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Modern Day Witch Hunting

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posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by nathraq

Yes, let's blame the west, again, for other countries woes.

I mean, how G**dam ignorant and stupid does a person have to be to realize that hurting your own children is wrong?!?

How f***ing stupid does a person have to be to realize, no, a suitcase can't talk?!?

Why do have have to help them too?? If they could stop killing and raping each other for 5 minutes, maybe their heads would clear a bit.

But, oh no, the evil West, after they pulled out of their colonies, left these poor little countries in such a distraught state, that the people turned to genocide and mass rape as a protest against the evils of European Imperialism.

Stupidity has nothing to do with wealth. If it did, then I would be A #1 King of the Dummies!

I never mentioned imperialism or colonies or mass rapes, stop putting words in peoples mouths. what is said was the west knows this s**t happens but does nothing... and that in my books is evil and selfish... i'm not saying that doing something like this is right, but these people are brought up with superstitions and this is what they believe... dont forget the states had massive witchhunts a couple of centuries back (salem)... but it was just the norm back then

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 07:09 PM
Ugh. Thats just sickening!

Seriously though, how could anyone do that to a child!?

[Edited on 3-29-2004 by PsionicGamer]

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 08:06 PM
Ambient, if you think that this is what God would expect these parents to do, then you've skipped some important pages in the Bible, like the first page of Matthew to the last page of Revelation.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by specialasianX

The reason the US doesnt intervene is because Angola has no resources it wants, and also doesnt pose a threat, also the ruler didnt threaten to kill G W's dad (as Saddam did)... the US doesnt give a # about human right otherwise they would stop things like this happening all over the world...

but thats neither here nor there...

Sadly there are people out there who are superstitious and their countries aent as advanced or priviledge as ours are... I dont blame the parents for this, they are doing ehat they deem as 'appropriate'. Angola isnt a 'modern' country and many of their beliefs and practices would likely imitate ours of centuries ago (i.e witch-hunting) i do blame however the modern, 'rich, western countries that have the power and resources to help to ensure countried like Angola are 'modernised' and that they are given full access to the luxuries we have... unfortunately many o the people 'up top' dont really liek the idea of giving up one of their many porches, or knocking $1million off their $50million incomes... but i guess thats just fair right?

It is a great thing to have compassion for those in this situation and understandable to think that the US should use some of their power to force these practices to stop. Military force, however, is not what this situation calls for. This is happening on a civilian level, by people who are uneducated and are being preyed upon by "ministers" and "exorcists" seeking to capitalize on the situation.

It's going to require an intense effort by a large dedicated group of human rights volunteers in order to help these people. They need food, clean water, and clothes so they don't feel so much pressure weighing on their minds. They need long-term honest guidance by people who truly have all of their best interests in mind, and can help them understand that their kids are not witches. Fortunately, since we have already been through this ourselves, we can share with them, what we've learned from own history.
They need to be shown that they have been misled, lied to, and taken advantage of. Otherwise, these superstitions are going to continue being passed down, bringing with them the killing, beating, and banishment of more children.
The kids, who are victims of their parent's superstitions, need more places they can go to be safe and get the support and love they require to heal.
Like you said in your post, it was not long ago that Americans were burning and drowning "witches" for the same reasons. From what I have learned of the world's history, every evolving civilization has had to learn essentially the same lesson at some point. Hopefully, those bringing them aid, can be a catalyst to that end.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Never heard of it. Must have been replaced with slaughtering the families of Muslim-converted-to-Christians in front of them so that they will want to revert back to Islam.

Ahem, exuse me but I must've forgotten about the 2,000 years of abuse and torture by the Christians towards Jews and Muslims.

Wasn't it the Christians who spread lies that the Jews killed children and mixed their blood with the Passover bread?

I remember it because it was around the time the Dark Ages rolled along, thanks to Christianity.

And Christians are the only ones who have either burned or killed witches or "supposed" witches which is the reason behind my statement. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 05:44 AM
Your passover story is false, from what I've read, just another anti-Christian fable. And if it were true, there are stupid people of every group.
Interesting you bring up the deaths of people from several hundred years ago (Have a clue, Christians were killed, too) to make excuse for the wholesale slaughter of today. You always do that. Try and compare apples and apples, huh, Illuminati?

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Ambient, if you think that this is what God would expect these parents to do, then you've skipped some important pages in the Bible, like the first page of Matthew to the last page of Revelation.

I never said God told them to do it, but it sounds like that is what they believe. Belief does not equal truth. Just saying that Religion has always been used as justification for the most heious, cruel, and evil acts in history. Crusades. Spanish Inquisition. Witch Hunts, Hate and religious division all over. Nice legacy for your God, huh?

