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Turning On the Magic

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posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:55 PM
For quite some now I have been fascinated by the subjects of Desire, Ego, and Reality. Along with many other explorers who have tried to discover their depths, I have actually come to find that it is an incredible journey.

Recently the three surprisingly came together by something I wrote while I believe I was under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I had no idea that they all played in harmony to create a beautiful song of monumental significance.

Sigmund Freud not only coined the term “ego” but he was also entranced by the subject of desire until the very day of his death. In fact one of his final notes scribbled onto a piece of paper shows that he was still struggling to understand the nature of desire:

“The ultimate ground of all intellectual inhibitions and all inhibitions of work seems to be the inhibition of masturbation in childhood. But perhaps it goes deeper; perhaps it is not an inhibition by external influences but its unsatisfying nature itself. There is always something lacking for complete discharge and satisfaction- en attendant toujours quelquechose qui ne venait point…”

The French phrase Freud used means “Always waiting for something which never came.” I believe that Freud was actually very close to understanding something epic, but sadly it seemed just beyond his grasp.

His reference to the shameful act of self pleasure taps into probably one of the strongest of all desires: sex. Yet, he seems to think that what makes it restraining and embarrassing isn’t because of external influence; upbringing, religion, etc, but the discontent nature itself. I came across this quote again after having written my thoughts concerning the subject, but now I can see how close he was, like I said, to understanding something of epic proportions. Desire and expectation are interwoven together so closely that they appear as one. As much as I’d like to get into the real meat of this thought on expectations, I feel the need to back up and share the inspiration I received just the other night.


Ever try to express something but felt you lacked the words? The thought is greater than words can express. It is as though the thought is magical, but the words are primitive. By attempting to express it or explain it, you are actually using an inferior medium. It is like trying to paint a rainbow with black and white paint. It is simply impossible.

Discovering the fuel known as desire can be equally challenging. In the effort to understand it you must experience it yourself by focusing… penetrating the layers of your psyche beyond level you never knew existed. What I have to share with you is a road map for you to follow in your own journey; your own adventure into the greatest spiritual discovery of all time. As incredible as that may sound, it is even greater than you could ever possibly imagine.

To begin with, desire is the key. Desire is what motivates us. It gets us out of bed in the morning, through the day, and back to bed again, but like a switch, desire must be turned on. It doesn’t matter if it is food or sex, desire must be activated… It may be hunger from an absence of food, or even an absence of rest that craves sleep. In most circumstances, it is an external motivator that causes and internal reaction. The sight or smell of the pleasant aroma of freshly prepared food will cause your mouth to water and suddenly you find yourself longing for food. Yet, it is here where we find intertwined within the very fiber of desire the essence of expectation. I have discovered it time and time again. It is a Holy and pure expectation that is spiritual and good, no matter how evil the object of desire. Even in the act of adultery, it is there...

to be continued.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:57 PM
What we need to do is tap into that mysteriously hidden and intertwined fabric of expectation, fueled by desire, and point it… focus it on faith IN God. Specifically, I am speaking of His WORD.

Recall that Faith is magical. The worlds were framed by it. Everything that is made was created by It. Everything that is, came to be by the magic of Faith.

The prophet William Branham said that he used simple human faith to move objects. He even had the ability to move objects from a great distance at the speed of thought.

Even modern day “illusionist” Chris Angel has confessed to observers that his magic is done by mind over matter, i.e. Faith. But we all posses a measure of magical ability, or faith. It operates by believing, and Jesus Christ, by the cross, gave us His very own FAITH. As it is written, “The just shall live by His faith.” Not by OUR faith, but HIS! Now, in His NAME you have Super Faith!

Now, EXPECTATION is actually the fire that lights desire. We know that desire is externally activated, or turned on, but the internal EXPECTATION makes it powerful, cause I KNOW if I can just get some food, I’ll be satisfied. I KNOW If I can just get a drink I will be content. That KNOWING is faith. Careful now. DO NOT down play this. This is nothing but the absolute truth. It is so simple. It’s just so common and ordinary… but it is the essence of real magic. Common and ordinary, but powerful and supernatural. be continued.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:14 PM
Are you talking about the God of the bible?

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:46 PM
Wow, just as expected, this has become a very unpopular post. That really is just fine with me, though. I'm not here to win a popularity contest or collect points. If you don't like what I have to say, that’s fine. If you think the Bible is for ignoramuses, I feel for ya, but still, that's fine by me. Even if only one person were to read it and actually experience what I'm talking about, it would be more than worth it.

Who Are You?

