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Alien Disclosure Is Finally Here---Now What?

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posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 07:56 AM

Lets just say-- the aliens themselves came down in space ships and hovered over large cities for the masses to witness and record on live broadcast?

Would anyone believe it?
(probably if on live coverage right?)

What would religions say about it?
Is it of the devil or the anti-christ?

How would the world react and how would it effect everything in our reality? It goes much deeper than just knowing they exist so the question is not an easy equation.

With all the disease, poverty, wars and problems facing the world what would people expect?

How would it effect everyone in religions? What would we expect from these ET's or would everyone fear they are here to take over and destroy us? A lot of possibilities, have you ever really thought about it?

Once we find out ET's have always been visiting earth and always been around lets just use that as a scenario how would everyone react?

Would we be upset that so many people have been suffering with disease, war and bloodshed all this time when we know they could have stepped in and saved us?

Would we be angry with them or with God or with our governments who have kept this information hidden from us? (Even possibly cures for diseases, free energy and solutions for everything? Who would we blame?

A lot to think about and that's just a beginning.

If they have been here from the beginning of time did they take place in our creation or manipulate tamper with our dna/evolution?

Were ancient civilizations and histories altered/hidden from us by engineer and design?

Have we been living in a dream world all this time with great illusions surrounding us, a so called blanket of security covering us---religions of the world ---perhaps even placed here by ET's or some of our own kind manipulating us for control and power holding these secrets in tight compartmentalized families or/groups?

Of course there are a lot of questions and possibilities, where do we really come from? What happens when we die? Is there life after death? Re-incarnation? Is there really a God if so who? etc. etc. etc.

Don’t you think the masses of planet earth would be asking these same questions if there was a mass disclosure about extraterrestrials---ET’s that not only have been visiting this tiny rock we call earth but living here perhaps in secrecy, even possibly creators and involved in the creation of life on the planet from the beginning?

Some of these questions would be a very small beginning of endless questions after a disclosure took place.

What do you think would really happen?


[edit on 28-10-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 08:07 AM
I think the bible reefers to them in every way, and yes, they might have created us, in ancient times, how would you describe a giant flying thing in the air?
Heck we just might be an experiment, like how we play with rats.

I think most religions would be destroyed , except for the ones that make claims about them as their god.

I think the government would try to blow them out of the Sky, as they would be an opposing force, now if they were to retaliat, innocent people would be hit,
you can look at them as angles or devils, just depends on what end of the barrel you end up on.

The second coming? as in the bible , An army is raised by the devil to fight god.

Could it be all of//most of the Humans VS the alien invasion foretold in the bible. is that why alot of people are against the NwO ?

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:36 AM
People, I feel, vastly underestimate how numb humanity is. Predictions of wild reaction are often suggested but in truth I dont think even that revelation is enough to provoke reaction of any magnitude in a species so accustomed to muted brow beaten watching.

People would talk excitedly in the post office queue and in the canteen at work, the bold would call into talk shows and take part in street interviews where they might vent a little and in the interim everything would pretty much tick along as it always has.

Not even this would break the rythm of life, although people would gradually become more aware of the web of lies and trust in leaders would fall, but I certainly dont see the world coming apart.

Unless of course they just pop into the street and the media stir up "alien attack" scenarios, in which case the masses wouldstart running round like headless chickens.

Just knowing wont really break the system, just effect a change in pressures and a change in who we trust to lead I suspect.

Humanity lost its reactivity long ago, now people are so numbed and used to the rigmarole its hard to image that changing overnight.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by LetsPlayFeedTheGater
I think the bible reefers to them in every way,

There do seem to be a lot of scriptures in the bible, here are just a few examples.

Ezekiel 1:16 (NIV)
This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like chrysolite, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting wheel.

Ezekiel 1:4 (NIV)
I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north--an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal.

