posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:32 PM
As I addressed in my previous post on "Our multidimensional existence" we consist of a Higher Soul, with various Soul Fragments spread out in
different physical bodies both in this world and in other alternate worlds.
This means that YOU, the one sitting there reading this line now, is one such Soul Fragment of your true Higher Soul. And at the same time there
exists different other soul fragments in other bodies spread around in time and space living their own separate individual lives, not being aware of
each other or their connection.
It is however necessary to expand some on this and give some further explanations.
Our Higher Soul may in fact be a Higher Soul Fragment of yet another Higher Soul - and our Soul Fragments may become equal to Higher Souls on
ascension after physical death, meaning they too get the ability to spread new Soul Fragments into new bodies.
What does this mean practically, you may ask. Let me explain:
You, the person you are living as now, are a soul fragment of a Higher Soul. At the same time other soul fragments are spread around that have been
spawned from the same Higher Soul, meaning that several people living at the same time are parallel and simultaneous versions of each other.
This further means that if any of these connected soul fragments, or parallel selves, did a past life regression to the life prior to the current one,
all of them would experience the Higher Soul that they have spawned from as their last life before this.
And this explains many things, and actually makes a lot of sense if you look at it - for example many people claim to have been various famous
historical people in the past. Most people would think that only one of them could be telling the truth, and the rest either lie or be imagining
But with the concept of the Higher Souls and Soul Fragments, and the Soul Fragments being able to turn into the same state as the Higher Souls at
ascension after Death, and that Higher Souls may very well be Soul Fragments of yet other Higer Souls again, it means that it is indeed quite possible
for several people to have been the same person in the past.
This is explained by the person whom they all were in a past life having ascended and spawned new Soul Fragments into new bodies, thus creating
several new parallel people existing at the same time, as well as in different times and locations in space, meaning that all those current people
whom are the Soul Fragments of this Past Person would go back in the same incarnation line to this Past Person when doing a Past Life Regression
simply because this Past Person in a sense was the Higher Soul of these current living Soul Fragments, or Parallel Persons.
Thus, we exist as Soul Fragments of a Higher Soul which in turn may have been a Soul Fragment of another Higher Soul in its time, and so on into the
long gone past, all the way up to Higher and Higher Souls, up to the very level of the Ultimate Soul - God - The Source of the First Higher Souls and
Soul Fragments.
When it comes to reincarnation, this also solves the problems some would face when trying to mathematically calculate how many souls are present now,
and how that would be possible if we keep reincarnating from previous lives, from a time when there were a lot fewer people around than we have now -
in other words, there would have to be new souls coming in for the expanding population, and this is what the purpose of the Higher Souls is - to
spawn new Soul Fragments for the new people that are born and expanding the population of the Earth.
At a deeper level, this of course also mean that we ALL are the SAME and ONE, considering that after all we all have been spawned from Higher Souls
back to the Origin, to the time when there were only One Source - God.
This was all from me today, I will be back at a later occasion.
May you be blessed with profound peace,