posted on Jan, 17 2003 @ 05:36 AM
Friday, 17 January, 2003, 02:28 GMT
Prince Abdullah is said to have discussed the plan: Riyadh urges amnesty for Baghdad government to avert war
Saudi Arabia is seeking support for a diplomatic plan to avert war in Iraq by persuading Saddam Hussein�s own generals to topple him in a coup, Time
magazine reported Thursday.
Arab leaders are planning a coup to topple Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, says a report in Time magazine.
Saudi Arabia is reported to be behind the plot which proposes encouraging Iraqi generals to overthrow Saddam and his inner circle. The aim is to avoid
a United States-led war with Iraq which could spark other wars in the region. If there is amnesty for the rest of the government, Saddam will be
checkmated. The Saudi idea requires a United Nations resolution declaring an amnesty for the Iraqi officials if they got rid of Saddam, Western and
diplomatic sources are quoted as saying.
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