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White Light of protection

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posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:09 AM
I use the white light a lot...
White Light of protection
This is a technique used to protect you by harnessing your positive energy. What is great about this is that you can do this anywhere! I do it for every airplane flight and if it gets bumpy.. I concentrate hard on smoothing it out.
Anyone can do this…
TRY THIS!!! (Even you skeptics) Lay in bed and close your eyes.. imagine a white light energy coming from your body.... and covering your body... run that light, concentrating your energy to this light and run it all over your house... room by room.. imagine each room and your pushing out the negative energy... then picture your entire house protected by this light.. also add the cars!
If you do this with concentration you will actually start to sweat! That’s when you know you did it.. when you sweat!

I did it so hard once... because I was mad from being woken up myself... I concentrated SO HARD.. that I flashed into the future!! It scared the crap out of me!!! I came out... and opened my eyes.. but, knew I needed to finish because I wasn't getting any sleep... so, I continued the white light with great intensity.. and bam.. back in the future with a lapse of about 20 seconds.. the time it took from me being spooked... I haven't been able to do it again... bummer... I can't get myself mad enough! I was really pissed that night.. because I just returned from a trip and I let my negative ex-husband stay at my house.. and his negative energy was all through it waking me up and my little boy... It was a mother's instinct to get mad and do the white light.....
I put white lights around my kids, sometimes my family in their homes and everything.

I also envision that my house is transparent to people who want to bring negative harm. So, they won’t even notice my house.
The power of the mind is incredible!
I hope this helps!

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:25 AM
Are you a ninja or something?

I suppose if this technique works for you enjoy.

Sounds similar to some eastern practices.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by snowen20

Try it.. anyone can do it... see if you sweat! It's just energy! and Energy creates heat! No ninja tricks!

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:56 AM
You say you flashed into the future, how far?
What did you see that lead you to believe you traveled through time?

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by snowen20

I assume it was the future because it was me I saw and it hadn't happened yet.

I was looking down from above and could see myself down on the ground walking.

I was on a television set.. in a nice kitchen.. filming wasn't going.. It was my set.. and after filming.. so no audience or anything. I was walking towards the left... I then freaked out and came out of the vision... then I went back in and this time I was still on the set but, further over and I saw myself continuing walking.. now.. what was interesting is that on this side of the set was a large tv screen.. huge.. must have been about 8 feet tall.. and on each side of this screen had screens that were wierd shaped.. they were only about 1 1/2 foot tall and about 4 or 5 feet long and there were about 4 or 5 on each side of the big screen.. they were wavy... too.. I thought it was wierd because I don't know tv screens like that.. and at that point I saw the back of me walking off. Then I came out of it

I used to work at a large Movie Studio in Burbank, CA. and I know how big those sound stages are so.. I guess that the same amount of time I came out was about the time it would have taken to walk over there... weird.

I haven't told many people this.. including my family! I hope it's true!!

It was a beautiful set!

[edit on 30-10-2008 by WildSkyView]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by snowen20

I know it wasn't a dream because I wasn't asleep!

I know it seems crazy.. I'm very analytical and scientific.. but, I have experienced too much to ignore this stuff!

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by snowen20

I have read something somewhere about the perspective of these future visions... something about if you were looking through your eyes.. versus from above... I forget what they said.

I posted in one of your threads about your seasonal ESP.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by WildSkyView

I find it interesting that you say you saw your future self.

Something similar occurred with me when I was 15 or 16 years old.

I don’t know which is which though but I’m pretty sure I had to have gone back in time and ….well this sounds ridiculous I know but I think I ghosted my self. LOL

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:16 AM
Yeah thanks for posting there I was rather disappointed with the turn out.
I guess next time Ill place beer and pretzels out for the guests.

I really wanted answers to that and still have a lot of questions in such regards.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by snowen20

LOL you are funny!!!

Give me cookie dough and I'm in!!! Which reminds me.. I was thinner in that vision!! I'm not that overweight.. but, I was thinner!