Exodus 13: 21-22 (NIV)
By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:22 AM
Me being a christian and comming from a strong christian family,we had a saying at our house the only reason you missed church was because of a death in the family Yours!!!!,I don't see how any disclosure would have any bearing on my views,I've always been intriqued by UFO's ,my sister ,bro in law,and sisters ex were all supervisors all had top secret clearance,all they could say if I asked them a question is"your probably right" now statements like that used to drive me nut's,they said that the US feels that the people are on a need to know basis,being inquisitive this what drives me crazy,knowing but not knowing

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by silver6ix
People, I feel, vastly underestimate how numb humanity is. Predictions of wild reaction are often suggested but in truth I dont think even that revelation is enough to provoke reaction of any magnitude in a species so accustomed to muted brow beaten watching.

People would talk excitedly in the post office queue and in the canteen at work, the bold would call into talk shows and take part in street interviews where they might vent a little and in the interim everything would pretty much tick along as it always has.

Not even this would break the rythm of life, although people would gradually become more aware of the web of lies and trust in leaders would fall, but I certainly dont see the world coming apart.

Unless of course they just pop into the street and the media stir up "alien attack" scenarios, in which case the masses wouldstart running round like headless chickens.

Just knowing wont really break the system, just effect a change in pressures and a change in who we trust to lead I suspect.

Humanity lost its reactivity long ago, now people are so numbed and used to the rigmarole its hard to image that changing overnight.

I think for some that may be the case, but I don't believe the world in general could handle it, I believe many religious establishments and countries based on certan beliefs and other denominations of power would come crashing down and it would effect us all.

Just a few scenarios,
(I'm not saying these are true but what if they were.)

Something like we were created and designed by them and for them as a slave race from animals and other mixed DNA, we were created for the purpose of their control, something like cattle would be to us. OR

Just another scenario:
We are looked at like animals to them and earth is nothing more than their farm, they use us for energy and even food, nothing more than a resource to them , they own us. They even re-incarnate our spirits into new bodies when we die so they can continue harvesting us as cattle on the farm.

I think if either one of these scenarios were true and disclosure of it did take place well how do you think people would react?

There are alot of scenarios you know!

p.s. I have approached this thread completely from the perspective of someone who has never had contact with ET's and knows nothing about them. I was hoping to put down thoughts on paper based on the way I would think if I were in everyone else's shoes knowing nothing about ET's and just living my life out like the average person.

I hope to get other people's thoughts about all of this.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:35 AM
I would like to kill an alien to see what color they bleed and to watch them die. Just a little get even for all the evil they have done to humans over millenia.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

You are talking to a social response to threat, not just existence.

Humans would react in panic to any form of attack, IF the attack was visible and apparent. The UK has lived quite normally under the threat of terrorist attack for example, people just get on with their lives.

Fabricating a mythical attack isnt going to shake people out of that rut, they would have to come down in their saucers and start balsting to get our attention in that respect.

Humans are used to threat, used to war and used to living with it, its been that way our whole lives. As long as its impact isnt seen in the streets before our eyes, life would go on, just a little more talk in the bars and streets and maybe a "sense" of concern but I very much doubt you would see the first world nations running around wild over it.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:44 AM
You know what I have been noticing, is that there HAS been evidence, and there HAVE been myriad credible sightings, there HAVE been mass sightings involving many people at once, there have been whole fleets of UFO's caught on video, 400+ Roswell witnesses, military personnel galore, even the former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Defense for crying out loud.

And guess what!

Nobody is paying attention.


People are unwilling to believe something is true until the government tells them it is true. Never mind what their own eyes are telling them, never mind what thousands of people are saying. If the government says it's not real, it's not real, period.

This kind of thinking used to be the realm on science fiction: government mind control and brainwashing of a dumbed down populace. Yet *it is really happening*.

This is classic Orwellian doublethink, and it HAS WORKED! The plain evidence is before the eyes of the people, and they turn to the government, saying, "I will not believe in the eight hundred pound gorilla I see in my living room unless YOU tell me it is really there."

