posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 02:52 PM
This photo does look suspect, though the road wheels appear to be turning the track is still flat across the bottom showing no effect of being
"unsprung". With about 60 tons on top of it track tension is set, lift the 60+ tons and this should have some effect on the track, at least some
loosening or slack should be seen. I am ex-military trained on both the M60-A3 and the M1 series main battle tanks. I once in training "jumped" an
M1 over a 6ft tank ditch at about 45mph and ended up spending the next 18 hours in the hospital with 3 broken ribs from the impact while my crew spent
two days rebuilding track and changing 3 torsion bars that were sticking through a section of the hull. While built to withstand a huge impact on the
frontal armor they are not designed to absorb the same amount of energy in other areas. I once witnessed and attempt at air dropping an M1 from a C5
galaxy which resulted in a torn parachute, a VERY buried M1, empty grandstands, various parts strewn about the field, and a slew of very unimpressed
high ranking officers. Tanks cannot and will not ever fly!
Main battle tanks are very quickly becoming phased out warfare today has evolved beyond the days of trenches and tanks, line 'em up & shoot 'em
tactics are gone for good. The Texas Army National Guard had the 49th Armored Division which was the largest Armored Division in the world. Now they
are mostly enginieers. I don't foresee anybody in the world activly persuing any advancements in Main Battle Tank Technology they are simply put, no
longer needed.