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Is Svali legit?

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posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:20 AM
How many here have read articles by Svali, a supposed ex-Illuminati member/programmer/ritual abuse survivor.

I find her articles to be very interesting. I'm not sure if I am 100% on her bandwagon, but I do find that most of what she says rings somewhat true.

If you are not sure who this is, I will link to the long and interesting overview of the Illuminati she composed, entitled "Svali Speaks"

Svali Speaks

I suggest that you read through it all, as it gives answers to most of the questions being put forth on this board on a daily basis (it is up to you to decide the truth factor, however)

Read it and let me know what you think!

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:53 AM
Interesting, i have read some of the link, but there's a lot there to digest. The first question that comes to mind is why is she writing about it there, and not in a MSM publication, where many more people who are not currently aware of the organisation would learn of it. At the current site, it's basically preaching to the converted, as it were.

Apart from that, site looks moderately well done, spelling and grammar etc are fine, so it doesn't seem to be a teenager's hoax.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Venit
Interesting, i have read some of the link, but there's a lot there to digest. The first question that comes to mind is why is she writing about it there, and not in a MSM publication, where many more people who are not currently aware of the organisation would learn of it. At the current site, it's basically preaching to the converted, as it were.

Apart from that, site looks moderately well done, spelling and grammar etc are fine, so it doesn't seem to be a teenager's hoax.

Thanks for your input. I agree, it is alot of information. And that's exactly what makes me lean toward it not being a hoax. I don't know anyone that would spend all that time creating such a huge fabrication.

But on the other hand, it's like if you are actually given straight-forward information in a manner such as this, you tend to not believe it to be true. You get that whole, "this is too good to be true" complex.

But could also be part truth part fabrication (as with most everything else out there).

One of the areas I find most interesting is the Hierarchical Level where she states,

Hierarchical level

The Illuminati have divided the United States into 7 geographical regions; each region has its own regional council, composed of 13 members, with an advisory board of 3 elders to each one. These regions interact for purposes of finances; personnel; teaching, etc. Beneath each regional council, is a local council. This is a council of 13 members, the head of whom sits on the regional council, and gives it information about the local groups underneath his leadership. The local council will also have an advisory council of 3.

A local leadership council in a large metropolitan area might look like this:

* Head of local council (reports to regional council)
* Two intermediaries (report all activities under leader to him)
* Four administrators (oversee finances, administer, set up group activities)
* Six head trainers (over trainers in local groups, teach other trainers)

Underneath the above leadership council, will be six people designated as informers or intermediaries, who go to the local group meetings, interact with local group leaders, and report to the leadership council.

Anarchical level: the levels below the leadership council are known as the anarchical levels.

Underneath the intermediate level, is the local group level. It will look like this:

Local "Sister groups" (will vary in number, according to the size of the city, or cities, in the area). A large metropolitan area may have anywhere from ten to twenty seven groups.

Each sister group will be headed up by:

A high priest and priestess: this job is rotated every 3 years, to allow different people within the group to take on leadership roles. Each group will also have different members, with specific roles/jobs within the group. These roles will be addressed in Chapter 2.

One thing that I would like to emphasize is the fact that the Illuminati today are generational. There members are born into the group, which is highly organized, as described above. The set up discussed above is representative, with minor variations, of most major metropolitan regions of the United States. Smaller population centers will be organized under similar guidelines, but will be umbrellaed together with several cities within the region to create the local leadership council. ]

Any thoughts?

[edit on 28-10-2008 by Privy_Princess]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:16 AM
And of course, her answer to our favorite, most asked question:


Prior to discussing actual programming techniques, it is important to understand the philosophy underlying why the Illuminists are programming people. All groups have goals, and the Illuminists are no exception. Money making is not their final goal - it is a means to an end. This end point, or goal, is no less than to rule the world. The Illuminati has a set plan similar to the Soviet Union's previous "5- year" and "10- year " plans. This is what the Illuminists themselves believe and teach their followers as gospel truth.

Whether they will actually succeed is another matter altogether. The following is the Illuminist agenda at ALL levels of the Illuminati. As with any goal, the Illuminati has specific steps which it plans to implement to reach its objectives. Briefly, each region of the United States has "nerve centers" or power bases for regional activity. The United States has been divided up into seven major geographical regions. Each region has localities within it that contain military compounds and bases that are hidden in remote, isolated areas or on large private estates.

