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Order and Chaos

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posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 07:16 PM
If what you are about to read sounds stupid, it is only because I can't write about it accurately... please bare with me. Your input is highly valuable if it helps add to the subject.

I cannot call what I am about to share with you a divine revelation, but I will say that it has been an incredible opening of insight that I have never recognized before. I now see something all the time, everywhere, in everything, and in everyone that in times past I had been totally unaware of... at least on a conscious level. For a lack of better words, I have chosen to simply call it the Art of Order.

I suppose that I have been aware of it most of my life subconsciously, which is why I have been attracted to the Asian traditions. These people possess more of it than any other culture I have been exposed to.

I finally saw it for the very first time at a Bushido class just the other night. My son wanted to join the class, so we were watching to see if he was truly interested. Since it was a Saturday night over ¾ of the class wasn’t there, but then about ten minutes into the training another student showed up late making a total of five including the instructor. From the moment I first saw the late student, who was Asian BTW, I noticed something about him that I liked; Something unique. It actually bothered me that I couldn’t understand the appealing distinction that he had that I didn’t see in the others.

Then it happened. I would have to say it was a culmination of all my prior experiences of having been exposed to this culture whether through friends, acquaintances, books, or even movies. What I saw was what I call the Art of Order… a form of energy that flows from the individual causing his life to be one of intent; of purpose. Just like a skilled artist painting a beautiful work of art, so does the artist of Order take the chaos in life and arrange it into a work of art; harmony, balance, structure, and order. Her every move is done with accuracy, precision, and with purpose to the very best of her abilities. Whether the most mundane actions of walking or sitting, or a disciplined skill such as dancing or Kung Fu, you can see the Art of Oder flowing beautifully like a tranquil stream. One who is well trained moves with poise and grace, but a novice, just like in martial arts, moves forcefully and awkwardly. This is something new that requires training and until it becomes second nature, they will appear inept.

I could see the Order in the Asian student, but I didn’t see it in the others. The instructor and one other student were both black belts, and the other two were white belts. The Asian had just unwrapped his new sword and he wasn’t even wearing a belt , so I assumed that this meant that he was new. I would’ve thought that if anyone would have “it” it would’ve been in the black belts, because I theorize that it is developed in the mastering of the physical arts such as dancing, yoga, or martial arts. I can only guess the Asian has training in another art form.

I am having a difficult time expressing what it is that I now see… the Art of Order. I feel that the more I write and talk about it, the better I’ll be able to share it. I believe that the Asian culture has individuals that already are aware of this and I am hoping to hear from them. If there are any books on the subject I would love to read about it, because I really believe that as a person becomes aware of this force, it can be channeled into every aspect of their life bringing Order to Chaos.

Another thing, after seeing that I lack this “Art of Order” I have been able to see a lack of it in others, and I can easily see why most Asians would label American's as lazy. Without this flow of “energy” emitting from you, it produces a listless and lazy appearance to those who are more aware of it, or the lack there of. This thing that I speak of is something that cannot be put on like a coat or hat. You can't fake it. You either have it or you don't.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 07:53 PM
I believe that the "art of order" you say is what all great leaders have/had. It proves that some people are "powerful" than others. We all have a kind of gift, we just gotta find out what it is...

[edit on 27-10-2008 by adkchamp]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 08:03 PM
This link is the best I could get

but it is a book called

Anti-chaos, common property, and the emergence of cooperation

If it is what I expect it to be, it is about a mathematical concept called anti-chaos. The idea starts with entropy, but if you have a jar (or planet) if everything diffuses perfectly, what then? The molecules are still moving and by definition, if they have reached that perfect state of disorder then any move from there has to increase order. Anti chaos occurs in pockets of various size with the increase in size (or complexity) leading to a reduction of probability of that event occuring. But these things occur and lead to life, and co-operation and lots of things, just through random.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 06:26 PM


Thanks for the feedback.

I checked your link, redled, and I didn’t find any correlation between the “Art of Order” and the book referred to, but thanks anyway.

After some more research I have come to find some familiar words that now have more meaning to me, and some new ones. The one I think that I've been looking for, however, is...


