Big Picture.
War would Only create Jobs , that Americans would have to Pay for anyway.
And if Rand Haden't Notice WE ARE AT WAR.With at least Two Nations.
And that hasen't Helped. If that was indeed the Plan
The Money Given to the Banks will be mostly paid by people who themselves, coulden't get a loan.
And now the banks have Our money to Buy up more Banks. to Kill all there compitition..Can't you see this?
To stimulate the economy the Government should Have Given the Money to the Americans..Instead of to the companys that support there election
Our Nations founders did not Have this any of this in Mind when they created The United States Of America.
From Heavy TAXES to Loosing our constitutional Rights
Our Democracy is a sham.
200 years ago( In the Horse and Buggy age,) we needed representation because we didn't even Have a telephone.
Americans Have been abused and used for far to Long .
We can now each vote and each of our votes could be counted for a EVEN BETTER democracy.
After all It is US that Pays the Bills. I would trust my Neighbors integrity more than any politician who was supported by any Big Industry.
I guess we are too STUPID to Make the "hard" decissions.
You Know the Ones that we are all smart enough to pay for.
And with todays media we know things before the government tells us.
So tell me why do we need most of them any way?
It is Our Own Fault for NOT holding our "ELECTED" Leaders accountable.
Are Americans Being lazy or scared. Or does the Tax system work us so hard that we do not have the energy to fight.
Wake up america We do not need them any more.
If america does not act fast it will be too late. And we are all becoming modern day slaves.
Or even worse, countless more Human lives will be lost.
If any working american worked like our government ,they would be IN JAIL or Jobless . In a heart beat at the very Least.
Time to Wake up and Act AMERICA. NOW
This Election will not save you. And you should Be very scared.
NEWS FLASH No Matter who wins this Election The (horse and Buggy System) Has way too many Loop holes to serve U.S. anymore .
It only now serves the Powerful Industries. If you Haven't Paid Attention.
No Candadate should ever have more campain money than any other.
Because Favors will eventually be owed.( Favors that have made our votes NOT count) And it is thoes favors that have us where we NOW are at.
The Government Lies and Cheats it's people. AND Enslaves them with taxes all to stay in controll.
Controll Your Government or it Controlls You ...Period
A President should Be a Good diplomat and Mostly a Puppet of the People!
Get on the tv and say ..The votes from every american on IE
Going to war,abortion,same sex marrage,Taxes,Borders,ECT. Have Ben counted .This is the
new Law.Because the American People Have Spoken And I serve the Votes.
In closing,
We are no longer free.
I am Moving My Self my children and Grandchildren to another country that gives US More for my Money.
I have stayed this long out of appreciation of thoes who gave there very lives to give us all the freedomes that we used to have. They were so
Honor them. Fight Now America or plan to Move Like me.