I bet you think you know who you are. In fact, this is the one question that we could ask anyone, and certainly they would know the answer. That is your ego, though. Everything that goes into making the self-aware Y-O-U is the ego. It is composed of predisposed genetic tendencies, and environmental influences. Start all the way before you were born and bring it down to the present time. Your family tree has its roots from culture, race and possibly a religion. Your parents and family members all have different values, beliefs, ideas, concepts, recreational hobbies; friends, social networks, educations, and they all influence you. Your upbringing, the country you live in, the state, town, school, church, job, friends, neighbors, music, art, sports, hobbies, books… The list is endless, and that is just environment, but is this really you?

Absolutely not! None of these things are you! The ego is a depraved outlaw; corrupt and fallen. Disfigured and grossly contorted by sin. (I hope you believe in sin… ) Sin, is the reason most of us can only be trusted with a measure of Faith. It is only when we commit ego suicide that we can be truly Born Again, and then and only then will we be able to see who we truly are.

Why, though? Why is it so important that we KNOW who we are? Because KNOWING is magical! KNOWING who you are destroys the fallen ego that controls behavior and even self awareness. I repeat – Ego controls behavior and awareness- the stream of thought.

Do you see the picture yet? If not, come on down the rabbit hole a little bit farther.


The future, like it or not, is on its way, but what is in store for you in the future? Are you uncertain or afraid? Confused and intimidated? If so, your ego is too strong. Within the core of a child of God is a powerful desire to BECOME who we really are. Not change. BECOME. It is what you already are. Does the caterpillar really change, or does it simply become what it is? Does a sperm cell and an egg change into a child or did it become a child? An apple seed does not change, it becomes a tree. Just as a monkey never changed into a man, neither did a fish change into a bird. Confusing? That’s because you’re still inside your box. Come on out. It’s okay… really!

You were not evil and then changed into someone good. Your actions may have been evil, but that really isn’t you. That is ego. Your actions do not define the real you! They only define your ego.

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

The real you is buried very deep within, covered by layers upon layers of ego. Honestly, it is impossible to uncover it yourself, but with some help from our Awesome God, the lord Jesus Christ, you can. When you see who you really are, it will be the most incredible experience of your life. The power it will produce will transform reality completely, giving you a clear stream of thought and control over your behavior, but as awesome as that is, it will give you something that I cannot even tell you about. Not that I am not allowed, but simply because it’s impossible to express.

Just as the butterfly no longer crawls around on the ground bound to the limitations of the earth, but defies gravity by flight, so will you. The ego has a gravity of its own. It is powerful. Powerful enough to keep people from that meeting in the air, and yes, I’m talking about the rapture.

Still more, so "TO BE CONTINUED"...

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 11:21 PM
Ok, I am unsubscribing now, thanks.
I don't have anything to say to someone who already knows everything (or thinks they do).

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Excellent thread content.
I mostly agree so long as WORD is actually LOGOS
, but partially disagree, just because of systems of nomenclature and sources I dont completely agree with all of the time, but you are onto something like you said, of profoundly epic proportions. In reality, I am indifferent, because my ego chooses sides and my soul see's absolution. Just remember, if you think you have figured it out, you are merely at the bottom floor of a new building, the journey is endless, taming the ego, is merely putting on your seatbelt. . . see you there friend. . .

btw, dont limit yourself to the bible, you should try to read the Tao Te Ching, there is a link to it in my siggie.

You sound like an ACIM follower, which is not an insult nor a compliment, but a statement. ACIM incorporates an eastern philosophy with its interpretation of the Bible. Ends up sounding a lot like your post. I loved ACIM. Why? Because I am not a body, nor am I a human, nor the ego of the mind, but a soul, an unadulterated shard of the source trying to shed its static build up of earthly desires and 3d illusions.

[edit on 11/3/2008 by psychedeliack]

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 10:52 AM
You lost me at "shameful act of masturbation". Bye....

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Ok, I am unsubscribing now, thanks.
I don't have anything to say to someone who already knows everything (or thinks they do).

Do you see that iceberg in my avatar? Let’s say that the entire universe, the earth, and everything in it represents ALL knowledge. The iceberg represents all that MAN is capable of knowing. What we see above the surface, is what we currently know. Now look closely. Do you see the grain of sand on the very top of the iceberg? That represents all that I know...

...just sharing what I do know. If I say something in error, though, I am not above correction...

I am guilty of thinking your response was sarcasm, though, and I apologize if I offended you. It certainly was unintentional and I hope you return.