These bases are used intermittently to teach and train generational Illuminati in military techniques, hand- to- hand combat, crowd control, use of arms, and all aspects of military warfare. Why? Because the Illuminists believe that our government, as we know it, as well as the governments of most nations around the world, are destined to collapse. These will be planned collapses, and they will occur in the following ways:

The Illuminati has planned first for a financial collapse that will make the great depression look like a picnic. This will occur through the maneuvering of the great banks and financial institutions of the world, through stock manipulation, and interest rate changes. Most people will be indebted to the federal government through bank and credit card debt, etc. The governments will recall all debts immediately, but most people will be unable to pay and will be bankrupted. This will cause generalized financial panic which will occur simultaneously worldwide, as the Illuminists firmly believe in controlling people through finances.

Next there will be a military takeover, region by region, as the government declares a state of emergency and martial law. People will have panicked, there will be an anarchical state in most localities, and the government will justify its move as being necessary to control panicked citizens. The cult trained military leaders and people under their direction will use arms as well as crowd control techniques to implement this new state of affairs. This is why so many survivors under 36 years of age report having military programming. People who are not Illuminists or who are not sympathetic to their cause, will resist. The Illuminists expect this and will be (and are BEING) trained in how to deal with this eventuality. They are training their people in hand-to- hand combat, crowd control, and, if necessary, will kill to control crowds. The Illuminati is training their people to be prepared for every possible reaction to the takeover. Many mind control victims will also be called into duty with preset command codes. These codes are meant to call out a new, completely cult loyal presenting system. Shatter codes programmed under trauma will be used to destroy or bury non-cult loyal alters.

Military bases will be set up, in each locality (actually, they are already here, but are covert). In the next few years, they will go above ground and be revealed. Each locality will have regional bases and leaders to which they are accountable. The hierarchy will closely reflect the current covert hierarchy.

About five years ago, when I left the Illuminati, approximately 1% of the US population was either part of the Illuminati, sympathetic to it, or a victim of Mind Control (and therefore considered useable). While this may not sound like many, imagine 1% of the population highly trained in the use of armaments, crowd control, psychological and behavioral techniques, armed with weapons and linked to paramilitary groups.

These people will also be completely dedicated to their cause. The Illuminati firmly believes that it can easily overcome the other 99% of the population, most of whom are untrained, or poorly trained, such as "weekend hunters." Even the local military will be overcome as the Illuminati will have regional cell groups with highly trained leaders. They also count on the element of surprise helping them during their takeover. Many of the highest leaders in the militia branch of the Illuminati are or have been officers in the military, and so already have a good knowledge of which techniques will work best to overcome a region's or locality's defenses.

After the military takeover, the general population will be given a chance to either espouse the Illuminati's cause, or reject it (with imprisonment, pain, even death being possible punishments). These people very much believe that the intelligent, or "enlightened" or Illuminated, were born to rule. They are arrogant, and consider the general population as "dumb sheep" who will be easily led if offered strong leadership, financial help in an unstable world economy, and dire consequences if the person rebels. Their utter ruthlessness, and ability to implement this agenda, should not be minimized.

The Illuminati banking leaders, such as the Rothschilds, the Van derBilts, the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and the Mellons, as examples, will reveal themselves, and offer to "save" the floundering world economy. A new system of monetary exchange, based on an international monetary system, and based between Cairo, Egypt, and Brussels, Belgium, will be set up. A true "one world economy", creating the longed for "one world order", will become reality.

There's more to this answer. Just scroll down.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:18 AM
Rest of previous post:

There is more to the Illuminist agenda, but these are the basics of it. This agenda is what the Illuminati really, truly, believe, teach, and train for. They are willing to give their lives up in this cause, in order to teach the next generation, as they believe that their children are their legacy. I was told that my children's generation would see this takeover, sometime in the 21st century. At present, the Illuminati have quietly and covertly fostered their takeover plan by their goals of the infiltration of:

1.The media
2.The banking system
3.The educational system
4.The government, both local and federal
5.The sciences
6.The churches