(Chinese, the way) The source and principle of the cosmic order; the constant flow of the life force (chi) in unceasing change. As a cosmic principle the tao bears some similarity to logos, although it is also elusive, deep, and obscure and cannot be expressed in words. The tao of humanity and that of the universe are one, and in this lies the key to a completely satisfying and harmonious human existence. The ‘easy way’ of Taoism is one of being in tune with nature and the universe. In Confucianism the tao is the way of the moral law, or the path by which a fully moral existence is achieved.


The vital force believed in Taoism and other Chinese thought to be inherent in all things. The unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body are held to be essential to good health in traditional Chinese medicine.

I think that what I may be seeing is what the Japanese refer to as Tao.
Taoism is a principal philosophy and system of religion of China based on the teachings of Lao-tzu in the sixth century B.C. and on subsequent revelations. It advocates preserving and restoring the Tao in the body and the cosmos.

This is very strange seeing that I recently read a book about Lao-tzu by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer titled "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao."

Link to the book

This really is very strange. I have really enjoyed the book and have found the philosophy to be very insightful, but is this just a coincidence? I don’t believe in chance.

Still, I would be interested in knowing if anything I have said makes sense to anyone concerning the "Art of Oder." As I said before, it seems to be most prevalent in the Asian culture, but just because they're Asian, doesn't mean they have "it". I have seen a strong lack in Asians as well.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 09:06 AM
I think I understand what you are saying apaulo. The same is very evident with dance choreography. One instinctively knows when a dance move works or looks awkward. It's as though there is a formula or guiding force regarding human expression through movement. One can even apply this to the movement of sound ie music.

Do you have any ideas as to why this might be? How did it come about? What are we witnessing? I have some theories but I'd like to hear your first!

Shine on.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 12:49 PM

It's as though there is a formula or guiding force regarding human expression through movement. One can even apply this to the movement of sound ie music.

Fantastic! It sounds like you know what I’m talking about, but as far as your questions go, I can only theorize as well.

Do you have any ideas as to why this might be?

The way I see it the universe is loaded with order; from the balance and harmony of nature, to the inner space of matter being composed of complex and structured cells.

How did it come about?

Good question… one could only guess.

What are we witnessing?

((My theory could be way off target, but that is the reason I am posting here; so I can get some feedback and hear other peoples ideas.)) I theorize that what we are seeing are people who are reconnected to a universal law of harmony and order. And just like the law of gravity, or any other natural law, we can tap into it and use it for our benefit and the benefit of others. Part of this “theory” is that it can be learned. ((Perhaps that is wishful thinking on my part, simply because I would like to see more of it in my own life.)) My guess is that because I see it as being so prevalent the Asian culture, that it must be associated with the ritualistic training and discipline of the physical arts. The more sincere and dedicated a person becomes to one of the arts, the more likely it is to begin flowing into other areas of an individual’s life… It will change everything from something as simple as their posture and attitude to their life success in handling their career or finances. I have described it to my wife as a dance; every step, every breath, every thought, if only it could be in rhythm with the beat of the universal law of harmony…

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by apaulo

What are we witnessing?

((My theory could be way off target, but that is the reason I am posting here; so I can get some feedback and hear other peoples ideas.)) I theorize that what we are seeing are people who are reconnected to a universal law of harmony and order. And just like the law of gravity, or any other natural law, we can tap into it and use it for our benefit and the benefit of others. Part of this “theory” is that it can be learned. ((Perhaps that is wishful thinking on my part, simply because I would like to see more of it in my own life.)) My guess is that because I see it as being so prevalent the Asian culture, that it must be associated with the ritualistic training and discipline of the physical arts. The more sincere and dedicated a person becomes to one of the arts, the more likely it is to begin flowing into other areas of an individual’s life… It will change everything from something as simple as their posture and attitude to their life success in handling their career or finances. I have described it to my wife as a dance; every step, every breath, every thought, if only it could be in rhythm with the beat of the universal law of harmony…

You are certainly thinking along the right lines. It's about movement and connection as you rightly said. The correct movement towards purity and true expression creates a flow of energy which is picked up by our subconscious mind. Our eyes and mind are attuned to this movement visually, and we subconsciously know what creates a connection and what doesn't except most won't realise why a move not only feels right for the dancer or a master of martial arts (who understand the flow of chi through the body) but also why it looks right.

