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I have alot of unshared and untaught ideas/thoughts

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posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 02:45 PM
I don't know where to post this..

I know that I don't post here often nor get lots of positive responses. But I wanted to post anyways.

Of the top of my head,

I think they should change councelling. They should have somone use candles, meditation, soft and soothing smells and sounds, be able to bring in the positive energy of love, with the intent and will of helping/healing. Infact, I think we should model our entire socety based on these premesis and more.

They should teach meditation, healing, i'm stressing gifts need to be nutured in soceity and taught in school by others with similer gifts. Call it magic, call it evolution, call it a gift.. We need to understand and cultivate this power and use it to learn and develop into a strong civilization and move into an advanced age of existance.

We need to fight against the onslaught of ignorance, and rather than denying ignorance we should embrace it in a way that will allow us to clearly see the ignorance as if it was a blistering swelling of cancer on society's tit.
Sorry I had to say that

What do we do with cancer... We cut it off and allow the wound to heal.

I'm sorry I take too much pride in myself, human existance and earth to allow any poisioning of man. Thats not a step, thats a conscious decision.
Wether you realise humankind/earth is more important than you or not.
And how caring about the earth and humankind alike gives you points to caring about yourself alot more than ever before.

I'm sorry to say denying anything from yourself is not caring about yourself. Isn't it an instict to esure your own survival? Then why isn't it an instict to ensure the survival of your entire race? Which includes you!

I'm sorry if I come off as a little bit naggy, and I'm sorry but i'm not trying to direct this to anyone especially not people in this forum and if you find yourself feeling a little guilty, well I think thats your own way of telling yourself whats right or whats wrong. I'm not trying to be funny or anything either, I'm sorry to anyone who is a little offended or taking me the wrong way and I understand, these days I'm the same way. I hope that those who listen will allow themselves to see this for what it is.

And finally... I'm not telling anyone how to live their life. I just hope for anyone reading this there are some who can benifit from it.

I have alot of thoughts but for now, I will keep most of them to myself, I'm receiving new kinds of information all the time. I'm either thinking of this stuff myself or not.. but somehow it comes to me. Mostly in pictures and dreams. Sometimes in what I beleive to be as telepathy. Its like having fuzzy backround noises in the back of your mind aside from your own thoughts. I mean, I first questioned it alot. Now I just learned by listening alot and now its easier for me to tell the different between the sound of my own thoughts/words and other ones. Its kinda like waking up in the matrix and sometimes it starts getting loud before I fall alseep or between sleep, like tons of radios were turned on at the same time.

Am I the only one? Are there others like me?

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:00 PM
Continued from original post

My idea is that, we as a people should start to accept unexplainable area's and fields in all aspects of society.

They can do this by changing the way our current sciences operate.

What does science need for this to get done?

First of all,
Science needs to be open to all ideas, even the unorthadox and currently unexplainable. All currently known science needs to be flexible enough to change and bend according to other theories and ideas that dont fit the original paradigm but not too flexible as to break. Science needs to branch out and research questions about things that haven't been looked at seriously enough.

Science is a too 'closed behind the doors' operation. I needs to be more open to the public and information should be available to everyone.

The military has put a tight grip on the 'wow' theories and ideas and they don't share it. The military owns science. Historically, most of the advancements that have come to the public have been through military R&D.

There needs to be a total release of informations globaly before I see any massive changes taking place. With this, our society will truly benefit. And then we can all live like kings

With everything in the open we can all become conscientious of the currently hidden science so as to help steer it into the direction we want, for all our benifit and not only the select small few 1% of humanity's.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
Continued from original post

Science is a too 'closed behind the doors' operation. I needs to be more open to the public and information should be available to everyone.

The military has put a tight grip on the 'wow' theories and ideas and they don't share it. The military owns science.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by DarkCyrus]

I agree I personally believe myself that the NWO is not even a continent but a military. Its just an evil entity the makes you believe in conspiracy theories and the economy (To keep you under mind control or keep you searching for the 'Truth'). Its just an illusion generating a lot of fear into people. Once you deny fear your living within the light, however you body would still be living threw the fear spectrum created by the thoughts of everyone else.

If you can create your own Utubia, you would be denying all other thoughts around you and find what you believe in.

Have you ever seen South Park make fun of Star Gate?

