posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 02:04 AM
maybe in wrong place ,move it if its not
Here we go,My theory
Obama said "The Declaration of Independence is our achilies heel"
Obama is going to use the phrase "All men are created equal" against the american public and turn us into a one pay rate system. It doesn't matter
what job you have, We are all going to recieve the same pay rate, border line socialist
Depending on the hours you work will decide which tax bracket you fall under
Big businesses will get a tax break if they provide employees with health care
Right now the big businesses will only provide health care for employees working full time
If Obama raises the minimum wage to $12x40 you will make 24,960 and you make .77 cents intrest a week, You will be over the 25,000 mark for his taxes.
And that isn't including the people that have stocks and bonds.
This will be a two-fold attack on the businesses and the public
Big businesses will not be big because of the money they have to pay employees/healthcare
The average worker will be paying higher taxes because they are over the 25,000 limit
This will leave alot of money left over for the people on welfare and their wage will egual the 25,000 per year so they would also pay the taxes
Say goodbye to american way of life
[edit on 31-10-2008 by rtcctr]
[edit on 31-10-2008 by rtcctr]