posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:55 AM
Originally posted by mind is the universe
reply to post by pharaohmoan
Cheers for the reply. I'm really interested in your perception's on this. I will read the entire thead and give a better response to what I feel
Since I've become aware of my own power, energy and use to this world. I'm having a lot of trouble to remain in balance. The power of the mind is
unlimited. It's quite scary once you are aware of it and knowing how you can effect the reality around you.
I'm really trying to meditate and focus my own energy for the last few weeks. It's been tough but hopefully I'll pull through.
It's lovely to hear when people become aware of their power, it’s a good indication of inner strength. Initially the mind finds it hard to accept
such concepts and also society doesn't generally embrace those who make such declarations but things are changing and sites like ATS are a blessing
in this respect.
I went through many struggles pushing through the boundaries of the mind, it was like being in turbulence for some time as I stripped away layers of
conditioned thoughts and responses. I think for the most part the mental struggle comes about when the mind has to restructure its belief system
temporally to allow reformatting/restructuring of the new information coming in. This happens especially when key pieces of information I call them
'eureka packets of info' are absorbed and verified by the individual, a good early example of this might be the acceptance of life after death, the
acceptance of this leads to a new paradigm of thinking as many avenues of thought and possibilities obviously open up from this point of acceptance.
As you move on and gather more and more information you put more and more pieces of the puzzle together, complete a picture, and give structure and
solidity to your belief system. Problems arise when questions are left unanswered and there are gaps in your belief system. This might be what you
are experiencing!.
Originally posted by Ant4AU
Ok, if I am understanding you correctly then you are the new messiah, and we should follow you/listen to your teachings of enlightenment/ to
overthrow the evil that has taken hold in our world. Yet you can’t do it without us. If I understand you correctly.
I am not going to answer that, not just because you are a newbie but because your words seem vindictive and I haven’t time for that kind of
Originally posted by ArcAngel
It's post like these that give us all a bad name.. out on the fringe with no facts or data.. just "believe me" "I have talked to the pentagon,
blah blah blah".
Please don't post unless you research and have facts.
Mods .. close this thread please... it is not within the TOC of this board.
There will always be those like yourself that ask for proof when in actual fact proof only comes to those who allow their minds to pass a stage
involving 'faith', that's just the way it is, one has to take certain leaps of faith in order to gain the proof, no-one is going to hand it on a
plate to you.
And please don't tell me when and where to post, you are not a moderator. Go elsewhere if you don’t want to hear what I’ve got to share, simple
as really.