunder!

Back on topic, fascinating discovery! My first response was to check the article wasn't dated April the 1st in case NASA were playing a joke on us. Looking forward to hearing more about this.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by sonicology]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:51 PM
This is a great development in our understanding of the universe.

There is already a thread on this:

Magnetic Portal Connects Sun and Earth

Looks like it was posted first but on Breaking news.
Kind Regards,


posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:54 PM
Hello all,

Sorry, not really contributing to the discussion here although it is a very interesting topic, I just had to point out to those of you who may have missed the bottom of the linked page:
"In a presentation at the 2008 Plasma Workshop, Robert Fear of the University of Leicester, UK, presented some alternatives for the magnetic topology of FTEs."

The pictures were nice and put into your mind how the magnetic tunnel or connection to earth might look like if it were visible.....but check out the name of the guy who presented it Mr. Fear!...woah! I wish I had a name like that, expect to see it in a new superhero movie coming out soon.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:55 PM

every 8 minutes that the "portal" opens.

From what I gather, choice of the word "portal" to describe what's going on is extremely misleading. It's not that there's "magic gate" that opens and closes, through which particles are passing so as to skip the space in between. Rather, the ebb and flow of the solar wind is such that we get particles in bursts with pauses in between, rather than in a constant flow.

Like waves on the beach.

"We used to think the connection was permanent and that solar wind could trickle into the near-Earth environment anytime the wind was active," says Sibeck. "We were wrong. The connections are not steady at all. They are often brief, bursty and very dynamic."

Water waves don't crash onto any particular portion of the beach "constantly." Rather, they hit at semi regular intervals. Sounds to me like they're simply saying that particles from the sun behave similarly.

Approximately every eight minutes, the two fields briefly merge or "reconnect," forming a portal through which particles can flow.

I wonder if they're using the word "connect" to describe this because it's a flow with an electric charge, and it's unconventional to think of an electric current traveling through the vacuum of space. As others have pointed out, it takes roughly 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach earth. If this "connection" occurs every eight minutes and then shuts off, it wouldn't be possible for light to reach us in that time. So, more likely what's really happening is that light is traveling always and at all times, but the magnetic flow is using it as a conduit less "evenly."

[edit on 1-11-2008 by LordBucket]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:01 PM
So how does the opening of this magnetic portal allowing these particles into our magnetosphere affect, anything? Weather, devices, migration patterns?
The obvious point is that the magnetic flux can't be traveling >speed of light.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:22 PM
8 minutes eh?

So as soon as a burst of particles reaches earth, a new burst is sent. I'm curious as to the length of time it takes for these particle corridors to reach other planets. Knowing this could clarify whether or not it has anything to do with the speed of light.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:30 PM

So as soon as a burst of particles reaches earth, a new burst is sent.

"Sent?" That's not how I would look at it.

If you bang a piece of metal, it will make a sound. That sound will be the same pitch every time you bang the metal, as a result of its length.

Similarly, I'm guessing that the frequency (pitch) of the arrival of the charged particles is a function of the distance from the sun to earth (length of the metal.)

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