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:24 AM
Has that future version taken place yet? Maybe it was parallel existance to our own or something.

[edit on 30-10-2008 by snowen20]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by snowen20

I recommend reading the book "Conversations with God"

He talks about Highly Evolved Beings (aliens) and time's non-existence... etc. etc.

It's facinating and I read all three of the books!

I also did like the documovie "The Secret".. I have applied positive thinking and energy.. It's a little tough to master.. and I struggle sometimes.. but, I have won a trip on a cruise I wanted, my son won a wii... and many other things.. it's amazing! I have never won grand prizes before!

I am getting tired.. I could go on and on with distinct stories on the subject.. that is amazing.. like my sister on her birthday called me so proud.. she bought $80 of lottery tickets and said she is going to win and she just felt it.. I asked how much .. she said 35.. I said.. is that $35 or $35 million, I've learned to be specific.. she scoffed at me... she won a $7.. THEN.. she called me a couple of weeks ago..and said.. you know the lottery tickets I bought... well. I won $7 and I put it back in.. then out of those tickets I won $35. She said it with her tail between her legs... she got exactly what she wanted.!! LOL LOL LOL

Amazing... that's another topic really. That's more about creating the energy to you.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by snowen20

That is interesting... I don't know .. I guess... the kids weren't there to see how old they are. bummer.. I hope not!! I didn't even notice anyone else.. it was like the end of a taping and I was leaving...

Hey!!! I guess we will all now if it gets on tv!! RIGHT!!! LOL One day you will be flipping through tv and see the set.. with the tv screens I described!!! Hopefully!

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by WildSkyView
I use the white light a lot...
White Light of protection
This is a technique used to protect you by harnessing your positive energy. What is great about this is that you can do this anywhere! I do it for every airplane flight and if it gets bumpy.. I concentrate hard on smoothing it out.

So when I am in a knife fight, how does this positive energy work. Really, shall I fight or concentrate on white light? Perhaps I could see this technique working if I were wishing an aircraft engine not falling on my house and killing my kids. Certainly not in a dire need.

Anyone can do this…
TRY THIS!!! (Even you skeptics) Lay in bed and close your eyes.. imagine a white light energy coming from your body.... and covering your body... run that light, concentrating your energy to this light and run it all over your house... room by room.. imagine each room and your pushing out the negative energy... then picture your entire house protected by this light.. also add the cars!
If you do this with concentration you will actually start to sweat! That’s when you know you did it.. when you sweat!

I will remember this in a few days when halloween comes.
I will try tonight.

The power of the mind is incredible!

No doubt. Sometimes the mind is just overwhlemed with crazy and insane thoughts. It happens. Take care,

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Stockburn

Since you are looking to prove it wrong.. it will.. simply because that's what you want. Nothing wrong with that!

If you are looking for a knife fight then I think you have more problems then a white light will help you! BTW - People all the time have strength when they need it most. Prove how that isn't energy?

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:38 AM
Reply to stock

I would have to say that’s one of the more dogmatic posts I have seen on ATS in a while.
I mean we’re not even talking about 9/11 here and that’s where you would expect to find such absolutes. LOL

[edit on 30-10-2008 by snowen20]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by snowen20

LOL - Yeah I guess.. but, that's how everything is.. right?? It's all our perception! My perception is my reality.. and yours is your reality. That's actually funny because in a sense that means nothing exists! LOL LOL

Oh.. well.. Life is all of what you make of it!

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by WildSkyView

BTW - I bought lottery tickets and I was feeling good about it... and then my little boy says.. "I'm not feeling it mommy" ... damn!!!! LOL

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by snowen20

So.. you said that you saw the future of you going back?? What did you see?

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:51 AM
For me those preemptive thoughts scare me because I know the success rate of what I think so when I have a bad thought I feel like I have to focus hard not to think at all.
Or Ill try to reverse it some how.
In either case the majority of the time said scenarios occur right before what could be construed as physical danger .

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