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posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by anachryon

The word "collapse" is nearly non-descriptive in respect to what the OP is trying to get through. If the "collapse" leads to the "hyper-inflation,"as the instrument that does the ass-kicking, then you need to show that the ballooning money supply is leaking into the economy, which is not the case, because the economy is in bed with congested sinuses, coughing.

This could be too confusing for those who sees the dollar just being appreciated in the currency market. If the dollar is collapsing, how come it is in such a demand?

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:14 AM
You have to begin to contemplate the possibility that the US government and the Elite “WANT” our financial system to collapse. How else can they create more totalitarian laws and more quickly combine the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and the SEC into a better American Union ready counterpart organization if they don’t remove the checks and balances within our financial governing bodies.

Remember how a government is altered from a democracy into a dictatorship. First you combine security forces (creation of Homeland Security). Then, you combine the financial system, (Homeland Finance or Super Fed) Third, you reduce or eliminate the power of congress and the courts by making the president the dictator during an extreme crisis or war, hopefully both. During these emergency times, the president will force the combining or eliminating of many governmental checks and balances so that they all fall under a pyramid governmental body program that can better control an American Union form of government.

They WANT a financial collapse and a major world war, because there is no other way to force Americans to give up their personal freedoms and national sovereignty unless you make them believe that they have no choice but to agree to the matter. You can bet to see many manufactured events very soon that will enable the emergency war powers act to happen. The creation of the department of homeland security had to happen first.

ANd now, our government needs to consolidate its financial arms before the Amero can take the place of the dollar.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by stander
If the dollar is collapsing, how come it is in such a demand?

Just read this:

The U.S. Dollar Death Dance

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:19 AM
panic-sex then/when?

Is this next week or month or year? I need to know because I must make plans.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:20 AM
The US Dollar will get it's death blow once OPEC decides it will accept other countries sovereign currencies as a means to purchase oil.

Right now, the Dollar is the only currency used for oil purchase. Once that ends, well..


Lindsey Williams June 08'........"Oil will be brought down to ~$50/b and the dollar will be dropped...."

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by mybigunit

Guns, lots of guns and medical supplies. No joke, spend it while it is worth something.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by Pinktip
The US Dollar will get it's death blow once OPEC decides it will accept other countries sovereign currencies as a means to purchase oil.

Right now, the Dollar is the only currency used for oil purchase. Once that ends, well..


Lindsey Williams June 08'........"Oil will be brought down to ~$50/b and the dollar will be dropped...."


Arabs clearly lust to control and manage a global gold trading center. It will be in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The new Gulf dinar currency will pave the road to that center. The Gulf Coop Council is biding time, cutting time delay deals, warding off pressure by the USGovt, appeasing with weapons contracts from the USMilitary, and is working behind the scenes to create a new dinar currency. The new Gulf dinar is likely to be primarily gold in its backing. So, foreign nations will soon be forced to purchase the dinar for all or most of crude oil payments. This forces the purchase of gold in order to purchase crude oil. The demand for gold will thus fortify the global banking system, by means of commodity settlements. Many details are unknown, but the basic structure has been slowly come to light. A new motive flashes red in front of Arabs to institute some changes FAST. The crude oil price is down, cut in half from July. Their revenues are sharply reduced. Russia figures into the complex deal to launch the dinar. The Saudis and small sheikdoms need security protection. The next chapter will involve protection amidst a gold-backed currency, not a military-backed currency, in Saudi eyes.

You see the link?

This might very well happen early 2009!

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by anachryon

nice logic

it's exactly how is written on the books , or how un aware alternative analist could forecast .
the only thing that is missing is that if a make the rules and i manage the data output i will do all i need , just changing output false data , like all the finace is , to reach the goal i want .
i do an example ,if you chart the gold value in the last months , according to our "logic" knowledge , there is no-way to have down value in the last month , unless you don't have somebody , regardless of "finance-rules" that simply ( and this could be the hiddencore truth of our human super finance-economy) change the output numbers , according to the goals they want to reach .
last thing , is meaningless to stock ,gold ,silver , money, diamond if tomorrow i decide that tomato or star trek action figures are the new changing system you have to give me all your havings to get an mr.spock phaser gun.

have i nice day

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by anachryon
It would just be coordinated hyperinflation and the only industry that would make out well would be wheelbarrow manufacturers.

