posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot
Feel god when you handle a gun? I dont know about all that. I feel the balance, then the construction then the pressure, spring of the mechanism then
the ergonomics in hand, on shoulder, to cheek.
Maybe when I was 8 and handled my first real gun I sort of felt "aww neat!" but never "god."
I'm going to go with the positive here and assume you're not crazy but rather your limited exposure to firearms has left you with the perception
that the media and typical fear-mongers have taught you either consciously or sub-consciously.
There's nothing god-like in guns that isnt present in a rock or 2x4 if the ability to kill is what you define as god-like.
Get in a lot of practice with it. Join a club. Disassemble it, clean it, reassemble it. With time and experience you'll see the thing for what it
really is and not what bizarre portrayals and fantasy media have told you it is. Make it ordinary. Normalize it. If it's anything other than a normal
thing it becomes a special thing open to misconceptions, prejudices and exceptions.
Lots of urbanites have this perception problem. Unfortunately because of their high populations they get to decide for the rest of us who do not have
a problem what laws we are subjected to. Totally unfair.
I dont mean any of this to be insulting or in any way discouraging. If this is your first gun you have a lot of catching up to do and a lot to learn
and experience and I hope you do it properly. By properly I mean not posing in ridiculous pictures with it and a bandanna around your face for your My
Space page like so many urbanized sheltered children do
It's not 'cool' or 'special' and having it doesnt imbue you with any exceptional qualities. It just is what it is and that's all it is.