posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:11 PM
We are mini universes inside our head, staring at the bigger universe outside our head.
Sometimes we stare into other universes via the eyes, or see those universes reflected out by actions or hear them via song or voice.
Sometimes those smaller universes create bigger universes, they create a society of universes, that follow a similar path via actions and cooperation.
These creations technically live outside of time, as the essencerof ideas is something intangible....
Conflicts arise when some universes spin in one direction and meet others that spin in another....
The bigger universe (the exterior beyond our skulls) is the the experience, whilst our inner universe is the experiencer, what if it was the OTHER way
round? What if the universe is experiencing us???
The question is.... Which one relies on the other?
Would the external universe exist if our nerve endings couldn't detect cold or heat? What if we couldn't detect minute changes in pressure, we would
lose sound.... What if all external light was dimmed....
Our universe would still exist, but its existence would be worth nothing...
We have to appreciate everything, for better and for worse.... For eventually there will be a time, when 'something' will experience everything and
the final experience would be to 'experience' nothing....
Nothing is death.... Everything is taken from you...
But does your energy die? Was it all for nothing?
On a personal basis, yes... but your descendants carry the 'idea' and yet you still live in memories and words and examples, but the universe has a
big laugh because it has just experienced 'you'.