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The Second American Civil War

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posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
which is what your scenario of trying to break the sides down into political demagoguery is suggesting.

"political demagoguery" hu? I like that sound of that.

I guess I am viewing this from my side and my friends/aquaintences side.
As far as us, our enemy would be liberals. Liberals are who feel is attacking our way of life and it is headed towards "them or us" us being conservatives. We feel liberals are trying to hijack this country and there seems to be onlyone way to them. bloodshed.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by deathhasnosound

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
which is what your scenario of trying to break the sides down into political demagoguery is suggesting.

"political demagoguery" hu? I like that sound of that.

I guess I am viewing this from my side and my friends/aquaintences side.
As far as us, our enemy would be liberals. Liberals are who feel is attacking our way of life and it is headed towards "them or us" us being conservatives. We feel liberals are trying to hijack this country and there seems to be onlyone way to them. bloodshed.

LMAO, are you serious? You really have to be joking. you feel Liberals are attacking your way of life? Seriously your joking or trying to egg someone on right?

Think about it for a second. Who brought up the patriot act...a Republican. Who started this 7 year War ( that really isn't a war but a occupation)....a Republican.

Come on your just trying to get points and people fired up.

edit: could you please provide some evidence to back up your view on how Liberals are attacking your way of life?

[edit on 31-10-2008 by hILB3rT]

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by FTHEREDLIST

you are correct, not 'death-hound'; after N day, its

the remaining military vs. the citizenship. Before then too.

It has always been, and any fascist state will remain the enemy of the common


Check out john titor's future predictions here on ATS.

He even advises - very emotionally - NOT to legally purchase any firearems.

Knowing what i do about my home state MA (and my other homes in VT/PA)

i would advise all registered gun owners to be very, very law abiding....

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by deathhasnosound

You are treading on 'skinhead' territory here, and although we

all thankyou for being honest (and enlightening that there is a lot of hate out there),

please be flexible enough when the time comes....Have some faith

the country isn't going to be 'given away'; this election is far, far from over.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by drphilxr

Now I am not laughing so hard (o.k. a little still), but I agree now that you mention it that does sound kind of 'skinhead'.

Right wing skinheads who are conservative and patriotic, but not necessarily extreme or fascist seem to be common in the United States.

Wiki quote

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by deathhasnosound

Being liberal or conservative has nothing to do with gun ownership. I'm could be considered extremely liberal, but I own guns and will defend that right to my death. Most of my friends that own guns are also very liberal.

Believe or not, most people aren't liberal or conservative. They're moderate.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by hILB3rT
I think you missed my point. I wasn't saying that ONLY NRA members are gun owners, I was implying that the most of NRA members are conservatives.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by hILB3rT
edit: could you please provide some evidence to back up your view on how Liberals are attacking your way of life?

Sure. Here are a few that I posted on another thread.

As a Reagan conservative I will be happy to tell you why we are angry:

1. We are tired of this country going further and further away from Christian family values.

2. We are tired of the ACLU defending every scumbag degenerate that thinks they have a "right" like the freaks that want it legal to make love to young boys as young as 8.

3. We are tired of the reverse racism that is allowed to take place and people that pretend it doesn't exist.

4. We are tired of every second having to fight against laws that try to take our guns.

5. We are tired of those activist judges that write laws from the bench instead of simply interpret the law.

6. We are tired of the left treating our military like crap but whining about feeling not safe from terrorism.

7. We are tired of the wild fires in California that occur because the same idiots that get burned out of house and home voted to outlaw controlled burning because it was "annoying".

8. Are tired of whacko environmentalist that bitch and complain about the price of gas but yet outlaw drilling in Anwar and off the California/Florida coasts.

9. We are tired of environmentalist whackos that, well, read this:

in response to state and federal environmental regulations since the 1970s. Many new blends of gasoline have been developed to comply with regional and state air quality regulations. As a result, there are about 17 different kinds of gasoline that are sold across the country.

and then they bitch and moan about the price of gas.

