posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:08 PM
As someone who consideres himself independent my initial intent on this thread was to post what the gov't as a whole was up to, unfortunately the
title was changed to reflect a partisan slant. I have no use for either the Republicans or the democrats.
I was deployed during OIF, then went to work at the burn unit and I have seen first hand what Bush's policies have done to young men and women and
believe it's not pretty, it's the stuff nightmares are made of. I don't like John McCain any better than Obama. I take as much issue with McCain's
backing by Hagee as I do with Obama and Wright.
I think the gov't as a whole has failed this country. I have let my Rep and Senators know exactly how I feel and come election day I'll let them
know even more how I feel.
Yeah, my original post should have been an actual news story and not sourced from some blog I apologize for that, but I find it scary enough that the
idea is even being floated out there in any capacity. No matter who's in power, the bottom line is that our interests the middle class and lower are
not at heart, they may throw us some scraps every now and then, but neither side really gives a damn.