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Truck driver report of UFO near Empire, OH

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posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Allred5923
What really gets ones attention for this being a factual credible sighting, is that there were other witnesses and having the photos is just "Icing on the Cake."

“As I was driving along the route, I noticed there were a couple of cars along side the road with their lights still on. People were standing outside their car and that peeked my curiosity about what was going on. I looked in the direction that they were looking, which was toward the top of a rather large hill. I looked up and there was a very bright object just above the tree level. I can’t really say for sure what it was because I’ve never seen anything like it. It seemed self-luminescent. It was about the size of a large pickup truck and it was very bright whenever I looked at it. That’s really what caught my attention.

Now, an article like this should be very credible to scrutiny, even if one is a bit skeptical. There is way too many times something like this gets put to the way side of proof's, I just wish there would be a way to get people more to the "Aliens are alive and well" agreement.

How do you know there were other witnesses?

No others have come forward.
The only evidence of other witnesses is Tim's story.
You cannot use unproven witnesses who, at the moment, are nothing more than part of Tim's account, to prove Tim's account.

That's like saying a book is provably written by a dragon because it says so in the book.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by anyone

thanks for the comment. and i tend to agree with you OFTEN as well.

as for the technology used in order to keep the craft "cloaked" i have a feeling that the chrystalline effect has to do with absorbing light. to me its seems more like common sense approach to keeping the ship hidden instead of a engineering feat which includes cloaking although im sure 99% of the crafts are able to do it. order to open some minds here..

lets sit back in awe of the simple fact that we have a truck driver and other pedestrians who pulled over to watch a brightly glowing cacoon type obeject "rise" up to a what seemed to be a traiangular craft..

doesnt that hit a common sense nerve that this cannot be normal human activity?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Did anyone else notice the Jason Rowland interview at the top of the page the OP linked? He says military jets flew toward one of the lights, then the jets red beacon lights disappeared. Am I reading this wrong? If not maybe that should be the real story here. I know it's a separate incident in a different state, but wow.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by AvidWatcher]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by AvidWatcher

I read that as's a crazy story. I've never heard anyone describe a UFO in that kind of way.

Interesting stuff.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:58 PM
Great find. Interesting pic indeed.

And why are there such a huge need to debunk things??
Almost like it is a sport...

You can reproduce more or less anything you see in the skies or on the ground pretty easy. But that doesn't really prove anything.

Most of the debunking are just as proofless as the claims of Aliens exists. Still we humans seem to lean more towards trusting the debunker without proof instead of the one claiming ET's exist without proof automatically because it falls within our own "human standards" and logics.

Same kinda goes in here.
I've seen so many times in this forum where a image gets a fairly good logical natural explanation ( without real solid proof ) and people just buy it... Just like that. They say "Thank you" and laugh and point fingers towards those who believe otherwise.

This picture posted here is quite a good one.
Sure it most certainly could be a streetlamp, but the 3 other dots/orbs are pretty hard to explain. I like to believe they are not reflections.

I like to believe that this picture is quite genuine ( eventhough it isn't ), for one simple reason...

To make me keep watching the sky with the eyes of the wonderer.
This is what I like to do. To "dream" away, watching the stars.

So thank you for the pics.

Starred and flagged.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:22 PM
Too bad he doesn't give an exact location. I work on a project at the powerplant mentioned in the article. I could of taken pictures of the location, could of helped the analysis.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Lecter]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:30 PM
Two weeks ago a friend of mine asked me if I had heard about the sighting by the dam. (New Cumberland locks and dam are across the highway from the power plant) When I asked him what he was talking about, he told me that he had heard ,on the police scanner, the Jefferson County Ohio Sheriffs Dept. dispatch an officer to investigate a UFO sighting in that area. I would think that there should be a report on this at the Sheriff's Dept.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Lecter

On the Earthfiles website is a daylight picture with the back of a couple road signs that shows where it happened.

Someone called it into the Jefferson County police. And apparently it was not the man interviewed because he did not say that.

This story is real.

If I were still living up there you'd see my van pulled off the road as I hiked up the hills!!!

Edit to correct..... my mistake... the police report was a couple weeks ago? Then not the same sighting?

[edit on 11/2/2008 by dreams n chains]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Akezzon

i agree with you i should have said the same thing myself ..... i do beleve they are out there but people should at least get a thumbs up for trying to fake us out just for the fun of it!

no realy keep watching the skys and avoid large flocks of birds flying over head!

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Akezzon

I like to believe that this picture is quite genuine ( eventhough it isn't ), for one simple reason...

To make me keep watching the sky with the eyes of the wonderer.
This is what I like to do. To "dream" away, watching the stars.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Akezzon]

if the picture is suspicous then the picture is suspicous.

to me it looks like a streetlamp like others have said. the two blurred white orbs look like other lights from things you'd expect to give of light at night, with trees in the background and the moon above them.

i have no idea if what it looks like to me is true. but it's the reason i don't trust this one.

we can still dream and watch the stars with or without this photo. it's believers pinning all their hopes on things that later turn out to be hoax's that turn off the sceptics and make them wary of the believers.

let it go we don't need it. it looks like hoax material to me, and i believe and have seen.

it dos'nt mean i or anybody else must believe every case though.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by dreams n chains
reply to post by Lecter

... the police report was a couple weeks ago? Then not the same sighting?