Originally posted by psychedeliack

I mostly agree so long as WORD is actually LOGOS

First of all, thank you for the kind comment, and yes, I do see the Word as being the Logos. However, perfect agreement is hardly my goal and unrealistic. We will always see things differently. (The unfortunate reason we have so many religions)

Just remember, if you think you have figured it out, you are merely at the bottom floor of a new building, the journey is endless, taming the ego, is merely putting on your seatbelt. . . see you there friend. . .

Couldn’t agree more. However, the experience that I am referring to does relinquish the connection to the ego. It doesn’t mean the ego doesn’t exist at all, though. I resist it daily.

Btw, dont limit yourself to the bible, you should try to read the Tao Te Ching

I have found eastern philosophy to be interesting, but nothing more. I believe that the Bible is all I need. It is my spiritual dictionary.

You sound like an ACIM follower,

Again, thanks for the compliment, but no, I am not. I do not associate myself with any denomination.

Originally posted by HERACAT


[edit on 4-11-2008 by apaulo]

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 08:51 PM
keep it flowing man...nice topic and can you feed us the rest of the information already? lol

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:01 PM
To recap, we first we looked at desire and saw that it was a fuel, but fuel needs ignition. Expectation is that flame. (These are the basic ingredients for faith… real magic.) We saw that even in the most sinful of desires, there is that holy essence there known as expectation that is always being let down when the ego tries to meet the expectations of the soul.
But what is it the soul is crying out for? It’s the soul calling out. Calling to BECOME… to transform.

Ever feel empty and dead; Despondent or hopeless? Now recall a spark of excitement. Perhaps it’s a sinful weakness of yours, but the temptation of it makes you feel alive. This is where so many fail in their spiritual growth. The unspoken wordless psychology that takes place in the mind where satan battles the believer. “How could I possibly feel this way and be spiritual? Why is sin attractive? Why does it make me feel alive?”

Has it ever satisfied? You know the answer. Does a certain Rolling Stones song come to mind? “I Can’t Get No”… SATISFACTION. The reason it, whatever “it” may be, doesn’t satisfy is because the EXPECTATION that you really have inside your soul is for a very specific reason. If I am about to die of thirst and someone gives me a glass of diamonds, as wonderful as the diamonds may be, they are not what I need. They will not meet my expectations.

The soul needs something. You are the only one who can give it what it needs, but someone stands in the way. It is the person that you have been calling Y-O-U.

Long ago I had powerful dream that taught me a great lesson concerning the ego. The dream began vividly real. So real that I thought it was reality; I had memories and thoughts, color, textures, sounds, EVERYTHING. It was just as real as this reality. Then in the dream a middle aged woman whom I respected greatly, began to just rip me apart verbally. The emotional pain I felt was horrendous. I simply felt horrible; like a worthless piece of garbage. Then, suddenly, the dream became lucid. I became perfectly aware that what was going on was really just a dream, and that it wasn’t real. I was in total awe that this was all going on inside my mind. I was in rapt awe that I had created this complex personality who was giving me a verbal lashing, and the realization of this just tickled me. I just started laughing heartily, and the woman’s expression, now twisted with obvious confusion. She demanded, “What are you laughing at?”

“This is just a dream.” I said between laughter from the downright humor of it all, seeing how it was all my own creation. “You’re just a figment of my imagination. You don’t exist.”

Now when I said the dream was powerful, I really mean that it was. Powerful in that it transformed the way I reacted to people. I don’t even know how it worked, but the very best explanation that I have come up with so far is this; the ego does not exist. Whether it’s yours or mine, it really does not exist. Most people formulate their reaction based on the way we respond to them. We are so pathetic and weak when you think about it. People are constantly trying to reaffirm their identity, and sometimes our reaction to them is like an answer to a question that they don’t know they’re asking. Regardless of the words people use, most of the time they are really saying, “Confirm that I am important or powerful…” They need validation… proof. (Please stop giving it to them.) Until you realize that you are an absolute ZERO… nothing, that is exactly what you shall forever remain. That goes for every one of us, so PLEASE, DON”T FEED THE EGO!)
This is absolutely nothing but the truth my friend. The ego exists because of our desperate and yet worthless attempt to fill the desire of the soul. That desire to become who we really are. The question is who? Who are you?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 08:30 PM
For those of you who have been following along, I believe this will finally conclude my post... the longest post I have ever done. My hope is that it will benefit somebody, so let me know if you experiance this or if you have any questions.

The best way to experience this epic adventure of self discovery is to first crucify the ego, and then yield to that still small voice. Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ((This “love” is living in that domain of expectation… an exciting place to be by the way.))

