+28 more
posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 12:46 PM
I have almost had a gutful of all these prophecies, that never come true being posted on ATS, cloggin up the boards and frustrating everyone. Rather
than continue complaining like I and others have been doing, I decided to start this thread to fight back.
Here's a history (brief to start off with) of prophecies/ predictions that some users have been insisting will occur, only to have the date come and
go without anything out of the ordinary
Blossom Goodchild 14th of October GFL appearance
The obvious place to start, I guess enough has been said about this one
Rapture September 2008
Yes, according to the some religious sects, the rapture was supposed to occur last month. I wonder if any of them are missing?
The American Civil War 2005- John Titor
Well this one didnt happen a long time ago....unless you believe in the alternate timeline BS the hoaxer used to cover his behind
Anything with the name Syvlia Brown Attached to it
She has been wrong on more occasions than anyone. Anyone disagree? There is an abundance of her incorrect ramblings all over the internet
Bill Deagles vision for 7 October 2008
He predicted a meltdown of the stock exchange, specifically for October the 7th. He's also a a killer and compulsive liar
JULY 8, 2008 is hard coded in the Word of God as the next Major Judgment Date
Was supposed to be an event that was much worse than 9/11.....another one based on scripture gone horribly wrong
The Mahdi, who is believed by Moslems to be the Messiah/Saviour, is expected to return at the Spring Equinox, or very close to
Apparently all of the enemies of Islam (ie everyone not muslim) were going to be destroyed on the Spring equinox
8/8/08, 10/10/08, etc
No matter how hard they try, the prophets always get these ones wrong
[colour=Red]Hear Ye! Hear ye! World toEnd Tomorrow* (September 22-23)
Yet another biblical prophecy alleging there would be major terrorist attacks in the UK and the USA, wrong again
If the US does not pull out of Iraq we will lose two thirds of the Worlds population by 2006.
Just a sample of the hundreds Billy Meier has got incorrect....and he has plenty more to come to. Something to look forward to I guess
Titor and the olympics
According to everyone favorite time traveller, no olympics were supposed to held after 2004. Yet we had the winter olympics in 2206 and the Beijing
olympics this year. Must be those blasted alternate dimensions again
2 Billion to die in the next 12 months
Well that one was obviously a huge stuff up, no huge massacre as of yet. But at least the poster of the thread got lots of replies eh
July 17th Full Moon: Something Extraordinary Happening
Apparently a flowering of spirtual light was supposed to happen, whatever that means. Nothing extraordinary did happen on that date
Beijing Olympics
Yeah something terrorist in origin was supposed to occur...
Nibiru in 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005 etc
Apparently the sumerians got it wrong as did the millions of Nibiru believers/ prophets....repeatedly (I know great prophets huh). Due to popular
demand, prophets have pushed its arrival back to 2012
I know I havent covered all of them, so ATS'ers, I implore you to add to this thread:
1. The ones I have missed
2. Ones in the future that do not come true
Its now time to laugh at these false predictions instead of getting angry and arguing with them.
Its time to fight back!!
Edited to change color
[edit on 31/10/2008 by OzWeatherman]
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