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:58 PM
You make good points, but I have to take issue with this "fighting ignorance" talk I see so many places, it is plastered above the forum. It is far too broad a statement. The simple fact is that we are humans and can decide what to believe and not. That is what makes us human. If X person wants to think that the way things are is the way it is, so what? If X person wants to be racist, so what? Go ahead and try and change their minds if you must, but realize that we will think how we think, regardless of if it is our own unique thought forms or influence from something/someone else. And yes, it is often outside influence that controls who we are, but again, that is humanity.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 01:19 PM
Correct. That would basically be the best way to fight ignorance. Once everyone stops listening to what society has to teach us, but still in a sense learn from our history. Religion and politics it all creates one reality and we are forced to seek within this created reality. We should first seek within ourselves, then we would be governed from ourselves and we wouldn't need a government.
Instead of raging war we should use that funding to advance our knowledge taught in school. Include courses in school for kids to learn how to expand the consciousness and creativity. Keep exploring our universe. Teach peace and bring peace to all nations.
Eliminate all negative thoughts. We would all learn how to work in one harmony and our planet would only conduct one song for the whole universe to listen.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Solo954
Instead of raging war we should use that funding to advance our knowledge taught in school. Include courses in school for kids to learn how to expand the consciousness and creativity. Keep exploring our universe. Teach peace and bring peace to all nations.
Eliminate all negative thoughts. We would all learn how to work in one harmony and our planet would only conduct one song for the whole universe to listen.

Ah, but hate and war are part of humanity as well. There will never be true peace, we are not a peaceful race. We all have our inner hate and fear. We all have a breaking point of violence. It is who we are. If it were not for this, we would all be content and happy? Your vision sure is nice though.

At the very best when it comes to ignorance, our "kind", the kind that asks such questions and thinks such thoughts can be happy knowing that we know something they don't, and leave it at that.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by FrostForests

Ah, but hate and war are part of humanity as well. There will never be true peace, we are not a peaceful race. We all have our inner hate and fear. We all have a breaking point of violence.

Hate?? Is determined by patience. Patience is determined by experiences. Can you hate something that others dont? Can you say you hate somethings as much as or more then someone else? Hate is fear. Fear is to become hostile on a confusing subject or event. So what if we learn how to remove hostility but use our creativity and place understanding or empathy instead of fear?
So if the whole world lived like this, there wouldnt be no such thing as evil. Have you ever read about the fallen angel? What if the fallen angel in reality was just a bad thought, and it created an infinite amount of bad thoughts that only exist in a human mind. That would mean the hate/devil is only in your mind. But I can share my thought of love or being righteous, and slowly change the world.
Think of a thought like lighting a match and getting burned the first time. Would you try to understand why were you burned and NOT do it again? or Would you try to understand and DO it again?

Edit to fix

[edit on 26-10-2008 by Solo954]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Solo954

Originally posted by FrostForests

Ah, but hate and war are part of humanity as well. There will never be true peace, we are not a peaceful race. We all have our inner hate and fear. We all have a breaking point of violence.

Hate?? Is determined by patience. Patience is determined by experiences. Can you hate something that others dont? Can you say you hate somethings as much as or more then someone else? Hate is fear. Fear is to become hostile on a confusing subject or event. So what if we learn how to remove hostility but use our creativity and place understanding or empathy instead of fear?
So if the whole world lived like this, there wouldnt be no such thing as evil. Have you ever read about the fallen angel? What if the fallen angel in reality was just a bad thought, and it created an infinite amount of bad thoughts that only exist in a human mind. That would mean the hate/devil is only in your mind. But I can share my thought of love or being righteous, and slowly change the world.
Think of a thought like lighting a match and getting burned the first time. Would you try to understand why were you burned and NOT do it again? or Would you try to understand and DO it again?

Edit to fix

[edit on 26-10-2008 by Solo954]

You miss my point-You are attempting to turn valid, natural emotions into some sort of mathematic equation. Emotions such as hate and fear cannot be untaught, they are inherent to humanity, and shall forever be. The best you can do is attempt to suppress such feelings. Yet these feelings may be suppressed, we will never unlearn them. They will still be contained in ourselves, always in our thoughts, no matter how far back you push them.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Hate and War are not merely Human qualities. These are also traits shared by other apes, most notably chimps. You are talking about undoing our genetic code. These aren't learned responses, these are traits assigned to us by natural selection.