Dismally humorous way to put it, but it's true. My grandfather immigrated from Germany, during the lead-up to Hitler's Nazi State: He saw what was happening & decided to "bug out" while he still could (But where can someone "bug out" to if the NWO takes over the whole world?). Before Hitler's rise to power, Germany was a very bankrupt country, with little-to-no industry & serious hyper-inflation...This is what happened after being defeated in WW I.

Gee, does the "outsourcing" of so many American industries sound familiar now? How much has our real industrial capacity suffered up to this point? Just a few years ago, Bush told the nation that, "we're shifting to a service-based economy, so get used to it."

Is it any wonder that so many people speak about a Bush-Hitler connection? Especially when you look at what the US got out of WW II (Project Paperclip) & how the government used the "Cold War Era" to flex it's muscles?

My grandfather used to tell me that German Marks were so worthless that people would staple them together for use as scratch paper...Because it actually cost more to buy the paper.
He also told me what he thought about the inflationary (boom-bust) economy in America...Keep in mind that this was back in the late 60's or early 70's when he told me this: That America was getting to be like Germany & we'd soon be taking our money to the grocery store in a big bag, but carrying our groceries home in our pockets.

So the crack about wheelbarrow manufacturers being the only ones to make it sounds pretty accurate...But then, who's going to be able to buy the wheelbarrows, anyway?

Originally posted by rtcctr
...if i got this right then the Bailout actually hurt more than helped

This is what about 90% of the public kept telling Congress when Bush & Paulson kept "fear-mongering" the bailout through...Hmmm, fear-mongering...You know, one well-accepted definition of a "terrorist" is a person or group that uses fear to make political changes in a government...Hmmm...That's how Bush got the Patriot Act through too, was by fear-mongering, wasn't it?...Hmmm. Makes you wonder who the real terrorists are in the USA, doesn't it?

In short, the politicos behind the NWO want this country to fail or tear itself apart in revolution! They want the government to either go despotic or the government officers to die in pools of blood! Why would that be? They want to replace it with something else & you can bet your sweet bippy this is for the purpose of pushing a single worldwide fiat currency that operates on the same debt-based system that most of the world uses now with all of their various currencies!

Originally posted by redhatty
The US Dollar will get it's death blow once OPEC decides it will accept other countries sovereign currencies as a means to purchase oil.

Ummm, that's why Bush wanted Afghanistan...Hussein had been announcing that they were going to accept the Euro (WMD's? What WMD's?). BTW, so did Iraq just before the US Troops went in. Iran has been saying that lately too...Does this sound like a coincidence? Wow, could it be that the OPEC nations are actually trying to resist the NWO?

After the Emergency Banking Relief Act in 1933 was passed, the government had to "de-couple" the Dollar from Gold...That's because the Fed Res Bank (established in 1913) demanded the government to repay its loans in gold! In effect, the government was officially bankrupt at that point, because there wasn't enough gold in the Treasury to completely pay back all of the government's overspending & over-borrowing.

Since then, the government's been trying to keep the Dollar-Oil link so as to have some tangible asset to back the Dollar. In short, all of the US Troops are in the Middle East right now to try to ensure that the Dollar-Oil link to tangible-value stays reasonably stable.

Gee, the Fed Res was illegal from its inception & it still only took them about 20 years to engineer the Great Depression in the early 1930's...

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by Mdv2

typical gold trader scare mongering - what makes me chuckle is the adds at the bottom - all prices in USD , right - if gold is so good and dallars so " bad " why are gold traders so earger to convert thier gold into your dollars

think about that

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by dingleberry77

Hey, I did not totally get it but: Americans are in grave danger and it is more than economic. Please go to WHATDOESITMEAN.COM for uncensored news. Do it now. with love, on of the remnant.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Research what the price of gold was like just before the government "decoupled" the dollar from it & pulled it all out of circulation...It was fine, until the "law" came out, then a panic for everyone to get rid of their gold (they sold it to the government) & the price of gold dropped a lot. Then right after that, the banksters that got their mitts on the gold (as the government tried to pay off the deficit) shipped to overseas storage (because the "law" made it illegal to keep it in the USA) & then it skyrocketed!

