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Fed Judge Throws Out Berg v. Obama Lawsuit? Or did he?

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posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Oscitate

I believe that is correct.

Truth is, if we stop for a second to think about it, if the judged HAD ruled against Obama the news would be on the home page of CNN.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 10:54 AM
Your correct, when I typed the post, I misspelled Pennsylvania. When I went to correct it I left out Ohio. Sorry to all those from Ohio. hope I didn't smear anyone!!!!


posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:16 AM
If a judge signs that, right as Obama is about to win the Presidnecy, you could have a civil war, I am not kidding.

He better not sign that.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:25 AM
That's right, there very well could be civil unrest.

So let's not wait, let's air this out now. Let's find out what this judge is made of and where he stands. Better yet, lets all try to get this story out to the mainstream and underground, to prevent civil unrest from happening.

Better now than later. Thanks to the OP for this story.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:29 AM
so i guess everyone is saying that there would be no unrest if the judge let's it slide and allows an inelegible canadate to be the presedent of the united states?

i think it would be worse.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by fooks]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:37 AM
In reality, its not the judges problem if he finds the evidence, as he understands it, says that Obama is either vetted or not. Its his job to render the best decision he can with the evidence presented. If people are stupid enough to act like barbarians because of the decision then its their fault, not the judges! He needs to have cajones enough to do his job to the best of his ability, period!!


posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by fooks

No but something so massive can't be left to the power of ONE man.

His best option is too stall, and then after the election recuse himself.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:47 AM
According to Which has been fairly un-biased - it was dismissed due to lack of standing.

I'm sure it isn't over yet though, as Berg still has the Appellate Courts and the SCOTUS to go through before it's completely finished

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by redhatty

Do you think had Berg filed this suite as a class suite it would have had "standing " in the court?I believe this judge has slapped the constitution in the face with this ruleing.When an american citizen lacks the standing to guestion the verasity of a presidential candidate,what standing do we have in anything?

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by daddyroo45

Upon further inspection, evidence consisted in sources such as...

the Rainbow Edition News Letter … and the television news tabloid Inside Edition

So in a sense the evidence did in fact lack standing (at least in a court of law as the Judge found).

[edit on 25-10-2008 by Oscitate]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:11 PM
I looked at the State court Website and the decision is currently pending. It has not been signed, but it is the last brief filed. Obama attorneys have made no other requests to the Court. They did not respond, and they were not present during final arguments to produce evidence in support thereof.

Status: Pending. All arguments were made and submitted prior to last filing by plaintiff.

Probable outcome: Judge will be forced by Case Law, and laws of Court procedure to rule in behalf of the Plaintiff.

Decision time: Early Monday apx 9am.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by Fromabove]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:37 PM
If this was right, there would be nothing but this story in the news right now, and I'm pretty sure they would not let one person decide this?

Too close to th Election, there has been enough time for evidence to come forward about him being born in another country, other than an ATS thread that is.

I was thinking that the trip to see his grandma, was an excuse because of a threat against him, but that is just IMO, based on a recent increase of people talking about him being targeted by fruitcakes.

See i was also under the impression that he went to see his Gran over a week ago, and that was what i had envisaged from reports on ITN and sky news a week ago, but I'm probably wrong and misheard.

I hope it isn't true, because this will cause so many problems for the American people, people who can't forget the 2000 election, and why should they, it was obviously stolen by Bush and his cronies.

I'm almost sure the McCain people know something nobody else does, it would explain the daftness of their campaign.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
If a judge signs that, right as Obama is about to win the Presidnecy, you could have a civil war, I am not kidding.

He better not sign that.

(Emphasis added.)
So, you are saying that even if these allegations are true, and Barack Obama was not a born United States citizen, that he should still be allowed to run and possibly become President of the United States? I certainly hope that is not your opinion.

If Obama was born overseas, as his own grandmother alleges (she claims to have witnessed the birth), or if he did renounce his American citizenship in order to become a citizen and attend school in Indonesia, then I don't think he should be allowed to run for President. I am not alleging that either of these scenarios are true. I am simply saying that if they are true, then there is no question that he should not be allowed to run. And if you think otherwise, then you are clearly the most biased, partisan fool alive.