They are currently, and have been working the last several hundred years, on taking over these 6 areas. They do NOT go to an institution, and say "hi, I'm a local Illuminist, and I'd like to take over your bank). Instead, they begin by having several people quietly invest funds over several years, gradually buying more and more shares in the bank (or other institution that they wish to control), until they have a financial controlling interest in it. They never openly disclose their agenda, or their cult activities, as often they are amnesic to them. These are well respected, "Christian" appearing business leaders in the community. The image in the community is all important to an Illuminist; they will do anything to maintain a normal, respected facade, and DESPISE exposure. On one leadership in a major metropolitan city, where I was a member, there sat: one head of the local small business administration; one CEO of a government defense firm; one principal of a Christian school; one vice mayor of the city; one journalist; one nurse; one doctor; one behavioral psychologist, one army Colonel, and one navy Commander. All except one attended church weekly; all were well respected within the community. NONE of them appeared "evil", or "marked".

If you met them in person, you would probably instantly like any of these intelligent, verbal, likeable, even charismatic people. This is their greatest cover, since we often expect great evil to "appear" evil, led by media portrayals of evil as causing changes in the face and demeanor of people, or marking them like the biblical Cain. None of the Illuminists that I have known, had unkind, or evil appearing, persona in their daytime lives, although some were dysfunctional, such as being alcoholics. The dissociation that drives the Illuminists is their greatest cover for being undetected at this time. Many, if not most, of these people are completely unaware of the great evil that they are involved in, during the night.

There are other groups which are not actually part of the Illuminati, but the Illuminati are aware of them. The Illuminati are not the only group that follows esoteric practices, or worships ancient deities or demons. They encourage divisiveness between different groups (divide and conquer is one of their ruling principles), and are not concerned about other groups. Instead, they will often welcome them into their umbrella, if possible. This has been happening more and more in recent years, as the Illuminati trade teaching their training principles, which are considered the best by most secretive groups, in exchange for loyalty to the Illuminati. They will send their trainers to these groups, and the trainers will report to the local regional council.

In the political arena , the Illuminists will fund both sides of a race, because their greatest maxim is that "out of chaos comes order", or the discipline of anarchy. That is why they sent arms to, and funded, both sides of both the great World Wars in this century. They believe that history is a game, like chess; that only out of strategy, fighting, conflict, and testing can the strong emerge. I no longer agree with this philosophy, but at one time, I did, with all my heart. Hopefully, as these people and their agenda are exposed the common man will rise up against this intended rule to be foisted upon an unsuspecting mankind.

I know you guys have some feelings on this. Share please.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:21 AM

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 07:21 PM
That was totally off-topic of you, but FUNNY!

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:25 PM
I'v done enough research into this stuff that alot of the torture these people go through are similar, besides she wasn't the first one to tell of her story so as far as i'm concerned, she's legit it's just too detailed, that women wrote with force.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by King Seesar]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by King Seesar
I'v done enough research into this stuff that alot of the torture these people go through are similar, besides she wasn't the first one to tell of her story so as far as i'm concerned, she's legit it's just too detailed, that women wrote with force.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by King Seesar]

Yeah, she's not the first person to tell her side of the tale. What I like about her story is that she goes into detail about how these rituals play out. The jewel programming is especially interesting for me.

Seems to me that the Illuminati have no problem disposing of "sheepish" children, but that they really do put their own children on a very high pedestal. I can only imagine where they get their logic, but it's fascinating figuring out how they tick.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:16 AM
Svali is definitely legit! You can read all of her writings here:


posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 05:18 AM
i agree that this woman speaks like she is seeing the scene play out in front of her. also she doesn't seem to sprinkle everything with 10 foot lizards and spaceships like icky icke.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:23 PM
While I do find the documents intriguing.
And quite possibly have occured,
I've most often herd it as CIA and super-soldier training.
The CIA is known for commiting some mass cult "suicides".

As you might know the CIA learned Russian during the cold war.

Also the name Svali just makes me laugh.
In Russian, "svali" means "dump" or "blame"
the conjugation implies there is someone to blame, or dump onto.

In this case the CIA super-solider program,
might be getting blamed on the "Illuminati".
To say "blame it on the illuminati" in Russian "svali na illuminati".
A "svalka" is a garbage dump.

To me this seems like a classical disinfo project.
It's a brief of some top-secret operations,
set in a context of blaming someone else.

