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EU & UN Call For "Immediate New World Order"

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posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Jazzyguy

I think that all these ignorant sheeple will be part of the 75% of the world's population that will perish as part of the NWO masterplan to reduce the overpopulation that exists currently. If they happen to be lucky enough to be in the remaining 25%, then they might realize that this one world government concept does not have the same benevolent agenda that they are thinking about.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:21 PM
I can't believe what I'm reading... more and more I'm finding in the ATS threads people that are actually in support of the NWO and to be quite honest, it's becoming quite disturbing. Some of them are trolls absolutely, some might even be people purposefully planted here to distort the image of the NWO into an "ideal place" for new members coming into these forums.

But to hear support of the NWO from people who have been here longer and have seen the evidence (MOUNTAINS of evidence) as to why a one world govt. is NOT a good idea is really disconcerting.

I hope all of those that keep yelling "Yay for the NWO" swallow their words whole as they loose all their rights and they're being dragged to the concentration camps, and if they meet me there, I'll eagerly say "told you so" Honestly, do those here that post here in support of the NWO think that, somehow by declaring their allegiance to the NWO somehow will help them avoid a troubling fate? Because I can tell you with certainty, it won't.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
Seriously i dont understand why people go into an uproar when one world government is suggested. The entire planet coming together as one is the final barrier we have to conquer if we are for one to survive as a species and progress society but also if we were ever to join any galactic community

We are afraid of One World Government because so many governments throughout history have been corrupt. The governments today which are pushing for One World Government are largely corrupt and motivated by financial interest, mostly their own. What would we do if we were disarmed - and then ruled over by a corrupt, or even overtly evil, government? This seems to be the pattern of fascism, and we seem to be headed in that direction.

If the whole world was a happy place and we were all out to serve one another, then a One World Government could conceivably be a good thing, especially if it meant we were able to then join a benign and enlightened Federation of Planets.

The problem is not actually the idea of One World Government, it is the corrupt nature of human beings and the power of power itself to corrupt people.

Read the Report From Iron Mountain

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:27 PM
So this is how liberty dies- to thunderous applause.. I'm shocked and saddened that people will flock like sheep to the beat of the NWO drums.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:40 PM
a question for those who believe the one world government thing is a good idea.

since when has the ruling class in your country ever done anything for you without some self serving agenda?

the only time they ever do anything for the common person on the street is when there is something in it for them e.g they want you to vote for them or use a specific product.

when you or your children do you really believe they are being educated?

kids these days arnt being educated they are being indoctrinated, they are being dumbed down and any ability to think independantly is being eroded.

all actions performed by the elite are either to make themselves richer or more powerful and to make sure those who arnt of the elite stay out of their way, we are nothing more than numbers, cattle or as i like to say were financial batteries we bust our ass to make a living and those on top come and take what they want from us when ever they feel like it they hide it by saying they are taxes, fines, fee's etc but look around we are all so tightly held in these nets made out of laws and services we are no longer able to say enough is enough, we are allowed to strive to own our own house but all your doing is making yourself a slave because once you have sucha large debt hanging over you, you are incapable of stepping outside the system.

now think about this on a global scale, the NWO isnt designed to help you or me or anyone else here, its designed to help the rich get richer and the powerful to stay in power and thats the primary reason most people are against it because they can see nothing more than the continued perpetuation of the current system only more efficient at screwing the little guy and on a global level.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by captiva

Would you please explain this? email me at this adress [email protected]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:43 PM
With all the seriousness dont lose sight of what is important to you, find little things to be greatful for each day and count your blessings.

Times are going to get very dire in the coming days weeks and years.

This change is going to be on so many levels and we all have different roles to play.

We chose this time to come in so that in and of itself is significant.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:53 PM
One thing to remember though is not to get caught up in the hysteria of the moment. Don't buy into their fear, because if you fear them, you worship them. This is exactly what they want. The world is very perfectly balanced, for all the bad things there are plenty of good things... I have faith if their intentions are foul they will not succeed. Karmic justice. This isn't a sci-fi book or a dystopian hollywood production, this the real world. Just have love in your heart and never lose faith.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Truther

It's not fact! I don't see anything solid that leaves me to believe it is fact, I honestly don't believe this crap, I think you people are so paranoid, "the goverment is going to get us!" jeez, live your lives and quit freaking out.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:14 PM
A one world government guiding through love, compassion tempered with wisdom is a good thing and something we should strive for. As I said in my previous post, we are a long way from realising this ideal.

