posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:18 PM
Figuratively, day and hour:
^^"They both are yet awesome, magnificant, historicial!"--Figurative
And a non-total day and a total hour are yet not any person, but two greatly hailed functions which are yet non-total/total.
What do ppl count a total for? Votes. They can be yet non-total/total.
Sat represents for 7 since a 7th day, and it is next to the 31st...
Under the 31st is a 7... Every hour was total, but the day was never, concerning the 31st. Again, you see a non-total day and a total hour. Was it not
3 days or 3 hours after for a tally up for a total for votes? Time voting booths close is no later than 8pm... Name the hour word is told which
Near under the 31st is a 6 (a 5 day wise) and an 8 (a 7 day wise)... What is across is also considered a next in an angle.
"but my words (figurative two: the great day and the great hour) shall not pass a way."
^^Bottomline, a way I see this worldly eye dwelling amongst shall get the censors I describe inside a topic in the general conspiracy "Censors...".
The figurative day and hour shall not pass (succeed) a way. It shall halt or fail or try and fail a (single) way. Never did I say it shall be yet then
a better or worst thing for any persons, personally, but the great day and great hour shall be yet then ruined a way. It shall surely not go a total
voting hours worth (which is considered figuratively the great day), but it, great single hour wise/single vote wise, shall surely be yet total a way.
You never know where a single vote or whose single vote puts the rest null and void.
The single vote may be yet then a vote or may be yet then a non-vote vote. Both ways are yet votes still since choice plays a role. So fourth literal
day after the 31st is the figuravitely helded day and hour.
A single vote can be yet made through every man... Only through the vote being the exact same. Only way such may happen is if no man vote, which can
happen, or if every man, and I mean every man, not only vote but vote the exact same, which can happen only through remote control puppetry concerning
every man qualified to vote.