Once you understand the flow you will not only begin to see those who fear it but also those who connect with it.

You may be interested in my other post Reading the Code of Our Reality which goes into more detail about 'the dance'

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 04:28 AM
I might be on about something different here...but I have seen and 'felt' what I think your describing when riding horses.

its a lightness....a total connection between horse and rider and they become the same thing for a time....which is actually the true 'horsemanship' as in horse-man=ship = the unity of the 1 when the connection is there.

Whilst physically I am a poor rider in many ways I have 2-3 itmes felt for a few seconds this 'connection' and other people have also seen it and commented on it too.....

It doesnt always apply to riding,it can be achieved from the ground.

I'm not talking about horse whispering or dressage or the performing horses etc, although sometimes I see flashes of this in there (however most of the time this is flat and just 'perfectly imitating' the true connection...if that makes sense?
It might explain why the blackbelts werent' the same as the lad who got your attention...cos they were perfectly imitating it but he was actually feeling/doing it etc?

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 07:56 PM

The correct movement towards purity and true expression creates a flow of energy which is picked up by our subconscious mind.

Yes, I do agree. I believe that there are many that actually possess this flow of energy that aren’t even aware of it… I recall a scene in “The last Samurai” where Nathan Algren is being trained and one of the guys explains his problem as “too many minds.” ((Yes, I know this is Hollywood, but I found an element of truth here.)) Algren was trying too hard. You could say that he was over analyzing his performance, and I believe this is what hinders the flow of energy. This is why I say it cannot be faked.

I read your post and it sounds interesting. How long have you been aware of this?

I might be on about something different here...but I have seen and 'felt' what I think your describing when riding horses.

I’m not sure if this is in response to me or pharaohmoan, but I do not doubt that you are experiencing the same thing. Anything that requires discipline or focus would be candidate. As I said before, I believe that one could actually live in this state of mind on a subconscious level; that would actually be the ultimate goal. To just let it flow naturally. As naturally as breathing.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by apaulo

I read your post and it sounds interesting. How long have you been aware of this?

Well to be honest I noticed it when I got arrested. The police were litterally draining my chi and I could see how they were doing it. Then i started do Tai Chi and could feel the flow within.

I believe understanding this flow will help us in the endtimes to combat evil and elevate our consciousness out of this reality.

Shine on.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan

… i started do Tai Chi and could feel the flow within.

I believe understanding this flow will help us in the endtimes to combat evil and elevate our consciousness out of this reality.

Until just a few minutes ago, I had never even new what Tai Chi was. I have heard about it before, but never took the time to see what it was all about. I find it ironic that the day that I first became aware of this energy that I actually thought of something like this. I wanted to do something that wasn’t combative and yet similar to martial arts.

Also, what do you believe about the end times?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by apaulo
Also, what do you believe about the end times?

To hard to say, and it hurts my head if I try and think about it !

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:31 PM
"End times" is a Christian term, so I am assuming that you have Christian, influences.

With that being said, do you believe in the rapture? Yes, I know this is off topic, but since I started it, and the thread appears to have died, I don't think anyone will care...

[edit on 9-11-2008 by apaulo]

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by apaulo

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't there a lot of cultures that emphasize perfection and grace in all things. Just as an example, The Japanese tea tradition.
Various martial arts are not meant only to be a form of defense, but of self discipline as well. Self discipline that is to be carried out into every day life.
The "art of order" is no doubt nothing new. Especially when doing repetitive tasks, which give an excellent opportunity to perfect a style.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by apaulo
You either have it or you don't.

I think I understand what you are saying, but do you really believe that it cannot be learned? I believe we can learn anything that is my honest opinion.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 06:02 PM

The "art of order" is no doubt nothing new. Especially when doing repetitive tasks, which give an excellent opportunity to perfect a style.