A dictatorial or tyrannical government of any kind is obviously a bad thing. Our sovereignty as individuals must be respected. Any government that does not hold this concept in the highest of esteem is a poor excuse for a government.

People opposed to one world government are conditioned through fear to believe that it can't possibly be a good thing. Unshackle your mind and unburden yourself of paranoia. TPTB are already in control and the system they have devised is already in place. Your fear and paranoia feeds them all the power they need.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:18 PM
I don't expect we'll ever, ever see a one-world government. Nor a one-world currency. It's just not going to happen. You can theorize and try to make educated guesses all you like, but the fact remains: The different cultures are of far too many minds (economically speaking) for a one world currency to ever become a reality.

Yet another title that is vastly misleading.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:29 PM
It is great! Now that people are starting to see I’m no longer making B-s in my research papers but instead A+s.
End of the free world as we know it.. True but it was a small price to pay for a letter promotion in my college grades. I mean if professors are starting to consider it openly you know its bad.

Nope in honesty here it is ithe NWO in all it's "glory", I hope people like what they see.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by D4rk Kn1ght

ok, so once again, WHAT DO WE DO? resitance n independence is necessary, at least until aliens are here and not the lizards.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:50 PM

A world wher 2billion Starving, Jobbless 3rd worlders, can be picked up & moved to your country to work (without Visas) or permission from the citizens living there alrady?

Martial Law world wide, being told how many babies you can or cannot have, having all cultures combine into one, so that ppl lose their heritage & cultural significance.

First off, North America was founded by people who matched your example in the first place, only on a smaller scale, what right do we have to tell people where they can and cant live? Would you allow anyone to treat you in the same manner, to tell you where you cant make a home? To need "permission" to have the right to live a way of life that other people get to enojy freely?

Secondly if there were martial law those people wouldnt be allowed to come to where you live anyways, not to mention that thrid world countires are overpopulation and what you are talking about is population control.

Dude we wouldnt lose our heritage and culture, we would all be evolving our current ones and just adding another chapter to the book. You are forgetting that someone is always writing, recording, passing on the knowledge in some way. History is being recorded always, if you want proof, the librarys and book stores still contain many history books and as far as i can tell there has been no effort by any NWO or secret agency to remove these books from circulation. The problem is that noone reads anymore so therefore the knowledge is lost to everyone.

The bottom line is that we are ALL responsible for the economic and social crisis on this planet. We were the ones who chose to mass consume products to the point of scarcity, we were the ones who couldnt wait for next week to save a few bucks untill payday to buy that new tv so we bought it on credit. We were the ones who wanted a couple hundred thousand more dollars for our homes. We are the ones who didnt save electricity or chose not to recycle or puch for renewable energy. We are the ones who let atrocities happen to people worldwide and say or do nothing about it. And if you say " well thats not me your talking about", it is and the very fact that you own a computer with internet is proof that you are a consumer. We have all literally had a hand in this thus it is our mess to fix.

How the whole outcome of this one world government turns out, depeneds not on the "elite", but by us. How we choose to live our lives and to get along with each other on a basic personal level, will determine the course of our society. It is up to all of you. World government is coming whether we like it or not, decide carefully for yourself the world you would like to live in. And then turn your words into action.

[edit on 08/10/26 by metaldemon2000]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by OuttaHere

The problem is not actually the idea of One World Government, it is the corrupt nature of human beings and the power of power itself to corrupt people.

This is why for one world govt to work, it would have to be run by not just one, but a group of many politicians, all whom cannot preside over abolsute power. Decisions would have to pass a vote in which each representative would consult and vote with with his/her own cabinet to reach a final decision before voting with the other representitives in the council thus allowing the representative to make an unbiasd vote.

This would not only allow time for the population to react in a bad situation, but to eliminate the threat of allowing the council to form alliances and become corrupt. THe decision would be based on too many peoples input and impossible to corrupt. This way everyone gets their say.