No, I guess it couldn't be the same sighting. My friend told me about this on Oct. 17 . But it is in the same area. So ,it would appear that something is going on there.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:37 AM
Here is another account from American Chronicles

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 08:36 AM
Monday I'll post a picture taken from the top of the chimney at the power plant mentioned in the story, you will be able to see Empire from it and it will encompass the area this supposed sighting occurred.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Lecter]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Boundforsomething

Originally posted by dreams n chains
reply to post by Lecter

... the police report was a couple weeks ago? Then not the same sighting?

No, I guess it couldn't be the same sighting. My friend told me about this on Oct. 17 . But it is in the same area. So ,it would appear that something is going on there.

It would be great if we could know what date your friend heard this around what time.

I found this website last night of archived scanner audio from Jefferson County (the county this UFO report is from).

Scanner Archive for Jefferson County Ohio

If we knew the date and time... everyone here who is interested could listen.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by lifeform

Originally posted by Akezzon

I like to believe that this picture is quite genuine ( eventhough it isn't ), for one simple reason...

To make me keep watching the sky with the eyes of the wonderer.
This is what I like to do. To "dream" away, watching the stars.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Akezzon]

if the picture is suspicous then the picture is suspicous.

to me it looks like a streetlamp like others have said. the two blurred white orbs look like other lights from things you'd expect to give of light at night, with trees in the background and the moon above them.

i have no idea if what it looks like to me is true. but it's the reason i don't trust this one.

we can still dream and watch the stars with or without this photo. it's believers pinning all their hopes on things that later turn out to be hoax's that turn off the sceptics and make them wary of the believers.

let it go we don't need it. it looks like hoax material to me, and i believe and have seen.

it dos'nt mean i or anybody else must believe every case though.

All pictures are always suspicious depending on who is lookin.

If you see a street lamp, then it probably is....for you.
This is because your point of view is sacred. And it is sacred for one reason only, You are the only one who can have it.

This is also the reason why I easily get annoyed when people do the "It's a hoax you gullible fools" comments. (This knife cuts both ways by the way). Cause I have nothing against someone telling their opinion, it is the process of rediculing those who think different that annoys me.

I think a major reason why I come here is not to "find the truth" ( some of it are ofc ) but to entertain myself with other peoples stories, experiences, pictures and videos. This site is a accelerator for my imaginary intellect.

Kinda easier to "dream" away after reading a nice post here than just to come up with it yourself. However, this doesn't mean people shouldn't have the right to say that this and that is a hoax, cause they have... But instead of everyone trying to convince everyone that their point of view are the right one we could just try to accept everyones way of looking at things.

This is ofc not an absolut way to follow ofc. But I try to follow this as much as I can.

I can ofc see the street lamp aswell, but the other dots are quite odd.
I agree with many others. The original would be good to have.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Akezzon

You do realize that even if the original pictures were posted here and showed the accurate time and date that the man would be attacked by certain members stating that it was a street lamp with chinese lanterns, headlights or fireflys surrounding it?

Anyone who listens to this man speak on Coast to Coast can tell he is not lying and was merely searching for answers.

I've tried to locate him and see if he can come here... but if that should happen I would have to warn him strongly of some nasty people here who will flood the thread attempting to overide his experience with their opinions.

Pictures will never work when it comes to a UFO. But... I don't want to waste this thread with posts like that. Just had to post this here. I'm not interested with flooding the thread with debates.

The story is more valuable than any pictures I will ever see.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by dreams n chains

I agree with you...

I'll give you a star for that one.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 03:25 PM
I for one do not think this is a street light. I don't see the similarities of the alleged UFO picture to the assumed street light pic's.

I have a feeling this is going to have to be diagnosed as "Piece meal" investigation of the original photo's.

I have went to my computer paint and concentrated on the leading light of the UFO pic. and compared them.

I have added line colors to the first photo (Top Left) and left the adjacent photo untouched, now compare the before and after photo's, you will see a variance in shape and light effect, which allows me to think that these lights are moving, whether it be by singular motion, or a complete movement of the object itself.

I am also going to do the same for the large central light. I will post later.

Heres the central bright light....

[edit on 043030p://3774 by Allred5923]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

I was going from what the report had said. I was also thinking that the reason of the lack of wittiness's reports was do to the fact of analytical discrimination thoughts by the other individuals (If this is not a hoax, grain of salt analogy.) But the photo's are quite astounding to say the least.
when looked at in a zoom format and seeing very decisive and precise lines of the different attributes, you see very detailed thing's that don't lean towards a theory of street light, Chinese lanterns or fireflies.
But, as another poster has stated, the story is the most important part of this scenario, but the pic's just add the necessary optical evidence to help quantify this being for real and not a hoax.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Akezzon

i respect your postion, and how you see it, but my point is simply that there is better than that picture, the picture sure does look odd, and does fit the street light, therefore wether it is a geniune u.f.o picture or not, it will only convince people we are pushing streetlights as u.f.o's.

if i took a picture of a u.f.o. and i knew it was real but it looked simular to a car head lamp, i would seriously have to consider if it were even worth my time posting it and sharing my story.

it's just the way it is. i wish it was how you would like it to be but with so many hoaxes around it is impossible for a great number of people to believe that something that looks very simular to a streetlamp is'nt a streetlamp.

hence the reason why i believe this u.f.o story is going nowhere and its better to just let the thread die.

that dos'nt mean however i believe people should stop listening or should ridicule the man who gives his version of events.

i just firmly believe there is nothing groundbreaking coming from this story.

we have to accept how other people see it, wether we see it or not. sometimes that means letting go and giving up on some things or waiting for something better to prove it, even if you think there is more to it.

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