I think that is why so many UFO enthusiasts hope against hope that the aliens will someday disclose themselves in a mass, undeniable, worldwide event, so those of us who ARE paying attention could maybe be vindicated, SANS governmental disclosure. And we can get on with finding out what's REALLY going on.

I for one am not looking forward to the day when the government comes forward and admits that they have had meetings and treaties with aliens. I will not believe a word they say anyway. And I don't need the government to tell me what is manifestly true: that ET's EXIST. That's not even on the table as far as I'm concerned.

I know there are many here at ATS who are still on the fence on this issue. But I am just saying that waiting for governmental disclosure is not the answer.

Sorry. I know this doesn't really answer the question.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by OuttaHere]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by silver6ix

You are talking about a social response to a threat, not just existence.

Exactly, not just disclosure but everything that would come along with disclosure like:

Why have they kept their existence a secret for so long?

If we found out they were taking our children for instance without us being aware of it through semen extraction/growth manufactured or even fetal removals in early pregnancies for a resource or even food.

How would we feel about it?

If we knew they were responsible for hundreds of thousands of children and people who go missing each year.

Would we still go about our day as if nothings new?

There is alot more too a disclosure than people think, so yes this thread is about not only us finding out about them but finding out the rest of the details that go along with disclosure..

Be creative, there are plenty of possible scenarios out there.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:00 AM
It would become a freak show of media talk shows, newpaper headlines and bizarre ideas, but people would sip their coffee and lap it all up because thats basically what people do.

Hell we stand on the brink of nuclear war and nobody would break routine, they just watch teh news, read the papers and talk. Unfortunately society is kind of lethargic.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

What do you think would really happen?

aren't you putting the cart before the horse on this ?

nobody can predict what would happen because you don't know who or what is going to show up.

what if Aliens showed up and didn't know anything about religion or ways to cure all of our diseases and fix all of our problems ?

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by silver6ix

Unfortunately society is kind of lethargic.

lol--lmao Aint that the truth.

Ahhh I am feeling lethargic myself now, it aint easy sitting behind a keyboard all day.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

Its actually quite amusing. There was a time when the gruesome and almost entertainment like coverage of the Iraq war would have shocked society to its roots, now a days it just becomes a rather bizarre quasi entertainment fiasco.

I found it all rather morbid and disturbing the way society poured over it all myself and it became the talk of the town. Real life is like watching a soap opera for the masses, im not even sure society knows what reality actually is anymore.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by easynow

nobody can predict what would happen because you don't know who or what is going to show up.

You could be right, maybe just maybe.

What if Aliens showed up and didn't know anything about religion or ways to cure all of our diseases and fix all of our problems ?

lol This one made me laugh.

All nice thoughts--- but how do you think they could conquer time travel and the SOL getting in here in the first place without advanced solutions in technology, medicine, and science?

It's a nice thought though, What If?

What if they couldn't cure every disease?

But would we be expecting them to in the first place?

What if they could cure every disease and give us greater knowledge but told us flat out NO,---

"we cannot give you the solutions it's against our law. We can visit you here and help you in a few simple ways but cannot interfere in your natural process of evolution and growth---You must go through the same process we did that include disease, death and so on. We are not aloud to cure disease for any species within the galaxy accept our own but we have conquered disease and aging millions of years ago. We even have the key to eternal life but can't give it to you, you will have to learn it yourself through natural evolution and it could take you millions to even billions of years.

Plenty of scenarios.
Thanks for the thoughts,
keep em coming!

[edit on 28-10-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

Everyone talks about "seeing" them.. They better appear on local weather station and airport radar as well. To me this is why Project Blue Beam is a crock. Seeing is not believing..ask anyone who posted photo or video of UFO..You know the drill..CGI, bad photoshop job ect.. So let's say they are invisible to radar...then photos from commercial pilots should be interesting. Oh they'll be grounded so as not to stir up the aliens..

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:55 AM
''Alien Disclosure Is Finally Here---Now What?''


