posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 10:28 AM
What suprises me is that in lieu of the 2001 "Presidential Appointment" and the 2004 manipulations specifically in certain Key States, resulting in
an incumbant victory, Is that there still is not a National Procedure to have every State's Voting Rules and every one of each States Citizens Votes
cast to be Uniform. Standardized and A Compliance Bill that would make it a Felony to compile lists of convict names that are similar to the
law-abiding and use it to disenfranchise voters, and make it a Felony to mail certified mailings that if returned to sender are considered false
addresses to the corresponding voter, when not being available to receive the "mail" is for the most part due to being at work or in
Iraq/Afganistan/other Tour, yet another way to disenfranchise Voters and Many Military Service Men and Women who use absentee ballots and will never
be informed of such exploitation upon their rights, and other lawless-like maneurvers executed by ruthless - win at any means - Defiling the 1965
Voting Act and any law that may result in a fair and just election. Whether it is the corrupt associates of politicians, their party reps, Companies
paid to compile documents that are knowingly fraudulent and attack Citizens rights, without regard to the damage created and with no recourse for most
of these victimized Citizens. This would include influential shadow organizations with their own covert agendas as well.
Charges should be filed against all of them, and that they should know better than playing dumb i.e., a compatmentalized unknowing pawn or such
defense, For, a 4th grader could see the fault of these blatant crimes. We should pass the bill into Law and fill the court calendars to prosecute
every last one.
Wouldn't that be a better result than giving these weasels promotions, larger contracts, attaboys, etc...?
Also, if a Casino can make a reliable electronic slot machine that gets a pounding and has to interpret choices by pushing buttons, screens, etc...and
can do this reliably over and over, day in and day out, 24/7 for months between calibrations, and for years between failures,
Then Why can't This Electronic Voting Machine Making Company make a machine that works reliably for a few days every 2 to 4 years? And with a Receipt
Printer Just like a Slot Machine? That way there would be a record of the votes. (Unless a vote flip program is executed like was testified to in
front of congress by that programer (mentioned previously in this thread).
Here is the answer:
They can. Why don't they? Maybe if they were disenfranchised by pulling their contract and suing them for overcharging for a POS machine that is
less accurate than a pick-a-vice-trained monkey that can repeatedly learn that addicting research pharma-medications will be dispensed when they touch
the correct activator, and charging them with fraud so they can use the big house for their address next time they fill out their voter
But alas, multi-million dollar reciprical contracts are deemed more appropriate these days.