I'm sure this has passed through your mind before, about Always NEEDING permission to do or do that, build this, buy that, marry, immigrate, pay
taxes, ect...
Let's see what we all have to do here in order to STAY OUT OF PRISON, get fined, or like I said STAY OUT OF PRISON.
Even those who believe they own their land are deceived, because if they are paying property taxes to the current "legal owner"
men's fraudulent legislation), then they are only the equitable owner - a tenant, like in the feudal system (please see the Ames excerpt below).
The fastest way to find out who is the legal owner is to stop paying property tax and see who sends you notices, or knocks on your door, demanding
In addition to being land-less, and having to buy the basic living necessities like food, clothing, electricity, water, etc., from someone in the
market system, your oppressive enemy monitors and controls your day-to-day personal life. They maintain this control through compulsory: permits;
zoning ordinances; government inspectors and "needing" their approval; universal identification numbers, like the Social Security Number, required
for almost every application form and transaction; licenses (marriage, business, professional, hunting, fishing, etc.); birth certificates;
state-issued travel documents (driver licenses, passports); registration of property (cars, boats, etc.), etc.
They also use sophisticated and comprehensive information collection and processing like: closed circuit t.v. cameras on street corners to monitor
neighborhoods, with "eliminating street crime" given as the official reason; the census and computerization of all personal records with sharing or
selling of your information by those who have access to it; computer software with trojan horses and backdoors built-in, to snoop through your
personal computer files; fingerprint and DNA databanks; and progression to an electronic-commerce "cash-less" system, to track every single
transaction; and more. This is to say nothing of the fact that since you are operating in their market system, you are forced to use their "money"
as well, and they control and manipulate its relative value. Your enemy has its own private, corporate police (Note: they are NOT lawful "peace
officers") and other various "law" enforcement agencies and bureaucracies, to make sure you comply with their policies, created by the legislation
of political parties and politicians, making more and more things "illegal" to extort fines and other moneys from honest Law-abiding people.
have things not gotten quite unbearable enough yet?
Do you have children?
Then you are forced to have their healthy bodies injected with some kinds of substances (does anyone really know what is in those syringes?) under the
government's vaccination/innoculation program (see
Protocol 10), or they can't attend compulsory
government public or private schools. Do you "home-school" your children? Then you must do so in accordance with their rules, approved curriculum,
and supervision. Stephen Ames in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, while fighting the tax system, was being persecuted under the official government charge
(among other unfounded and ludicrous charges) of "teaching from The Bible, without training". The real reason is: that he is dangerous to the Hidden
Hand's plan because he researches, uncovers, and promotes the Truth of their frauds. Here is an excerpt from one of his essays, "The Ultimate
Delusion", containing some facts (with references) about what you THINK is yours.
"The primary control and custody of infants is with the government" Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62
"Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties - the husband, the wife and the state." Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.
"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State: individual so-called 'ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law amounting to
mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. Senate Document No. 43 73rd Congress 1st Session.
(Brown v. Welch supra)
"The right of traffic or the transmission of property, as an absolute inalienable right, is one which has never existed since governments were
instituted, and never can exist under government." Wynehamer v. The People. 13 N.Y. Rep.378, 481
"...You own no Property because you are a slave. Really you are worse off than a slave because you are also a debtor... Don't let this information
alarm you because without it you cannot be free. You have to understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind. When your mind allows you
to accept and understand that the United States, Great Britain and the Vatican are corporations which are nothing but fictional entities which have
been placed into your mind, you will understand that our slavery is because we believe in fictions." - Stephen Ames.
* * *
Government agencies, like the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) in New Jersey, will come to your home with a court order, abduct your
children, and put them into their sinister foster care system. Many of these foster parents in that system are unfit, to say it kindly, and are only
doing it to receive government living subsidies which they spend on themselves. There are countless accounts of children unnecessarily living in
unhealthy (physically & mentally), unloving, and even dangerous environments, being repeatedly moved from one foster home to another, and suffering
from sexual and other abuse; in addition to the initial and ongoing trauma of being taken from their happy, stable, natural family. Meanwhile, the
natural parents' life is hell attempting to find and regain custody of their own children, and all of this nightmare situation is usually based on a
mere (usually trumped-up) suspicion of the natural parents impropriety, which the government agency never bothers to prove. It sounds like the agency
is correctly named, since the service it seems to provide is the forced, unlawful division of the youths (children) from their Godly family.