posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Nice Id never have noticed that I havnt seen that diagram of the LHC like that before, no not accurate but hey its cool. CERN are into time travel
arent they I heard the LHC was a stargate too.
RuneSpider -- face with big eyebrows, big ears, and a mustache --
Haha.. Yeah me too now. Hey it could be Prince Charles himself he is famous for big ears
Moderator - Robot skull yeah I see what you mean cheers.
Teknikal - the torch -
The flame made up of the 15 crowns? Id not noticed that actually thanks. If you now can see that is between the owls two big round eyes?
Rusty - many eyes in triangle.
Yeah. The torch itself would be under the triangle, the triangle is the flame, of 15 crowns ...I suppose we can call them eyes too.
Scuba I will google Ich Nien... sounds German is it? would make sense they are German. Or is it Latin? I'l soon see.
Anyone who is going to say its the coat of arms upside down - thanks but can you please read my posts properly, no offence. I did say I know its the
coat of arms. I knew this already
What I said was I have flipped it upside down - now what do you see (instead of an upside down coat of arms)
My main reason for posting it was to me its an OWL and so yeah Roo as you know evil illuminati bloodlines love their Owl so to me its blatantly an
Cheers guys keep em coming.
[edit on 30-10-2008 by Observer_X]