posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 08:35 AM
We are slaves to the system we are over worked, when it never used to be the hours people work everyday or everyweek.
I don't consider myself any less of a slave then anybody else ambientsound, but I am also aware of the lies within in the government, i'm aware that
this organization needs our money not just for them, but disperse it through programs, and pay off the national debt, amongst other things..
I can't believe how many things people have to pay taxes too!
When did it get like this, and if people really did live in a democratic society, they would have their say, they would be able make decisions on
proposed bills.
But no, the only thing we can do is bitch about it and go hold up signs.. wow.. talk about fairness.. Talk about democracy.........
It's nice that yourliving comfortably, and so am I, but I have the right to bitch about things that aren't right, and this isn't one of them.
We are all slaves, slaves to the system, the government holds alot of the power these days, then before, and people hold less, AND LESS , and less, as
the months move forwards.
You don't have ot have a problem with that, i'm not asking you to, I know what's going on, and I don't like it, so it's my duty to share with my
fellow neighbors what I don't agree with.
And I hope this might affect people's votes, so they don't vote liberal or repub... They aren't the same parties anymore..
Isn't it nice that if you go purchase a car, you have ot pay taxes on it?? It's just conveniently added on to the bill, and you have NO SAY about
And what if you do have a say?? It's still too bad... You HAVE to. If you don't want to, you get fined... Or worse.
It's like the big bully in the school yard forcing you to pay up, or else...
They are a mob, they are theives... They had nothing to do with that car purchase, nor do they have anything to do with your property that you own,
but because they set the system up this way, now they think they own everything!
Not to mention we are also debtors on top of it.
Slaves and debtors, good combination..
i'm sorry, but my hard earned money is also slipping into their pockets also, because that will keep me out of jail???
How is that for democracy??