10. We are tired of the politicians allowing our borders to be overrun with illegals.

11. We are tired of welfare being abused by lazy so and so's that use food stamps but yet drive Cadillac Escalades.

12. We are tired of angry homosexuals that demand equal rights but parade themselves in front of our children half naked and do dispicable acts in public to prove how "equal" they are.

13. We are tired of lefty atheist constantly trying to take God out of our money and our pledge of allegiance.

14. We are tired of ignorants that compare the muslim "religion" to modern Christianaity.

15. We are tired of the abuse of our flag and idiots that think it is nothing more than a piece of cloth with dye on it.

16. We are tired of our border patrol agents being sent to jail for shooting a known, illegal alien, drug dealer in the butt when he was shooting at them first.

17. We are tired that the above illegal alien, drug dealer was awarded compensation by our court system that we have to pay from our taxes.

18. We are tired of idiots that cheat the voting system.

19. We are tired of lefties suing high schools because a prayer was said prior to the start of a football game.

20. We are tired of 90% of blacks voting for Obama simly because he is black (go ahead and deny it but it is true)

21. We are tired of being called racist when we speak the truth about what we see as being so obvious. You would be surprised how many of us are completely NOT racist.

Well there is twenty to get you started. Believe me there is PLENTY more.

I don't plan on debating these issues because we both know I won't change your mind and you won't change mind.

This is a few reasons that I feel liberals are my enemy in the upcoming civil war.

[edit on 31-10-2008 by deathhasnosound]

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 10:01 AM
I hope and pray that we are not heading to some cataclysmic civil unrest due to this election but we may well be.
It seems that a few in this thread are actually hoping something like this takes place, which both saddens and frightens me.

We have seperated ourselves into camps to the point where all we see when we look outside are enemies. Why?
The blame lies at the feet of both "sides." The liberals and conservatives in the U.S. have wrought horrible destruction on our ability to communicate with one another.
The New Left, coming out of the 1960s, became so splintered, self-serving and backbiting that it became a non actor in the political world. The Left focused so much on thier own individual desires and pet projects that they forgot to seek a unified voice, much less seek debate with those who thought differently. They became a shadow of what they, very briefly, were in the 1950s and 60s.

Meanwhile the Right, who was lost in the philosophical wilderness during the Great Depression until the 1950s began to find its voice. It actively sought out those who had, at least tangentially, related ideas. Their ranks grew and culminated in the rise of Nixon. The Right did the opposite of the Left, they grew instead of shrinking, became more cogent and uniform in their arguements instead of less so, as was the case of the Left. The Right has been in control of the public debate ever since. The Left may have been loud, shrill even, at times in the post Nixon political landscape but they were never wielding power and they further lost their way.

The Right gathered its power to itself and expanded it but while consolidating that power they may have sown the seeds of their destruction, and frankly this could lead to the destruction of all of us. Because while the Left was VERY slowly bringing itself back in line with a larger majority of American's and attempting to quite the fratricidal factionalism that had animated it for so long the Right was purging from its ranks those who dare question or debate issues. It was becoming an ideology that was unable to handle multiple viewpoints, the "big tent" of Nixon's day was gone.

Now it is the Right who has become so insulated inside their echo chambers from the outside world that any idea outside of the echo chamber is a debatable point but a treasonable heresy, worthy not only of derision, but hatred. The biggest difference between the Right in the 00s and the Left in the 60s is that the Right controls most levers of power. It is the possiblility that they might be losing grip on that power that, I think, is creating this ugly unAmerican lashing out. It must stop or something very bad for the soul of this country will happen.

I fear however, that debate is not possible anymore. The gathering around and discussing, even arguing, political and policy positions is gone. No one seems to be able to "agree to disagree." Both sides have retreated. Those of us on the "left" becuase there seems to be no debate only accusations. Those on the "right" because it seems that to disagree with orthodoxy is tantamount to blasphemy.

