posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:42 AM
I am very sorry to hear about your predicament. I have dealt with these forces for thousands of years, I know what they are capable of and what its
like to have one on your back. There are a variety of things that can be used to banish them from your property, though if one of them was a former
resident it becomes a bit more difficult. The first thing you should try, if its possible with the people you live with, is burning sage throughout
the house. Sage is a cleanser and negative energy is pushed away or banished by it. After the cleansing it would be beneficial to sprinkle salt over
any opening to your house. It doesn't have to be a lot of salt, typically just a semi-solid line. Negative entities have trouble crossing salt. Also,
do not leave open windows or doors.
A major thing that attracts these energies is fear and negative emotion. If you have no fear when dealing with them, which I know is incredibly
difficult, then they typically cannot affect you. There are numerous exceptions to the rule, but from the sound of it this was a human who sold
themselves to a demon in return for "power". It will be very difficult to banish these entities if the former owner of the house is buried on the
property, that should be something you try to find out.
With you being Catholic, I am a bit remittent to offer the advice of using magick to expel the entities. It is the most effective path you can take
when dealing with them, besides pure visualization which I will add to later. If you are comfortable with using magick then be sure to do the proper
research and make sure you do it right. The ceremonies are not generally difficult but one must do them properly or the ritual will no usually work.
What I meant by visualization earlier is this: humans have an interesting capability in this realm in that they are co-creators with the eternal
spirit of the universe. If you can properly visualize with your mind's eye then you can often fend them off. Visualize pure white light or golden
light around you, creating a "shield" around your entire body. The better you get at this the less they can affect you, but it is only a temporary
fix. Eventually you will have to banish them from the property in some way or they will remain there for as long as they wish.
On a more personal note, I would not condone communication necessarily with such energy, but if you can find out the name of the entity I may be able
to help. Communication is not necessarily dangerous as long as you realize they will say and do and make you think anything to get you to submit to
them. Fear is largely an act of submittance, since you are in effect admitting that they are stronger than you are or contain power that can hurt you.
The most important thing to remember is that we are infinite, and the only reason they seek us out and try to seduce us with evil is because they fear
us. If they did not see us as a threat or realize our power they would leave us alone.
I wish you the best of luck with this. These beings are leeches, and while they are not anywhere near as strong as we are they are still a force to be
reckoned with. Keep your faith and hopefully you can come out without too much harm.