Forget "The meek shall inherit the earth", and embrace "Survival of the Fittest". Study Anthropology and you will discover I am correct.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by HankMcCoy]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by FrostForests

You miss my point-You are attempting to turn valid, natural emotions into some sort of mathematic equation. Emotions such as hate and fear cannot be untaught, they are inherent to humanity, and shall forever be. The best you can do is attempt to suppress such feelings. Yet these feelings may be suppressed, we will never unlearn them. They will still be contained in ourselves, always in our thoughts, no matter how far back you push them.

Hate and fear are the result of ignorance. Ignorance as in lack of knowledge and/or awareness. People fear what they don't understand.
If you supress your fear and hate your causing yourself to continue living in ignorance because of fear but your fear was created by the ignorance in the first place. Human's are living in self prepetuated fear due to the lack of understing or willingness to expand on the knowledge that is out there, and are heavily manipluated and controlled leaving most humans confused and unable to comprehend their true reality. We are deep under lots of mud and I understand how you or anyone would feel living only by the teachings and mind-fear pattern cycle of the world controllers.

Fear is only inherent to humanity because it is constantly being injected and fed into the society circles of the world. Once people start accepting things that they are affraid of they will notice that the fear they once had will start to go away, and a new world will emerge before their eyes. It is only their choice how far they allow themselves to go. Once you get a taste of it you will probly want more, assuming your not too much enraped in all these 'earth matters'. But if the mass landings do occur in the next 2-4 years, as everyone is saying, then the reality that everyone thinks they live in, will be shattered and destroyed.

If you think of our society on earth as what it is, a large group of people living in the same space. You could theoretically control and manipulate it in any way you chose or please to, aslong as you had the worldwide resources and power, which these people have in spades. Most people do not even think of earth as one group of humans, and that is the epitome of ignorance. The controlling elite of the world consider themselves god.
But they are ignorant in their own right, and they still can't see that what their doing has never been good for anyone but the beings that control them.

I'm watching the Bill Deagle interview right now and so far this guy's got alot of interesting things to say. Check it out,

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by HankMcCoy
Hate and War are not merely Human qualities. These are also traits shared by other apes, most notably chimps. You are talking about undoing our genetic code. These aren't learned responses, these are traits assigned to us by natural selection.

Forget "The meek shall inherit the earth", and embrace "Survival of the Fittest". Study Anthropology and you will discover I am correct.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by HankMcCoy]

Let me guess, you still think we evolved naturally on our own?

You are right, they are basic instinctual animal qualities. I was just thinking today how human's are still ontop of the food chain as the biggest most feared animal. Maybe oneday we can move to the point where were off the charts and actually be in control of our own denstiny and become caretakers of ourselves and all of earth. I guess being worked like a dog with low status and living an empty life working for scraps to get to the top doing something you do not enjoy is good enough for some people but, not me. Thats a society based on fear, ego and control. These are people who are so affraid of losing their empire of control they would upload their brain memories to a computer and inject it into a clone if they could. Thats the type of life they live and I think that the colony (us) is way better than that.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
Let me guess, you still think we evolved naturally on our own?

You are right, they are basic instinctual animal qualities. I was just thinking today how human's are still ontop of the food chain as the biggest most feared animal. Maybe oneday we can move to the point where were off the charts and actually be in control of our own denstiny and become caretakers of ourselves and all of earth. I guess being worked like a dog with low status and living an empty life working for scraps to get to the top doing something you do not enjoy is good enough for some people but, not me. Thats a society based on fear, ego and control. These are people who are so affraid of losing their empire of control they would upload their brain memories to a computer and inject it into a clone if they could. Thats the type of life they live and I think that the colony (us) is way better than that.

Of course I believe man evolved naturally on our own.. what would you have me believe? That the Old Gods made us or the New Gods made us?

As much as everyone is hungry to believe otherwise..

.. Man is an animal. Nothing more.

The EGO comes from thinking he IS more than he is.
The CONTROL is the illusion that he is stronger than nature.
The FEAR is the realization he is wrong.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:46 PM
People feel very safe in the love and the connection with god and darkness and fear will settle in very fast without the god connection. That is simply what is acurring on your planet earth at this time, in regards to fear and understanding of what it is.(Fear)

People are cut off from the god connection and put on a vile life support system based on the obsession with fear and in from drawing away from the life of the source of existance. Indeed each indivdual has the power to create his or her own reality through their own will, ideas, and decisions.