I don't claim blamelessness with regards to this. I have a hard time trying to discuss my political viewpoints with those who I know I seriously disagree with and I falter and fall back on easy glib recriminations and other forms of rhetorical deflection but I DO try.

I don't agree with the majority of the policy proposals on the Right, I think Bush was a disaster of epic proportions. I think McCain is wrong for the country right now (Lord how I wish that, if any other Republican was president on 9/11 that it was him) but I don't wish anyone on the "other side" harm.

I am sure that I will get flamed for this but I hope that maybe I am able to reach on other poster, on either side, to try not to be so black and white. Take a longer view, take a deep breath and think about really important things, things that impact you on a daily basis, your wife/husband/kids/mom/dad/etc.etc. and think "is all this anger good for them?"

obs out

[edit on 31-10-2008 by observer]

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 10:09 AM

As a Reagan conservative I will be happy to tell you why we are angry:

1. We are tired of this country going further and further away from Christian family values.

Well seeing as this country is based on the freedom of religion. Who are you to say that Christian values are the ONE and only values. I am not Christian and I live a moral and just life.

2. We are tired of the ACLU defending every scumbag degenerate that thinks they have a "right" like the freaks that want it legal to make love to young boys as young as 8.

Wasn't it christian(or maybe catholic, either way same difference) priests that were molesting choir boys. If I remember right the Vatican paid some $1 million to the families involved.

3. We are tired of the reverse racism that is allowed to take place and people that pretend it doesn't exist.

I am going to have to agree with you on this one.

4. We are tired of every second having to fight against laws that try to take our guns.

I believe this was put to rest a few months back in the supreme court.

5. We are tired of those activist judges that write laws from the bench instead of simply interpret the law.

Not sure what your getting at with this one. Would need a specific example.

6. We are tired of the left treating our military like crap but whining about feeling not safe from terrorism.

I am ex-military and consider myself a libertarian. I support our troops but think we are not helping any situation with a show of force.

7. We are tired of the wild fires in California that occur because the same idiots that get burned out of house and home voted to outlaw controlled burning because it was "annoying".

Not sure what to say other then Mother Nature is doing her thing, and those people building up there are pissing her off. Pay the piper I guess

8. Are tired of whacko environmentalist that bitch and complain about the price of gas but yet outlaw drilling in Anwar and off the California/Florida coasts.

I am at ends here. I complain about the gas prices, but I don't think drilling more oil is the answer. Instead invest that money into alternative resources. Think about it. If the $7 trillion + from OIF was spent on researching and implementing these alternatives where would we be now?

9. We are tired of environmentalist whackos that, well, read this:

in response to state and federal environmental regulations since the 1970s. Many new blends of gasoline have been developed to comply with regional and state air quality regulations. As a result, there are about 17 different kinds of gasoline that are sold across the country.

and then they bitch and moan about the price of gas.

Read previous statement.

10. We are tired of the politicians allowing our borders to be overrun with illegals.

I agree, but also stand by the saying:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
This is how American life began in America. The only rightful owners are the NATIVE Americans

11. We are tired of welfare being abused by lazy so and so's that use food stamps but yet drive Cadillac Escalades.

Couldn't agree more.

12. We are tired of angry homosexuals that demand equal rights but parade themselves in front of our children half naked and do dispicable acts in public to prove how "equal" they are.

Homosexuals have there rights, but I agree they need to be tactful and respectful. Is there a difference between a Gay Day Parade (that's what is called in Chicago I believe) and Mardi gras?

13. We are tired of lefty atheist constantly trying to take God out of our money and our pledge of allegiance.

What gives you the right to deiced what a person is supposed to worship . Making someone worship your god isn't what modern religion ( post-crusades) is about. I think we would be better of with a separation of church and state as our fore fathers meant it to be.

14. We are tired of ignorants that compare the muslim "religion" to modern Christianaity.

Not sure who's doing this, but yeah these are two different religions. I have a Koran and a bible in my house and yet I am neither religion.