I can't believe the majority of humans still think we are alone in the Galaxy/Univers!
The Univers is 13 billion years old,our Galaxy also about the same age......
Humans can't comprehend this AGE of the Univers!
They just think its a HUGE number!They can't figure the distance between Galaxys/Planets/Solar Systems!
our Planet has 4 billion years!Life existed before US,humans came along!
It has been strucked down by asteroids/dizasters/bla,bla,bla!
What happened in the Univers before humans came along?!
Do you dudes & girls think it just stood alone waiting for us humans to came along?!WHY?....humans are just a bunch (not all) destructive/self destructive species!
If i was some alien species i will NEVER,NEVER,NEVER came to this PLANET!

I believe.....that the Univers is......GOD!

''GOD created all''.....the Univers created all!

Aliens know that!

I asked myself....who created GOD....!...I can't find an answer!

.....because there is no answer....!

He was born with the Univers...he is the Univers......''THE ALL POWERFULL

The univers is ALIVE!

In meditation is said that you must become 1 with the'll fell peacefull when you do so...calm,open minded!

Enouf said.....gonna keep for my self the rest that i will find out in the coming years!

PS.Sorry for the bad writing (english is not my ML)

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 12:03 PM
It seems very likely that we were created by aliens. Its the only reason we are so far ahead when it comes to intelligence and so on. There should be species close to us in intelligence otherwise. There is none.

Perhaps they took monkeys and altered their DNA to create us, as an experiment. I dont see whats so bad about that. I just wish they would guide us a bit. We are not doing very good as a species.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by silver6ix

Real life is like watching a soap opera for the masses, im not even sure society knows what reality actually is anymore.

I believe you are right and it's quite Sad.

Especially about the wars, we are so used to violence in the movies that we have been brainwashed in a way to look at the real violence going on in our real world as nothing more than a movie. Even in a sick way like you said almost entertainment or a bad soap opera. Real women and children going through hell-times in horrific wars yet how is that really effecting us?

Most of society truly should be classified as dumbed down sheep being led further and further into mind control and submission. Just look at where we all seem to be heading.

We rely on the daily news to give us the truth of what is really happening in the world. We trust the government 100%---For the most part we trust The media---Those who are professionally paid to cover up certain events and distract us from the truth...

Controlled coverage---Although most of us know it's not a free media and that CNN and others cannot just air whatever they choose without having to wet it all down and alter it first through censorship passing it on to Rothschild decision makers---run by a few powerful groups with an agenda---World news is being censored in just about every way possible now---

All information coming out is changed to fit the political government agenda whatever that may be and we get a 1 sided version of an event---half/truth, a watered down version, nothing more than a lie.
Most of us should know that by now but nobody seems to listen or care.

Whatever we read though whether we believe it or not soaks up in our minds subconsciously and it is effecting the way we think and look at others. Subliminal messaging is found in just about everything. If we only had the manual with all the symbols, tones found in everything from music to fast food restraunts, quick commercials etc. I'm sure we would all be amazed. I am not paranoid I am awake and can see it and recognize it, Can you?.

Just look at 911, most know it doesn't add up and those who are even smarter know it was the biggest lie since pearl harbor.

But yet nobody seems to care, most Americans forget as if saying.

"Oh well, as long as it doesn't happen to me and my familiy."

"The government wouldn't do that to me, why would they do that?"

I guess what we don't see is who is really in power and behind the governement.

We have turned heartless for the most part as a society. Perhaps our minds have been subliminally programmed so well through everyday living that it's working--we don't really care much anymore-- through media--telivision and such!

Are we ready to just accept the damn implants?

I wonder.

OK back on topic now--
sorry for swaying off, subjects like this get me emotional.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by deathhasnosound
I would like to kill an alien to see what color they bleed and to watch them die. Just a little get even for all the evil they have done to humans over millenia.

This may be the very reason why they have an on going NON-disclosure project.

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