The point of the whole thing is why this technology isn't out on the public because people in oil and energy industry would have lost a lot of money
along. Tesla made his discoveries at the same time that the oil industry was exploding ..Rockefellers Standard Oil etc. When you are in Oil/energy and
banking at the same time you really don't want a guy coming in saying have have the technology to supply wireless energy to every home and it's
practically free! Another banker J.P. Morgan was also closelly tied to Tesla. Some say they were friends, some say Morgan was jsut using Tesla, who
According to Mr. Lyne there are more nations than just USA who has this technology in ther hands atleast UK and Russia.
How they have managed to keep this from public for so long; the scientists working on these projects; money and death threats silence people very
effectively. Also braking projects in many parts, so that the people working in them don't really know what is the out come of the whole thing. i'm
sure it is quite common way to work in secret projets in all fields of science to minimize the leaks.
A major part of the thing is the global shadow government(elite), nations really are an illusion, the whole left(commie)-right paradigm, it's a
created system by the same source.
The same people control and own the media;tv, news papers including science magazines and publications, along with the whole schooling/education
system. Before the internet all printed information was quite easy to control cause you owned all the publicing companies, but with the internet the
whistleblowers are starting to come out, along with it the controlling elite, through CIA,MI6 and so on, have to and are releasing alot of propaganda
material in the science communities and for the public through the entertainment that people are more easily to believe that UFOs are
actually alien visitors, than those crafts would be man made on earth.
At the time these UFO reports started to come out the (publically made) space programs and the rocket industry was just taking it's first steps. And
far as the public new that was the peak of the scientific discoveries at the time, so they had no idea that such crafts as Tesla's Electro-magnetic
crafts were even possible to build, and according to mr. Lyne; many of Tesla's inventions were so far out and his ideas so ahead of the mainstream
science that even the science industry thought he was lying or out of his mind with his claims.
Also the patenting system allows alot of the inventions to be burried a way if the controlling elite see fit and alot of the scientist just
"dissapear" if they make too much noise about thei inventions reagardles of threads or bribes.
The military all over the world are/have been reporting these things in their radars, but because of their sive( the large ones) and the speeds these
crafts are capable of, many of the sitings are taken as radar malfunctions and such..or as things they can't explain. The radar operators are not
specialists in the feild of science and laws of physics so they have no explanation to these things and the reports to their officers get buried in
the process and the hierarchy. When i was in the navy in my country in the mid '90s they told stories of these 500 meter ships in radars flying right
above the water level in high speed, and told us that they thought it was something the Russians were working on..and this was an high ranking officer
telling the story in a class, so "out in public".
Yeah, thethechnology is used, the crafts are in use and they have kept them "hidden" this long and for a reason and they are gonna use it one day.
Comming out with it as human inventions doesn't seem likelly, so are they gonna stage a Alien public landing and/or alien co-operation..?! ..humans
in Hollywood-alien suits?! but they are gonna use it for something.
Sure, micro- and radiowaves were part of Tesla's work, but huge amount of it were in the field of electricity, and this is quite common knowledge.
Wikipedia on Tesla
Tesla's Magnifying transmitter
But i agree with you on the Luke Fortune's books based link; how to build an electric flying craft...that some are just in to making money. And he
stated in an interwiew that he's not debunking the alien possibility, but clearly he has read the material by William Lyne who is saying that the
alien thing is a 100% government lie and that the 1947 Roswell crash was a hoax!
In his book; Pentagon Aliens, Lyne tells us that on of the nurses was his relative (trough marriged?) and the "aliens" were in fact RHESUS MONKIES,
shaved and dyed greenish and dressedin jump suits.
Why i posted the IlluminatiNews (Luke fortune's info) link was to give an idea of how,more or less, this technology works.
I am no expert, or an electrical engineer and my belief that flyingsaucers are man made and Tesla's inventions come from William Lyne's books and
the two studio discussions. And also of my knowledge of how the shadow elite works and has worked behind the scenes in many "consiparacies" in
cluding the occult spiritual world where alot of the UFO propaganda is tied to started by the Nazis and their Vril & hollow earth -stories.
And something based on personal experiences in spirituality tells me that there is no co-operation between Galagtic-Light Federation and the Gov.
..but that's just me.