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went shopping for a handgun...

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posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:16 PM
I noticed that of the three stores I went too... gee wizz... hand guns are outragously expensive... and not much to choose from... the store owners seem to be happy prices are high all three pretty much said the same thing. its hard to keep anything in stock.. but they had plenty of guns. plenty of Ammo... but I really felt uncomfortible in all three places like you know when someone is watching you.

any way. I got a 9mm barretta and 250 rounds of magnum loads - I could only afford a used pistol and it was $380 bucks and the ammo pushed it over $500... wow ... this protecting yourself gets expensive...

[edit on 24-10-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:19 PM
You have no idea how weird it seems to read that someone can just go and buy a gun and ammunition .. said from the perspective of someone who lives in a country where only criminals are free to buy guns

Not knocking it .. just sounds surreal

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:22 PM
everything is up in price because Obama and it will continue to go up until either he gives the gun crap a rest or another AWB is instated severely limiting your options on the market which will leave whatever is left legal at a higher than normal state indefinitely.

You can always go cheap and get a Hi-Point or a Kel-Tec but if you're looking for a defense weapon I wouldnt cheap out.

Did you inspect it thoroughly before buying? You have to be careful with all guns but especially used guns. You dont know if the previous owner ran +P's through a dry gun or something. That would wear it out abnormally fast.

What model is it?
I have a 92f before they sured up the slide against +P failures. It was one of the initial testing guns for the government contract. It's smooth as butter and drives nails. Just keep the high power stuff away from it

[edit on 24-10-2008 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:47 PM
What do you mean by AWB?

two lines.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:56 PM
wheres the model number... I got made in Italy, I have a cowboy on the grip. and serial number... but no model number...
warning: I just pinched the crap out of my self... the slide catch is tricky.
and it just bit me...

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:56 PM
Assault weapons ban. In 1994 there was an assault weapons ban that was passed into law that restricted the sale and manufacture of weapons that had certain cosmetic features and erroneously labeled many semi-auto rifles as assault weapons because of their "military" look. However, mechanically, they are the same as any other semi-auto weapon. It made it so that some rifles had to have under 10 round capacity fixed magazines. Assault weapons by definition are weapons that are capable of firing in full auto or select fire. Meaning they can switch between single (semi-auto) shot mode, burst (occasionally), and full auto (keeps firing as long as you hold down the trigger). The assault weapons ban expired in 2004 or 2003 and no longer applies, but Obama/Biden want to have a permanent assault weapons ban. They also want to ban semi-automatic weapons all together. This is all despite the fact that these restrictions are blatantly unconstitutional.

As for it driving up prices, that is true to some extent, but a lot of it is just the industry taking advantage of the fear (and well founded fear) of Obama's likelyhood of becoming president. However, prices haven't really shot up yet. So buy now. What you paid was about what would've normally been paid for a beretta 92 if you bought it in store. I buy my guns over the internet (which is perfectly legal for all of you UK and other countries where your right to defend yourself has been legislated away.. and yeah, you do have that right, you are born with that right). In order to buy a gun from an online dealer it has to be sent to a FFL holder (meaning a gun shop), and they transfer it to you after doing the instant background check.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by eldard
What do you mean by AWB?

two lines.

AWB = Assault Weapons Ban.

I know, I know, it's an "assault weapons" ban so why should it effect the cost of everything, right?

Well, the text of the Clinton ban was so poorly written that once applied it would either ban far more than intended or nothing at all. It created this haze in which "assault weapons" were being arbitrarily defined by just about anybody and banned and unbanned in a comical fashion where what was perfectly legal in one place on one day would illegal another day. It involves combinations of parts, features, aesthetic accessories, even stock materials and colors. It was a legislative disaster and in the end statistics proved it did nothing to affect crime and instead only cost an awful lot of money to pretend to enforce.

Obama and Biden have stated their desire to reinstate this ban. The text of the new ban is even worse than Clintons ban.

Right now the looming prospect of this ban is spiking firearm and firearm accessories prices across the board.

I suggest in investing in things like lower receivers and magazines of all types with a capacity greater than 5 as under another AWB you will be able to sell them for 5-10 times what you paid for them. If you should choose to sell them that is.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot

warning: I just pinched the crap out of my self... the slide catch is tricky.
and it just bit me...

That makes me think you got a 92. I cut the crap out of my finger once on that slide.

Go to:

and see what it looks like. It's a place to start.

The model # and caliber and all that good stuff is usually on the slide.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 02:07 PM
hey, I saw a Winchester really old, like the Riflemans on TV with the big ring cock.. how much do you suppose that is worth...?
I went online and could only find the regular cock... for $1,800 .and he only wants $750 for it... he says it's a 1878 model

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
hey, I saw a Winchester really old, like the Riflemans on TV with the big ring cock.. how much do you suppose that is worth...?
I went online and could only find the regular cock... for $1,800 .and he only wants $750 for it... he says it's a 1878 model

Are you looking to collect firearms? If not, I would be more concerned about getting something practical that uses a readily available caliber for as cheap as you can. Get something like an SKS or AK variant.. or an ar15, which is what I have. AR15s use somewhat expensive ammo, but its not AS expensive as others. They're very accurate and reliable. AKs are less accurate, use a different ammo, but are VERY reliable. Make sure you stock up on ammo for whatever you have though.. the sooner the better.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 02:29 PM
ok, it looks like these thing look alike... there is a 092.122 on the bottom of the stock. it looks after market and done with one of those engraving machines...