I saw someone earlier write about society as working like a grid, a grid would be a perfect model for world govt, with each node on the grid acting independantly, yet in unison with all the other nodes on the grid.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:29 AM
The NWO is orchistrated by the World Bank, A very real and powerful entity, they own stocks, investments and realty in many countries.

the usa's federal reserve is not federal and is not a government bank it is privately owned and the world bank has a huge hand in it. they choose who you will have running for your ticket be it rep or dem.

the privatlely owned banks that are failing now will be bought up by them (citigroup is one of theirs) members of the NWO include bankers and law makers - VP Biden is a lawmaker and is one of them this is why on his speech last Sunday he said Obama will be tested Please google his WHOLE SPEECH to understand he has inside information he knew of the attacks on Syria this evening 10-27. A week in advance!

he says that things will be very hard but please stand by Obama and allow new laws to pass, he pleads and begs and says in the name of G*d do it to show support for obama, sure how does he know? These laws will take away your freedoms! and will help to create the NWO.

after these laws are passed in the name of Obama, Obama will be assasinated, and Biden the Lawmaker will take over as he said last sunday "Mark my words" Please Google Bidens Speech from last sunday it is important that you understand what is happening
then watch this video to FULLY understand what is taking place here..

Please also send the video link to ALL your friends this is a very sad time in history i pray for us all in all countries


[edit on 27-10-2008 by onewith]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by antar
With all the seriousness dont lose sight of what is important to you, find little things to be greatful for each day and count your blessings.

Times are going to get very dire in the coming days weeks and years.

This change is going to be on so many levels and we all have different roles to play.

We chose this time to come in so that in and of itself is significant.

Antar is correct Brothers and Sisters i did not make the above post to scare you But rather to make you MAD! and to Wake you up - all of you

These times will be of great personal and spiritual discoveries for many!

I have studied Buddhism for 10yrs and have had satari several times. Right now I am studying the gnostic texts. my religion is that of the truth, the good word that is written in our souls NO church can provide you with this they are to busy locking their doors and aquiring there wealth, you must talk to Your G*d often, silently in thought and learn to listen! He will reply. As the Christ said go to your closets to pray as he knew the structure of organized religion is wrong. EVERYONE must make this Personal Connection to Diety this is the Only Way

[edit on 27-10-2008 by onewith]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:45 AM
That clip of Hillary speaking at the World Federalist Association is pretty bald-faced and shocking evidence of disingenuousness if not conspiracy. There's a woman who wants to be President of the United States, yet she is clearly advocating world government. Umm... Hillary, that's not what the POTUS is supposed to represent! Plus the glassy-eyed look on her face is creepy as hell.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:50 AM
I have only one thing to say to the uneducated masses that oppose a global government, and i will speak my piece plainly. If you want to call me a plant, or a delusional fool, go ahead. My thread history will speak for itself.

Have you ever paused to consider who really has the most to lose from a unified world government? has it ever occurred to you that the people who started the hate against a global government were the very people you fear?

It is a simple thing to understand that people are easier to dominate when they are segregated, be it by race, religion, or nationality. Once there is a spike to drive between them, you need only turn the people upon each other and their petty bickering will keep them occupied while you do your business in the shadows.

With a global society, without borders or nations, the people will be far, far more unified than ever before in History after a few generations. Were I a person wanting any degree of power, i would not want to have to play a shell game with the entire human race watching my every move.

So, take a moment to step outside your established shell of conspiracy, and just think, just pause, and realize: Those who stand to lose the most from a global government, are the people you fear will abuse it.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 01:13 AM
I'm really confused now. On Prison Planet, there is an article "Asia Backs Sarkozy Push for Bretton Woods II" that talks about the Sarkozy proposals mentioned at Strasbourg recently. However, it doesn't mention anything about "New World Order".

So, aside from my other post, with this other calm article in mind from another conspiracy theory site... Would you say that we are overreacting? Or is this possibly just the EU suggesting a move in the *direction* of New World Order? (So that we are correct in viewing this as the classic NWO but it's nowhere near coming to pass yet?)

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