Also, from what I understand, Obama has never submitted his original birth certificate. The one that is provided on his campaign website, if I remember correctly, is just a copy and is missing important details such as a raised seal. I could be wrong as I do not have the time to go back and research this at the moment (perhaps someone here can and set the record straight). The last thing I want to do is spread misinformation, so I am simply throwing this out there with the disclaimer that it may not be true and that my memory may not be serving me correctly. So, until it is verified or disproved, you shouldn't use it when deciding on who to vote for.

Anyway... if any of this is true, and if Obama was not in fact born in America, then this will have been the greatest "October Surprise" in American history! And if there are riots as a result, then it shows just how pathetic those individuals are for not only rioting, but rioting on behalf of someone who is constitutionally ineligible to be president. And on top of that, they will be supporting someone who is not only a liar, but someone who knowingly provided falsified documents regarding his birth and/or citizenship and has been in this country illegally for decades. That kind of person does not belong on the ballot or in the White House. That kind of person belongs in jail.

Once again, the above statements are only hypothetical and come with the condition that these claims about Obama are in fact true. I am NOT saying that they are true. In fact, I'll go one step further and say that they are false until I see some evidence to the contrary. But I felt the need to respond to the poster whom I've quoted because I found his comments to be disturbing.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
If a judge signs that, right as Obama is about to win the Presidnecy, you could have a civil war, I am not kidding. He better not sign that.

IF the finding is that, according to the law, he should sign it ... then he had better sign it!! For a judge to avoid signing it because he is afraid of what some people would do is against the Constitution.

I feel that if there was something to this then HILLARY would have uncovered it and made it known a few months back. UNLESS she was threatened by the Bildebergers (Johnson was on Obamas' VP search team). The Bildebergers picked Obama as their guy and if she had evidence that could have destroyed their - the Bildebergers - plan for Obama, I'm sure they would have tossed a few threats her way to silence her.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:14 PM
Actually, in court where civil matters are decided, it is up to the respondant to submit proof. The Plaintiff make his case in a suit, with evidence, and the defendant is then compelled to answer the complaint with evidence in support of. No proof of birth in the US has been produced. In civil matters, the court has no choice but to default the respondant and decide in favor of the Plaintiff. There is a saying in civil law which says, "All that is not denied by proof is accepted as truth of fact.." Obama failed to respond, so it's too bad for him. If they appeal the decision, it could automatically go to the Supreme Court on a speacial writ where the Court will weigh the evidence of both parties. Just having to go to the Supreme Court will kill the Obama chances of winning the election.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
These are both local new papers in Pennsylvania. They have beenon top of this question and suit for a few months.

They publish a local PA paper in Ohio? Well now that just does not make sense.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33

I feel that if there was something to this then HILLARY would have uncovered it and made it known a few months back. UNLESS she was threatened by the Bildebergers (Johnson was on Obamas' VP search team). The Bildebergers picked Obama as their guy and if she had evidence that could have destroyed their - the Bildebergers - plan for Obama, I'm sure they would have tossed a few threats her way to silence her.

Not really. It is amazing how people try to dupe people for reasons beyond imagination. Sometimes people do stupid things like talk to their mistresses on the cell phone, page interns in the congress by e-mail, and talk to plumbers named Joe. Sometimes stuff just is, the way it is... If true, Obama would have been the master con-man of all time.

Mod edit: Fixed quote tags.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by GAOTU789]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
Also, from what I understand, Obama has never submitted his original birth certificate. The one that is provided on his campaign website, if I remember correctly, is just a copy and is missing important details such as a raised seal.

He has submitted a birth certificate...digitally. A few have come forward with evidence that the provided certificate is a forgery. That's not at issue here though. Berg is looking for a vault birth certificate. This would be the one filled out at the hospital at birth which would have doctor's signatures on it. This would be proof that Obama was actually born at one of the hospitals indicated by he or his sister. If he really was born in the US, this document exists.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:21 PM
I messed up quoting so forgive the error, the bottom part was my reply.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:22 PM
I really do not understand why anyone believes that this court in PA is doing more investigating than say....his opponent who is willing to spend 150 grand on clothes for his VP candidate. I am pretty sure that everyone that went against Obama in this campaign put more time and money into finding a way to get him off the ballot than this court did. Why do you think McCain would let something like this slip by and yet harp and that flimsy Ayers connection so much? Don't any of you think that if there was anything to this that an opponent in the campaign would have done something about this by now?

P.S. The mainstream news is not reporting anything about any suspending of campaigns for the Dems soo......

[edit on 25/10/08 by Tiamanicus]

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