When you do His will; as you die to the will of the ego, He becomes more powerful and thus drawing you closer and closer to the answer concerning your true identity. This mystery is so powerful that it cannot be given to just anyone. Just as I would never place a hammer into the hands of my four year old daughter, so God cannot give this away until you are able to handle it. Humility is the key element! An absolute must! You must KNOW that you are an absolute ZERO; and that only comes when we consistently die, day after day, to the powerful will of the ego and yield to the Holy Spirit.

Death to self is easier said than done. Our lives are very rich and complex in ego, and sometimes it is quite simply impossible just to sort through our actions and reactions. It is a job for the Holy Spirit.

Take for example our emotional identity. We are talking about a part of ourselves that acts and reacts without any forethought or premeditation. Emotion often comes like a knee jerk reaction… it’s just natural. That doesn’t make it right, though.

Emotions are also addictive. We actually create a chemical in our brain that is similar to morphine when we become saturated in emotion. source This is what makes it addictive and explains why we react and act the same way over and over again, or why we turn to an emotional outlet to find fulfillment. The wide range of emotions are so vast, to talk about them all would take many life times, but whether its movies or video games, books or even food, the emotion we experience can be distracting and addictive; keeping us from seeing who we really are.

Ever thought about why you do what you do? Why do I enjoy that video game? Why do I like watching movies? Why do I like that music? The emotional reaction is normally the culprit, and again, a part of our ego that simply keeps us ignorant to our true desire to know God. Emotion isn’t exactly evil. God created it. What makes it wrong is when we let it control us.

So Truely, deny ignorance, but first you must Deny Arrogance...

[edit on 6-11-2008 by apaulo]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 11:55 PM
It was an interesting read, but I have to say I disagree with a lot of it. I agree that expectations paint our reality, but I don't think narrowing one's view of the universe and existence to the teachings of one book and one religious faction to be very appealing at all, especially when that particular religion has quite few teachings that I view as contradictory.

Satisfaction is not fun at all... It's the neverending quest for that satisfaction that I find appealing. It's the Journey that's important, not the destination.

That's the problem I find with most religions, they are too focused on reaching a destination.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:28 PM

It was an interesting read, but I have to say I disagree with a lot of it.

Hey, I’m open to your thoughts… what did you disagree with? Really, I am interested.

I don't think narrowing one's view of the universe and existence to the teachings of one book and one religious faction to be very appealing at all, especially when that particular religion has quite few teachings that I view as contradictory.

Appealing? I certainly agree with you there. It isn’t very spectacular either. I would much rather have a book that was written without the assistance of men. Something that is obviously supernatural and otherworldly. That wouldn’t take a whole lot of faith though, and it would work against the very plan of God. As for contradictions… I have found some too, but then I found out I was wrong.

Satisfaction is not fun at all... It's the neverending quest for that satisfaction that I find appealing. It's the Journey that's important, not the destination.

I can relate to what you’re saying. I can’t say that I am COMPLETELY satisfied, but my soul… Now that is a different story.

That's the problem I find with most religions, they are too focused on reaching a destination.

I certainly have been misunderstood if you think that I have reached some sort of spiritual destination or final climatic plateau. This is just the beginning, and truthfully, I don’t believe there is an end.

I agree whole heartedly the problem with most religions, especially the various sects and denominations of Christianity, is putting God into a box. Perhaps this is the illusion most see with the Bible, too, but there is a reason the book has become a target of mockery…

…the Truth is in there.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:03 PM
Apaulo, you have it right that desire is the fuel that motivates us, but, you made some slick moves to imply other things, like faith. It's all jumbled up. And, when I first learned to masterbate, I wasn't shameful at all. I was telling all my friends about it and showing them how to do it. Religion makes things shameful. It would have been more honest of these "authorities" to just be honest and respectful and tell us that, yes, there is nothing wrong with masterbation, but that that energy can be directed to other constructive uses, which is what alchemy is all about. It makes perfect sense, but the authorities treat us like idiots and won't even talk to us about such complex matters. They just feed us a simple dumbed-down "philosophy" which really doesn't help humanity progress and gain power.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:43 PM

…you made some slick moves to imply other things, like faith.

The word “faith” is a cliché that has totally lost its meaning in our society. I actually hate to use it because of that, but I would like to urge people to forget what they know, and learn again for the very first time. Personally, I have to do it all the time.

…it's all jumbled up.

I agree. I wish I could write better.

And, when I first learned to masterbate, I wasn't shameful at all. I was telling all my friends about it and showing them how to do it. Religion makes things shameful.

Wow, it was totally different when I was a kid. People were very secretive and it was considered weird or gross, but I didn’t have any religious teaching to make me feel ashamed. For me it was just a natural reaction. I would’ve never felt the liberty to tell someone how to do it… nor the desire.

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