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What is Human Progression/Evolution?

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posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 11:59 AM
What in your opinion is classed as evolutionary progressive for a human being?

So many of us just live to survive and occasionally enjoy ourselves in the process but are we really evolving?

For me evolving means progressing in a direction that is significantly beneficial or enhances the individual to a 'noticeable' extent. Forget gradually growing taller this in my opinion is a snail pace evolutionary process and not what I'm trying to garnish opinions on.

Essentially I want to know at what point would you step back and say wow that guy has evolved if you saw it. I guess I want to set a bench mark here for what human evolution might look like.

To give you some idea of where I am coming from if I were able to control matter with my mind I would consider that an evolutionary step.

Also do any of you know much about examples of evolutionary jumps where the appearence or ability of a species advances over a short period of time.

Personally I don't hold out much hope for an evolutionary jump en mass with the human species, imho there are too many morons out there who are so disconected to the multiverse that they would respond wth an 'ehh' if you mention anything remotely existential to them.

Shine on.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 09:59 AM
so would monkeys...
but according to science,we evolved form them
unless you mean a different type of evolving,then i think that we are currently in the process,but that it will begin to get faster as we progress more into a space faring/genetically engineering species

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 10:34 AM
OK to clarify what is human realisation or realisation of the species?

What would the pinicle of human existance look like? Could it be the amplification of the self for example? Would/could we change as humans?How would the realisation/self fulfilment manifest itself?

Perhaps it would start as the understanding of the sciences which would initiate a global change in human consciousness or even lead to evolution itself. But maybe it is a more individualistic affair!

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

I feel no more is needed than simply this as you seem smart enough.

"The weak shall inherit the earth"


posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 08:57 AM
Science has said that we only use 10% of our minds capability. What would a person be like if they used fifty percent. I think we would see people with greater abilities to do things we have had a few example of through out history but not on a mass level yet. perhaps we have reached the pinnacle of our physical evolution and are now evolving on other levels. Some of the those abilities might be clairvoyance, remote viewing, telekenisis, telepathy, and so on. Are there more people developing these abilities. Yes, more all the time. Another area of evolution might be of our social political belief systems. the same could be said of our spiritual awareness. Just some thoughts. Some of these things are hard to measure so as they are evolving at this time often go unnoticed. S&S

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 01:41 PM
What is Human Progression/Evolution?

The constant human need to be better, different and clever.

No end for that goal eh?

Also, do we have a choice? Could the world just sit down one day and say...."enough, I'm content".

If it could....would we be happier?

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:54 PM
There is no way for us to evolve naturally because of all the chemicals in modern medicine and radiation from Chernobyl still leaking into the air.If humans evolve it will not be from natural evolution.

We might evolve mentally but it will not be a natural one either.

I see us evolving into zombies as slaves.The way the elite want it.
EX.dow syndrome

For us to evolve naturally we would have to go back to before modern medicine or radiation

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by rtcctr

While I understand your points...your definition of "natural" seems to exclude anything "man-made".

All the chemicals and other outside influences could be seen as part of the human "natural" too.

Do not confuse "natural" with "uninfluenced".

After all, the "elements" you mention were originally created naturally weren't they? Because humans have manipulated them doesn't neccessarily make them "unnatural".

Unless of course you see humans as a non-natural entity.

Q: Is a wild bee hive unnatural because it has been manufactured, is a termite hill or a wild bird roosting in the roof of a modern house also?

As usual, all down to definition and perspective.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by nerbot

I see your point.

I do sometimes have a hard time using the right words trying to get my point out there.
I try to keep thing simple but it's often misunderstood.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by rken2
Science has said that we only use 10% of our minds capability. What would a person be like if they used fifty percent. I think we would see people with greater abilities to do things we have had a few example of through out history but not on a mass level yet. perhaps we have reached the pinnacle of our physical evolution and are now evolving on other levels. Some of the those abilities might be clairvoyance, remote viewing, telekenisis, telepathy, and so on. Are there more people developing these abilities. Yes, more all the time. Another area of evolution might be of our social political belief systems. the same could be said of our spiritual awareness. Just some thoughts. Some of these things are hard to measure so as they are evolving at this time often go unnoticed. S&S

Squishing peopl with huge metal dustbins with your mind springs to mind...

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by rken2
Science has said that we only use 10% of our minds capability. What would a person be like if they used fifty percent.

I believe there are two errors in that statement. Allow me to try to correct them according to my knowledge.

The 10% to 90% ratio is correct but it deals with consciousness and subconsciousness. Also that saying comes from psychology which is more of an arts and humanities field than a pure science field. The scientific numbers are: Our brain receives 2,000,000,000 bits of information at any given time though we are only aware of 4000 of them.

The rest of what you wrote I would attest to being true. If we were able to manage even 10% of our consciousnesses into the conscious then the results would truly be interesting. With 100% we would be able to experience "the now" or the present with greater detail instead of living in the past or the future like we are doing now.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 07:32 AM
Yes as you point out much of our mental activity is subconscious. This also seems to be the part of ourselves that is most responsible for our responses to events and situations in life. Which to me says that most of our responses are programed responses that we are not aware of. I believe based on our subconscious mind we attract to us people and situations that support the programming that it has accepted. What a different world it could be if we gained a greater awareness of the contents and could sort out the programming we wanted verses the programming we don't want. Its like a house devided at this point. Our conscious mind wanting one thing and our subconscious mind not wanting it or wanting something else. If the two could work as one..... S&S

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 09:08 AM
Unfortunately on Earth, spiritual growth or any growth is restricted by society and many other reasons to the individual level.

That is why it is almost impossible to have group/nation/civilization growth at a constant and somewhat equal rate. There will always be ones ahead of the masses and many behind it. There is no uniformisation.

This can be changed if we change our society and we realize that evolution is a constant process which we control. We decide where we go, not evolution. Evolution is the process, and that process is propelled by us in whichever direction we chose.

The best place to see evolution, growth or regress is in your own life experience. Compare your self from today to the self of 5 years ago. I bet you'll see a difference. Hopefully it will be a positive one. This does not include material possesion.

If 5 years ago your paycheck was 3000$ and now it is 5000$ that is not growth. It can be growth if you invest those extra 2000$ on your own developmet as a being or in others.

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