posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 02:37 AM
As a Canadian, I'm betting Obama will win by a wider margin than
most will think simply because the swing states such as Ohio,
Florida and YES even Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Utah simply want
C-H-A-N-G-E -- Someone NEW and DIFFERENT.
If one looks on a county by county basis, there are very FEW
truly red and truly blue states but rather a mish mash of purple
and a rather divisive URBAN vs RURAL demarcation where
rural & agrarian counties tend to vote Republican while
Urban and Suburban centres tend to vote Democrat.
I also think the racial divide lines will NOT be as important or telling
as many might make it out to be ... I believe that the southwest
Hispanics will tend to vote Democrat & Obama and I believe
that the greatest divide will be between the larger Rural Northeast and
Urban Northeast states such as New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania
in a VAST rural vs. urban split of the vote.
The rest of the states will be fairly equal between dems and repubs
on a county by county basis based upon the rural vs. urban divide
BUT i think that the BIGGEST changes will be in the states of
Indiana, Nevada, Arizona, The Carolinas and Virginia's which
WILL SURPRISE a lot of people because of what I think will be
a large voting pattern change versus the last election.
So from a Canadian Perspective I believe the vote
will turn out like the following:
Obama: 317
McCain: 198
Third Party: 23
Hope I win the points!!!!