Of course, it could be the other way around,
and that some ancient cult,
gave birth to the CIA super-soldier program.

The Bavarian Illuminati,
based on their own documents,
were snitches that wrote lots of things.

That seems somewhat inconsistent,
with b.f. skinner style operational conditioning.
Also the electric chairs, pharmaceuticals,
all in common with secret government.

At least some of the techniques,
seem like recent developments.

In any case,
it seems like an educational document.
Though there are many elements,
of the society described,
which can be improved upon.
It is a wonderful prototype,
of how to live free,
in society.

Indeed, their society be so well made,
they can commit any acts they please,
with total and utter freedom to do so.

Truely a standard worth admiring.
We with you can all learn,
to live free as well.

forming our own societies,
with rings of security,
and sense of belonging.
In self-sustaining atom-tribes.
Improvements can include
yearly general elections,
and modifiable policies.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by lowki]

hmmm, after thinking about it some more.

Russian is a very ambiguous language,
where words can mean many things,
depending on context.

"Svali" by itself,
can mean "get lost!",
or "get out of here!".
or more literally "be dumped!".

So could be used as a Russian trigger word,
for leaving the Illuminati.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by lowki]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:32 PM
if svali is legit then the world we live in is a horror story unfolding. if the things that she is talking about is really going on (trama based mind control) then the american people have a reason to be scared, and A PERFECT REASON to take action and get the people out of power and into prison on death row

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by theminutemonth
if svali is legit then the world we live in is a horror story unfolding. if the things that she is talking about is really going on (trama based mind control) then the american people have a reason to be scared, and A PERFECT REASON to take action and get the people out of power and into prison on death row

That's what got you in this mess in the first place.

If it wasn't for all the oppression,
there wouldn't be oppression.

Prison is oppression.

The chakra constitution states:
7. Let entity be traveller or do move
all entities deserve freedom of movement.

If you infringe on freedom of movement,
then karma will make you pay.

Money Dinje is reflective of that.

Dinje "get out of jail free card"
Let seller be detained.
Let buyer be detainer.
Let product be the seller for period of time.
Let payment be prison-breaking and freeing of seller.
Let collector be competent for retrieving payment.

So if you detain an entity.
Then the entity is giving you the service of their being.
And you are buying it from them,
eventually you will pay,
even if the debt is transferred
to another collector.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by lowki]

Oh yes, the price can certainly be calculated.
For instance with the price calculated barter formula.

where 1 human hour ~= 40 grams,
humans being third-density entities are chakra 3.something

to calculate detainment worth.

and prisons are chakra 3.5 or hexadecimal 3.8 (human local).
and their mass in grams can be calculated.
for instance if blowing up walls,
can calculate in kilos or tons.


Way better than a "liberation army"
which destroys people's homes,
and forces them under their rule,
which is actually liberation.

Imagine an actual "freedom army",
one that destroys prisons,
and letting people go free,
and completes various other karmic debt retrievals.

Anyone can form such a tribe or act as "freedom army",
assuming they have the request contracts,
as a dinje agreement,
request for service,
or collection,
as the case may be.

Seriously we could make an agreement.
A dinje note is an agreement.

All we with you,
can use this system.

In voluntary,
and purely consensual,
self made documented agreements.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by lowki]

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 11:42 PM
Child sacrifice in the vatikan? Sounds like something you would expect. Yes it does sound too perfect. I have a hard time to think of the illuminati of a cult, my idea was more that of a sofisitcated mafia family on a global scale (secret societies like the illuminati were an inspiration for the italians who formed the mafia, or were even an offshoot of other secret societies).

I read about all the psychological technies the illuminati supposedly apply, but why would they go through all that trouble?

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Child sacrifice in the vatikan? Sounds like something you would expect. Yes it does sound too perfect. I have a hard time to think of the illuminati of a cult, my idea was more that of a sofisitcated mafia family on a global scale (secret societies like the illuminati were an inspiration for the italians who formed the mafia, or were even an offshoot of other secret societies).

I read about all the psychological technies the illuminati supposedly apply, but why would they go through all that trouble?

Mainly due to Christian oppression.
Those that didn't have enough secrecy,
were rounded up and burned at the stake.
So only those that could retain strictest secrecy, managed to thrive.