You suffer from whats called "assumed consensus". You seem to think that because you worship a certain way or believe a work of dubious historical accuracy to be factual, that everyone else should too. Sorry, the programming didn't work on everyone. Some us don't see God as something to be feared. Some of us take responsibility for our own actions and our own spiritial growth instead of putting it off on God. When I see a Bible drop out of the sky at my feet with God's sig on it, I might think differently about it, but I believe the book you put so much faith in was written by men. That's my opinion. Notice I don't try to put it forth as fact. I could be wrong and unlike many, I am humble enough to admit it.

ok, I'm starting to Rant and get off topic. I'll stop.

[Edited on 30-3-2004 by Ambient Sound]

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Your passover story is false, from what I've read, just another anti-Christian fable. And if it were true, there are stupid people of every group.
Interesting you bring up the deaths of people from several hundred years ago (Have a clue, Christians were killed, too) to make excuse for the wholesale slaughter of today. You always do that. Try and compare apples and apples, huh, Illuminati?

Ummm, I don't know where you read that that story is false. It is without a doubt true.

It happened in Spain and was a reason for the persecution and slaughter of the Jews back before the Moors conquered it.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:10 PM
Why are the people in Christian groups always bitching about persecution and slaughter???

There have been so many more deaths at the hands of Christians against other religious groups than anything can come close to being compared to the Christians that get killed.

Lets see here........
The Witch hunts after Christianity was deemed the European religion. Many MANY MANY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of NON-Christians (be it Pagan, Witch, Celtic, Norse on and on and on) RAPED, BEATEN and KILLED for being in cahoots with the devil.

Hundreds of thousands of JEWS killed for being jewish, killed for hatred from being the ones killing good old JC, and killed because they were inferior (remember, most of the NAZIs were either Christian or Catholic so the murders there count too)

How many times have the Christians invaded ISLAMIC countries and how many Muslims have died at the hands of Christians?

There were also "witch hunts" in the US when it was young. Ever hear of Salem??????? Thousands dead there as well. ( Point of Irony: the "new country" was partially founded on religious freedom from Great Britian and to get away from religious persecution in Europe)

And to me personally, one of the worst ever, how many MILLIONS of Native Americans were raped, killed, driven off the land they had claimed their own for many gernerations by Christians???

And yet even today, if one Christian dies at the hands of any other religion, the Christians cry persecution.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by ImAlreadyPsycho
And yet even today, if one Christian dies at the hands of any other religion, the Christians cry persecution.

More often then not we only see the wrongs against us and not the wrongs that we do to others. Good post!

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 01:28 PM
Dear Thomas Crowne,
I was going to get worked up over your comments, but Wiccans are a bit more creative and smart than to poison our minds with hate for such cliche diatribes. So I'm going to take all that negativity, roll it up in a ball, and let it float float float into the Nothingness where it will harm none.

And We help the victims of such hatred and witch-hunting by banding together, expressing our opinions, writing our elected officials and the media, educating the public, and intense private prayer.

Remember: the true Christ would never justify hatred, violence, bigotry, or torture. Any deity that would justify hatred, violence, bigotry, and torture, any deity that would condemn a person to eternal damnation and hellfire just because they were not of the "right" religion, creed, or sexual orientation--there's a name for a deity like that. An' it ain't Christ, I tell ya!

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by ImAlreadyPsycho
Why are the people in Christian groups always bitching about persecution and slaughter???

There have been so many more deaths at the hands of Christians against other religious groups than anything can come close to being compared to the Christians that get killed.

Lets see here........
The Witch hunts after Christianity was deemed the European religion. Many MANY MANY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of NON-Christians (be it Pagan, Witch, Celtic, Norse on and on and on) RAPED, BEATEN and KILLED for being in cahoots with the devil.

Hundreds of thousands of JEWS killed for being jewish, killed for hatred from being the ones killing good old JC, and killed because they were inferior (remember, most of the NAZIs were either Christian or Catholic so the murders there count too)

How many times have the Christians invaded ISLAMIC countries and how many Muslims have died at the hands of Christians?

There were also "witch hunts" in the US when it was young. Ever hear of Salem??????? Thousands dead there as well. ( Point of Irony: the "new country" was partially founded on religious freedom from Great Britian and to get away from religious persecution in Europe)

And to me personally, one of the worst ever, how many MILLIONS of Native Americans were raped, killed, driven off the land they had claimed their own for many gernerations by Christians???

And yet even today, if one Christian dies at the hands of any other religion, the Christians cry persecution.

Amen, brother.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 02:10 PM
Thanks guys. Not often I get many replies like that. I am sure I left out plenty. It just gets me so much because I follow the Shamanic path my ancestors followed, and, I am quite often ridiculed for it, yet, when I was Christian, before I found my calling, no one ever made beef about my choices in life. Now, I get it constantly. It tans my hide that Christians are always whining about it.

All I can really say, is before you cast stones, walk a mile in the shoes of those you wish to cast stones towards.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by JustAnIllusion

Even the word "barbaric" began as an insult to the tribes of Northern Europe, in effect saying they were nothing more than mindless "primitive" people. Which is entirely untrue, by the way.

Even actual witches (those who practice witchcraft) shouldn't be killed, but killing people for something there is NO evidence he or she took part in is even worse.

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