posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 06:35 PM
I'm hardline conservative. The Kaiser is slightly left of me where I currently stand, and I find your simplification of the "next American civil
war" to be preposterous. If such a war ever comes to pass it may initially flare up under the guise of conservatives vs liberals, but that would be
a false flag war manufactured by those in power in an effort to shield themselves from a percieved attack by the people en masse. I believe the
majority of America is smart enough and currently distrustfull of government enough to see through such a misdirection.
My (non criminally minded) neighbor isn't my enemy, regardless of which political ideology he subscribes to. The guy 2 offices down isn't my enemy
even if he does have a "Obama for Change" bumper sticker on his Volvo. The old man I run into at the coffee shop who stands there talking about how
we're all going to Hell in a handbasket because of Iraq isn't my enemy even though I feel he narrowmindedly places the entire blame for that war on
one political party when I feel it is the shared blame of all in Washington who allowed it to become what it is.
My enemy isn't my enemy because of their political affiliation (unless we're talking some way out there fool who declares themself a member of the
Death to America party or some nonsense such as that.) My enemy is found inside the people who harbor dangerous ideals and values AND have the means
and wield the power to make those a reality regardless of the wishes and interests of the American people as a whole. I'm talking about men who vote
to hand trillions of OUR dollars over to corporate buddies defiantly while We the People stand at their feet shouting "NO!" My enemy is the man who
believes Americans don't need firearms and the 2nd Amendment is "outdated" or "irrelevant" to a "civilized society" AND who has the abillity to
act on that belief through stripping We the People of our 2nd Amendment right. I'm talking about the man who preaches socialism and equality AND
then uses their power to unequally bring about their utopia at the expense of We the People of the middle class off of our blood, our sweat, and our
tears and then mortgages the blood, sweat, and tears of our children and grandchildren to make up their defecits. That's MY enemy and that who will
be on one side of any future US civil war. They wills end their puppets into battle while we stand against them as patriots. The difference is we
have everything to lose and we would be fighting against a force who risks nothing personally, rather one which orders their puppets to risk all.
If there is a 2nd US civil war, it won't be like the first war. Brother will not fight brother, neighbor will not fight neighbor, WE will fight
against THEM, not against ourselves... which is what your scenario of trying to break the sides down into political demagoguery is suggesting.