posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:54 PM
There was an electricity blackout at 14.10.2008 in Ljubljana and other cities in Slovenia. The same day as many people in Slovenia saw UFOs. The
official statetement is that blackout was because of a broken 10kV electrical cable. But they didn’t say why or who teared the cable.
Check there official statements:
RTV Slovenija
“Polovica mesta je za nekaj minut ostala brez električne energije nekaj po 22. uri.” from
Half of the capital city without electricity for a few minutes, after 10pm.
“Zaradi mrka je za okoli pol minute z ekranov izginila tudi televizijska slika.” - from
That means that TV picture dissapeared for a half minute.
And that is really interesting:
“Kot nam je povedal Miklavčič, so bili nekaj dlje časa zaradi okvare prizadeti tudi odjemalci Telekoma Slovenije.”
As said mr. Miklavčič, users of Telekom Slovenija were without service for a longer time.
Maybe that explains why telephones and mobile phones stopped working on 14.10.2008 at UFO sightings.