15. We are tired of the abuse of our flag and idiots that think it is nothing more than a piece of cloth with dye on it.

I agree it is a symbol of hope freedom and all that good stuff. Although it is just that a symbol, and as of late it represents corruption and deceit from the same people you are now defending. If you don't believe your government has lied to you then you need to do some soul searching.

16. We are tired of our border patrol agents being sent to jail for shooting a known, illegal alien, drug dealer in the butt when he was shooting at them first.

17. We are tired that the above illegal alien, drug dealer was awarded compensation by our court system that we have to pay from our taxes.

justice is supposed to be blind. Yes the system is corrupt but we need to fix the corruption within the system first. This will put a stop to the illegal activities. Also the corrupt officers and politicians that allow this need to be stopped.

18. We are tired of idiots that cheat the voting system.

President Bush, enough said

continued on next post...

[edit on 31-10-2008 by hILB3rT]

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 10:14 AM

19. We are tired of lefties suing high schools because a prayer was said prior to the start of a football game.

I don't agree to the suing but I do believe religion is for the individual and shouldn't be forced upon anyone.

20. We are tired of 90% of blacks voting for Obama simly because he is black (go ahead and deny it but it is true)

i would like to see were you came up with the 90% number.

21. We are tired of being called racist when we speak the truth about what we see as being so obvious. You would be surprised how many of us are completely NOT racist.


Humm, your views on liberals would indicate you are Racist. But I really don't want to get into racism it is a nasty subject that I don't like to par take in.

I am at work so I had to make my answers short. Would be happy to go into it further with you later. Maybe one Comment at a time would be easier.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 10:26 AM

8. Are tired of whacko environmentalist that bitch and complain about the price of gas but yet outlaw drilling in Anwar and off the California/Florida coasts.

9. We are tired of environmentalist whackos that, well, read this:

in response to state and federal environmental regulations since the 1970s. Many new blends of gasoline have been developed to comply with regional and state air quality regulations. As a result, there are about 17 different kinds of gasoline that are sold across the country.

and then they bitch and moan about the price of gas.

[edit on 31-10-2008 by deathhasnosound]

As one of those "crazies" that cares about the air I breath and the world I leave my child I have to say "Huh?"
I have never heard an environmentalist complain that the price of gas is TOO HIGH. The higher it is, the less people use! I say let Exxon charge what they want! Heck, I am even for a huge tax on it provided the dollars go to investment into alternative energy resources.

And I have to say that chanting "Drill baby drill" with the ecological damage we have wrought plus peak oil coming around the bend plus our manufacturing being in free fall is like chanting "carbon paper carbon paper" now that the proliferation of computers has made it obsolete. It shows backward thinking and an inability to come up with new strategeries. If America would rev up its inginuity instead of resting on our increasingly fat lauryls we could lead the world into a new manufacturing future that is replent with greenishness. Relying on 150 yearold technology will leave us in the dust in the global enviorns because while we wit back and complain India and China are actually doing research to create that alternative energy breakthrough.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Erica Jong Tells Italians Obama Loss 'Will Spark the Second American Civil War. Blood Will Run in the Streets'

Hollywood is talking about it too.

She also says that her friends Jane Fonda and Naomi Wolf are extremely worried that Obama will be sabotaged by Republican dirty tricks, and that if an Obama loss indeed comes to pass, the result will be a second American Civil War.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 03:04 PM
I think we can take back our country without a single shot fired. All it's gonna take is America to stand in Washington DC by the millions and demand the people to leave office. Then we do exactly what this country was meant to do and vote others in office with mandatory 4 to 8 years term service. Why is it that the President can only serve 8 years the most but senators, governors and congressman can serve their life in there. It only takes the people with the will power to stand up and demand what the people want. Not one gun shot heard only the voices of the people. Now that would be awesome but who can say the people are ready to stop what they're doing and head to the capital?

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by hILB3rT

I think you missed this part of my post:

I don't plan on debating these issues because we both know I won't change your mind and you won't change mine.

[edit on 31-10-2008 by deathhasnosound]

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