I don’t believe what I have observed is new at all, just new to me, but your line of reasoning is along my own; “repetitive tasks, and perfecting style,” but that is the reason that I mentioned the two black belts… they didn’t have “it” , so if it is perfection of style and repetition, why didn't they have it?

Which leaves you with the question, how do you get “it” and what exactly is “it”.

I don’t believe that this is something spiritual or supernatural. If you don’t have “it” you won’t be lost or something, but just as some of us have different gifts or talents, so I believe this may be. As an example. no matter how much you may want to be the next Lawrence Taylor, Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong, or the next Michelangelo, that may not be your gift. You could try to develop your skill in that area, but that is no guarantee. ((I could practice basketball until my hands bleed, and I would still stink))

I think I understand what you are saying, but do you really believe that it cannot be learned? I believe we can learn anything that is my honest opinion.

I really hope it can be learned…

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 09:04 PM
I often find a certain equilibrium when I do certain things.
It could kind of be described familiarly as "being in the zone".
"It" required thought about every action. Every move has a purpose, and you execute movement to the best of your ability. After some time it becomes second nature and you don't have to try so hard.

A simple yet effective way to do this mentally, is to ask yourself first any question you might ask someone else. You may be surprised how much you can truly retain. You very well may have the answer you seek all along. If you truly do not know then ask your question.

Just practice.
Do everything with meaning. That's as much as I could tell you.
Good luck.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by reticledc
I often find a certain equilibrium when I do certain things.
It could kind of be described familiarly as "being in the zone".
"It" required thought about every action. Every move has a purpose, and you execute movement to the best of your ability. After some time it becomes second nature and you don't have to try so hard.

I have a question, this is my situation. I am in the Matrix, I am a Neo-human living in a human world, I bleed, I walk, I talk. I am one of the most spirituallly advanced souls on earth. Every move I make is connected through time. I am often under attack from those that want to steal my code, but who don't understand what the code stands for. I exist in multiple dimensions but am trapped in a physical body. My mind is holographic yet perceptually located in one body. Who am I? Is that the question I should ask? I know who I am. Do others need to know? Is the knowing in the doing? Am I my present actions or my past? Where are we heading? What if our heading as you said is that every move should have purpose? Would we be free to find that purpose no matter what? Or would the powers that be (or even society and its laws) prevent us?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:51 PM
Ah, the Matrix. What an incredibly movie, but they really messed up on the sequels. The way I see it, Neo represented Christ and the agents were obviously fallen angels. The sequels should’ve continued to imitate the original though… after Christ resurrected, er Neo, the agents realized that those who would be unplugged would be unstoppable. But, with all the outstanding info they got from Cypher, they should’ve just imitated Morpheus and crew by offering blue or red pills. Take the red pill from the agents and you experience a cleverly devised mock unplugging… the goal of the agents would’ve been to destroy the influence of those who really are unplugged by beating them to the punch.

“Oh, I’m already unplugged. I already know about the Matrix. ”
Their goal would be to create confusion, and discredit the Zionist; freedom fighters or whatever they were called.

That wouldn’t have been as cool a movie though, right? Yet, that’s what has happened in the real world anyway. Christianity has become a huge mess. How many hundreds… thousands of different denominations now? What a mockery. I’m almost ashamed to call myself a Christian, but then I recall that there are Chri-stains and then there are Christians.

As for your questions, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because I’ve misread peoples posts before, but they were intended to be sarcasm, right?

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 03:19 AM
No they are real questions concerning key issues about progression and it would be nice if you attempted to answer them, as I am very keen to shed some light on such important issues.

The fact that you interpret my post as sarcasm is your mind playing tricks on you. It is not ready or conditioned to hear such talk yet. My post is also about a real person and a real situation, ie me. Yes I am defenitely Neo-human and yes I am at one with the film. The trouble is this is on such unknown level to most people ie what it is like to be at one with a higher organisation, that people are blinded to it. They cannot and do not see natures code being run. Which is why I am so keen to get off this godforsaken planet.

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