Also their ability to kill in secrecy afforded them abilities above and beyond their competition (church).
All the blackmail with child-prostitution and dead ho's certainly played a role of course.

Sure the ordinary mafia could do that to,
but they typically respect the church,
or have inhibitions pertaining to sins.
So might look up to a priest,
or refrain from assassinating one.
Some even go to confess :-S.

Whereas it's quite the opposite with Illuminati,
as they partially define themselves
as the antithesis of Christianity.
So can be quite enthused to do any "dirty work",
as it is the very definition of who they be.
If they need consoling there is someone in the family,
which can reprogram them to be better.

Indeed it was Christianity that created them,
by all the fear-mongering, which made people give energy to the fear,
thereby manifesting it more clearly and distinctly,
with every re-utterance of the fear.

edit on 14/11/10 by lowki because: expanding

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 11:00 PM
I think she is legit. She has some very rational views.

People do not understand the simplicity of occult ideas. Maimonides, the great Jewish philosopher explains in his Seder haMitvvot that those who engage in sorcery have only one desire: and thats to manipulate your knowledge. If they can get you to believe something, they have you. They can control you in anyway they desire and therefore exploit you. Knowledge is the power that fills, and transforms the soul; or consciousness. Therefore, its their prime tool. THIS is why the internet is full of lies and conspiracies of reptilians, greys etc

There are indeed spiritual realities, and 'creatures' which exist outside this realities frame of reference. They exist. And she mentions this. and the way she speaks of this is also very logical. "demons", as she speaks of them, are essentially trauma induced forces which stick to a persons consciousness. Kabbalah calls these shedim, and in some cases they are disembodied souls (people who have chosen to retain their egoic consciousness through merging themselves with a demonic force) , and in other cases they are malignant forces of a archetypal nature. In any case, these forces are than implanted through this trauma induced 'therapy' causing the person essentially to build a wall in his consciousness around such experiences; shielding his consciousness from the demonic; or the trauma. It therefore creates another personality, which at any time - through a symbolic word usually, can be invoked and assume control of the personality (this is the manchurian candidate idea) . This alter personality is the part that is essentially a Demon. It is not the person; the soul itself is locked like a prisoner within its own unconscious. The Demon assumes control of the personality, and this is what she describes, and its a very ancient idea and method.

I trust this woman, cause shes much more reasonable and honest than other authors.

The disinformationists on the internet are practically all of the big names:

David Icke
Alex Jones
Jeff Rense
Sherry Shriner
Mike Rivero
Steve Quayle

And notice how they all come from a different angle, offerring a different viewpoint. This basically makes it more likely that atleast one of them will appeal to you (if you arent completely turned off by conspiracy theories, that is. The Elite are corrupt enough to draw you in, and therefore trap you in the paradigm created by one of their plants)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Good point, the new thing or not so new thing just being used on a larger scale these days is direct energy weapons where they can cause and create trauma remotely that's why your seeing so many TI's (targeted individuals) coming fourth with there story.

It's sicking what these people are doing and god willing they will pay with karma (if you believe in that) or by the wrath of god, but when you do something this sinister willingly it has a tendencie to come back at ya, i just hope more people wake up and realize this stuff is real and is happening.....

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
reply to post by dontreally

Good point, the new thing or not so new thing just being used on a larger scale these days is direct energy weapons where they can cause and create trauma remotely that's why your seeing so many TI's (targeted individuals) coming fourth with there story.

It's sicking what these people are doing and god willing they will pay with karma (if you believe in that) or by the wrath of god, but when you do something this sinister willingly it has a tendencie to come back at ya, i just hope more people wake up and realize this stuff is real and is happening.....

It is impossible to understand what the punishment for this is.

For instance, she describes that many programmers were prorgrammed themselves. If thats the case, the progammer isnt fully morally culpable, and in fact a victim. you have to climb up the ladder to find the culprits. People like this have so much weight; so much evil on their shoulders it is simply incomprensible.

And than when you reach back to the controllers of the whole thing. The Nobles. Seriously. One cannot utter what they deserve. Only G-d knows, and he gives measure for measure (or Karma).

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:22 PM
I heard this interview with her about a year ago.If you guys want to "hear" her, she sounds very sincere and doesn't sound like some raving nutjob.
This is a 9-part interview.I'll post the first clip:

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