That is why the select few have gained so much power, they have gained it from each individual successfully manipulated in this soceity.

The people who have not been manipulated successfully will be banned from society and labled Insane. The opposer's are the silent people in the crowd who fight for whats important. There are alot people on the good side. The outlook is not as grim as our controllers have detailed it to be.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:48 PM
Do you beleive in god Hank? And I'm not talking about religion in specific or at all. I'm simply asking if you beleive in a "higher being who is the source of all existance".

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
Do you beleive in god Hank? And I'm not talking about religion in specific or at all. I'm simply asking if you beleive in a "higher being who is the source of all existance".

I am agnostic, however in my experience I have not come up with any credible evidence that points me in the direction of a higher being.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 07:12 PM
This is a serious response.

I'm receiving new kinds of information all the time. I'm either thinking of this stuff myself or not.. but somehow it comes to me. Mostly in pictures and dreams. Sometimes in what I beleive to be as telepathy. Its like having fuzzy backround noises in the back of your mind aside from your own thoughts. I mean, I first questioned it alot. Now I just learned by listening alot and now its easier for me to tell the different between the sound of my own thoughts/words and other ones. Its kinda like waking up in the matrix and sometimes it starts getting loud before I fall alseep or between sleep, like tons of radios were turned on at the same time.

It's called thinking. You're just getting better at it. The monologue in your head is not the only you. Your subconscious is processing an exponentially greater amount of information than your conscious ever hears. But if you shut your 'voice' up for a bit, more thoughts will come out. They information may seem more pure to you, and this is because your inner monologue isn't continuously judging it. You just see the information for what it is. I doubt you'll want to interpret what you are experiencing as completely natural and lacking any cosmic/physic forces, but if you lose any feeling of being special you'll see the world in an even clearer light.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by HankMcCoy

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
Do you beleive in god Hank? And I'm not talking about religion in specific or at all. I'm simply asking if you beleive in a "higher being who is the source of all existance".

I am agnostic, however in my experience I have not come up with any credible evidence that points me in the direction of a higher being.

The best way I found to understand, believe it or not is to study the teachings of Christ. You have to understand when reading the scriptures you shouldn't read with a prejudice mind that religion has created for it to be. Read and try to interpret his teachings with an open mind. Listen to that one voice that makes sense and follow the path.

"If you seek you shall find"

Knowledge is food for the soul. As your body needs food.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Solo954

Originally posted by HankMcCoy

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
Do you beleive in god Hank? And I'm not talking about religion in specific or at all. I'm simply asking if you beleive in a "higher being who is the source of all existance".

I am agnostic, however in my experience I have not come up with any credible evidence that points me in the direction of a higher being.

The best way I found to understand, believe it or not is to study the teachings of Christ. You have to understand when reading the scriptures you shouldn't read with a prejudice mind that religion has created for it to be. Read and try to interpret his teachings with an open mind. Listen to that one voice that makes sense and follow the path.

"If you seek you shall find"

Knowledge is food for the soul. As your body needs food.

Sorry, an uneducated guy that can be likened to any of the homeless guys on any city street in the world is not the first place I would look to answers about a God that has abandoned them.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 08:06 PM
Man currently doesn't beleive they are 'good enough' to move beyond the distructions of itself and evolve into a more self-aware entity of beings.

Look at the analogy of Hank MCCoy,

He is a kindhearted, loving, friendly and extremely intelligent man but on the outside he is a very hairy and powerful beast. People can only see him as a beast so they are affraid of him. And he doesn't feel like he's worthy of himself and he feels like he's failing.

That is like humanity

Inside we are kindhearted, loving and friendly beings trapped in these beastly animal bodies and who are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit.

In reality people can only think in terms of what they understand. Now what if everything you were taught to understand was conceived to confuse us, so we were unable to understand or comprehend reality?
The implications are increadible and I'm well aware of that fact. If this is real, which I beleive it is, then we really need to wake up at once and restore this existance. My hat goes off to all those who are truly seeking the truths and expanding on these facts of our reality.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by HankMcCoy

Sorry, an uneducated guy that can be likened to any of the homeless guys on any city street in the world is not the first place I would look to answers about a God that has abandoned them.

Whats is the difference in being educated and being intelligent?

Edit- Just from that statement you set yourself for failure.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by Solo954]

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