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 04:01 PM
Congrats on the weapon.
I just bought a Beretta PX-4 9mm last week they're excellent guns.

Gun show is this weekend, I'm hoping to get the remaining parts for my AR-15 build and find a good deal on a Beretta CX-4 Storm.

I grew up w/ guns but hadn't had one for 20 years. With all the noise about bringing back the AWB and so on I decided it was time to become an active target shooter again.

I would encourage all Americans to buy weapons now and learn to use them. Joining Gun Owners of America, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms and even the NRA would also help to try and keep the politiwhores from taking away our God given right to protect ourselves.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by nfotech

If you had bought a Cougar or a 92 the mags would be interchangeable with the Cx4 9mm but be careful because there are two models of Cx4. One that accepts the cougar mags and one that accepts the 92 mags.

I know they planned to release one that would accept the Px4 mags but I dont know if theyve released it yet.

I love my Cx4. It's a little pricey but fun as hell to shoot. Everybody who shoots it loves it.

Just found this:

You can convert the Cx4 to accept the Px4 mags so I guess you're good to go. Good luck finding a nice price on one. Those little carbines are a blast. Grab some high-caps before Obama outlaws them.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Here is a graph of NCIS the last two years and part of this year. A lot of firearms sold this year.

It's a fear of who will be running the Gov..

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:45 AM
Ah all this gun talk, makes me want a gun..... so many of my favourite models to choose from.

Too bad I live in the UK.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Did you consider checking out your local gun club before you went to buy a firearm from a dealer? I've found that to be the best way to find a decent gun at a fair price. In my state - Wisconsin - sales between individuals are entirely legal, as long as both parties are able to legally own firearms (i.e. neither of them are felons, etc.). Someone always has a gun they're trying to sell, or knows someone who does. I was looking for a new (to me) 12 gauge for turkey hunting and trap/skeet shooting last spring, and I mentioned it to a couple friends down to my local gun club - just letting them know that I was in the market if anyone wanted to sell. A few weeks later one of them picked up a Benelli Supernova - listed here for $440.00, which is typical - for $250.00, with 100 rounds of ammo thrown in on the deal.

Take your pistol down to your local gun club, do some target shooting, join their pistol league, and hang out with some like-minded people. You'll have fun, become a better shot, and be poised to jump on the next bargain that comes down the pipeline.

You don't mention whether or not this is the first gun you've ever bought or what state you live in (gun laws differ a bit from state to state), so - as with all advice - your mileage may vary...

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 10:57 AM
God Like Powers or Self Protection?
the power of life and death... england choose to do away with your right to defend yourself against people with such power of instant death. but they really cant - you dont need a gun - this is my train of thought for several decades - Instant Death if the objective - you dont need a gun to achieve such an end result. just requires prior preparation instead of a prior purchase.
Instant death is more dramatic when a gun is involved and it lends ones mind to if I only had a gun.... or I'm glad I didnt have a gun - I might have used it.... and with a gun you always have the feeling of god like power.

I feel god when I handle a gun - or is that just because I dont normally handle weapons...? do you feel it..?

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Feel god when you handle a gun? I dont know about all that. I feel the balance, then the construction then the pressure, spring of the mechanism then the ergonomics in hand, on shoulder, to cheek.

Maybe when I was 8 and handled my first real gun I sort of felt "aww neat!" but never "god."

I'm going to go with the positive here and assume you're not crazy but rather your limited exposure to firearms has left you with the perception that the media and typical fear-mongers have taught you either consciously or sub-consciously.

There's nothing god-like in guns that isnt present in a rock or 2x4 if the ability to kill is what you define as god-like.

Get in a lot of practice with it. Join a club. Disassemble it, clean it, reassemble it. With time and experience you'll see the thing for what it really is and not what bizarre portrayals and fantasy media have told you it is. Make it ordinary. Normalize it. If it's anything other than a normal thing it becomes a special thing open to misconceptions, prejudices and exceptions.

Lots of urbanites have this perception problem. Unfortunately because of their high populations they get to decide for the rest of us who do not have a problem what laws we are subjected to. Totally unfair.

I dont mean any of this to be insulting or in any way discouraging. If this is your first gun you have a lot of catching up to do and a lot to learn and experience and I hope you do it properly. By properly I mean not posing in ridiculous pictures with it and a bandanna around your face for your My Space page like so many urbanized sheltered children do

It's not 'cool' or 'special' and having it doesnt imbue you with any exceptional qualities. It just is what it is and that's all it is.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 06:26 PM
heres a good source for ammo ..powerfull and efective

heres another site ... nice prices

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Dock6

I concur here in the UK almost everything is illegal - guns, CS gas, extending batons, knifes, tasers etc

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