[edit on 26-10-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 05:03 AM
Fabulous thread, kudos to the OP.

The problem, as some commentators have mentioned, many institutions and governments currently need Dollars to depollute the markets.

But, what happens when those trillion of Dollars are not needed? Deutsch Marks were dumped during the Weimar Republic when the international markets lost faith in a secure asset.

The Chinese are losing faith in the American currency and would like to see a single global currency. Britain is considering Euro membership and OPEC is switching to their own currency.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 05:44 AM
is this that "generated event" that could happen if Obama becomes pres? I'm flipping out here. it sounds like next year could potentially get really ugly.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by infinite

wait, wa? If OPEC was to switch to a new currency can you please provide ALOT of info on this. Them switching means an effective end to the Dollar.


posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by camain

In 2010, OPEC is considering a Monetary Union (I thought it was common Knowledge.)

GCC says turmoil makes monetary union urgent

Gulf Arab oil producers said they had already taken adequate steps to deal with the impact of the global financial crisis but that turmoil on world markets had given new urgency to their plan for monetary union.

"The likely effects of the global crisis we can deal with through the measures we have already taken," Qatari Minister of Finance Youssef Kamal said after the meeting in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

"The crisis proves how much we need a single currency and that a single central bank should be a supervisory body."

Arab business

Since the idea was announced, the United States has tried everything in its power to prevent a single currency within OPEC or Euro transactions.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:21 AM
Hyperinflation is a possibility it depends on how stupid the government is, and given the complete lack of understanding they have of how the economy works prospects arnt good. The fed issued out what 2 or 3 trillion of new book currency to banks in the last few months. This cash isnt going to be monetized yet. The vast majority of money exist as debt or to put it another way loans.

The banks are sitting on these virtual trillions atm, and when they start issuing this new money as credit the money supply is going to explode over the next few years. The government thinks that credit expansion and inflation are magic. That issueing new money and taking on the failures of the economy are going to make real problems go away. Instead the government wont ever cut spending. They seem convinced that more spending is the answer, and when this bailout doesnt work they will do bailout 2 etc. When consumers finally arnt able to support the interest from higher debt burdens any longer the fed will monetize to pay the govs obligations and then we get the death spiral to hyperinflation that happened to post WW1 Germany, and America as the worlds consumer is going to take China down with it.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Mdv2

Originally posted by stander
If the dollar is collapsing, how come it is in such a demand?

Just read this:

The U.S. Dollar Death Dance

Another whining that doesn't offer a remedy beyond utopia that can't fix short-term problems.

As things stand now, the dollar doesn't collapse. Since stock market is not a good place for a long-term investment these days, folks buy US Treasury bonds -- they do what worked for them before. Dollar is good -- for now.

This is really funny: Buying 30-year US Treasury bonds with intention to be redeemed when it matures puts faith in the USA being around 30 years from now, but it may not be the case. It's the Titanic philosophy. "Unsinkable" and "unthinkable" are close relatives the way they sound.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:27 AM
Wow thats just bad, for years the government has been itching people to buy up in metal stocks, i'd considered it a while back but even that would be sketchy, you know how the markets go, every seems to follow suit, midaswell put your money in a pillowcase...

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by anachryon

Yes it makes sense what you say, but look up what 'short term liquidity' means and why the FED is providing this kind of money to stressed banks. It's because the risk premium has increased very much over the last few months, you can see it for yourself on Bloomberg (TED spread):

Because of this very high risk premium banks do not lend money to each other (i.e too expensive), the rising TED spread comes from lack of trust, Banks can not tell which bank will default next, like Bear Sterns for example. After this period of stress is over, the financial system will go back to normal sans some large banks / investment banks and the FED will get its money back i.e the provided 'short term liquidity' will be withdrawn from the financial system.

So calm down please, Bernanke is not an idiot, nor was Greenspan, quite the opposite.

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