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Real Life Scenario: A Nuke hits a Major City

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:22 PM
I thought this would be an appropriate thread, considering the rumors and threats of looming nuclear disaster over the past few days.

I am having difficulty finding realistic timelines regarding fallout. Many sources say, that if a nuclear bomb hit (for example LA) that it is likely that fallout might cover the entire United States. I am trying to prepare my home for a possible disaster of this magnitude and I am concerned about the timeline involved here. I know it all depends upon the windstreams, but I dont want to wait for the media to tell me when to prepare.

If a nuke hit LA, and I live in the Central United States (Kentucky)- how many days would it take fallout to reach me. Additionally how many days would I need to stay inside my falloutproofed home?

The reason why this is important, is because if a nuke hits in January- its going to be frigid cold. The likelyhood of power failure is probable, and the urgency of sealing up vents, windows, and doorways- except for an important factor. Heat. I have a fireplace- but what good is it going to be if i need to seal up my fireplace. And how long should I have it sealed for? 2 weeks? We would freeze here in freezing temperatures without central heating or a fire.

I do not want to wait to listen to the media's instructions on what to do if this happens. If anyone has any detailed instructions on this scenario- please post it here. We need to do everything we can to protect ourselves and our familys.

~Angela Marie

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

I may stand corrected but i would think as long as the fire was burning consistently HOT you would be safe with that heat source. The heat and smoke rise pushing any possible fallout away from the opening. I'm not sure but would it not also burn in the heat if it made it down? Although i hear nukes get pretty hot when lit

I think though where you are at in Kentucky you would be safe from any really damaging fallout.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:32 PM
I think I read somewhere that the complete pile of the worlds nukes couldn't generate enough radiation to completely cover texas.

But if you're into that kind of scenario, watch a movie/ miniseries called "on the beach"
Its a GREAT movie.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by WishForWings
I think I read somewhere that the complete pile of the worlds nukes couldn't generate enough radiation to completely cover texas.

It all depends on how close to the ground they are when detonated.

Air detonated nukes cause relatively small amounts of radioactive fallout whereas 15-25 ground detonated nukes could poison the whole US if the prevailing winds are the correct direction and strength.

The heat and smoke rise pushing any possible fallout away from the opening

In reality, no, unless it was some kind of chimney surrounded by a 6-12 inch thick steel roof and the rising heat from the fire guaranteed no debris/dust/air came down.

The best way to avoid radiation sickness if you don't have a bunker is to bury yourself under as much wood/metal as you can in the middle of the ground floor/basement of your house and stay there for 5 or more days.

[edit on 23/10/08 by Dermo]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:47 PM
the weather is too unpredictable to give you an answer

if there was a high or low would make a difference ...the best thing to do is pay attention to the jet stream and see where it is headed

have a rainsuit ready to go out into the fallout (not perfect but better than nothing and easy to rinse off)remember to also have ,rubber gloves, rubber boots and dust mask, goggles to protect your face when you venture out

from my studies three days after it comes to your area it is safe enough to be out in it for a couple of hrs.

heres a link to get you started

i hope this helps


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:52 PM
Heat rises, so if you got a fire going constantly, the risk is very very low. And by the time it would take the fallout to travel a 1000 miles, it would have lost a lot of its radioactivity.

Wind speed and height of a mushroom cloud should be taken into consideration too. If it is blown 2 miles high and the wind speed is 10 knots and you are 1000 miles away and downwind, in all likelihood your town would be unlikely to receive much if at all fallout.

Sealing your windows might be another unnecessary precaution, if they are in good condition. If you have granite or marble counter tops or floors, chances are each month or so you are exposed to more radiation than you would receive being 1000 miles downwind.

I say don't worry about it, at that distance. 100 to 300 miles, I would be slightly worried.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:00 PM
A nuke in LA might not hit central united states- but Nashville, St. Louis, or Chicago- yea it would be a big problem... noone is really safe from this threat. I have read from many sources that a missile nuke could produce fallout that could cover the entire us.

Concern #1 is fallout.
Concern #2 is the martial law to follow
Concern #3 Lack of food- grocery stores ransacked- gas stations dry- highways shut down- military precense -- that is why the special ops soldiers have come home from Iraq- to prepare for "homeland security" incase of national emergency-- FEMA detention camps set up all over america are there for a reason

Basically- if a nuke hits the us- regardless of how big or small it is- it is the end of life in america as we know it

[edit on 23-10-2008 by xynephadyn]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:02 PM

read and enjoy - the guy is a phd

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin

read and enjoy - the guy is a phd

Wow, kinda makes me feel lucky that I don't live in America.
A nice... detailed read.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

Ok I am about 3 paragraphs in and had to stop for a minute because it was SCARY....

ok better now.

good stuff

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:55 PM
I'd suggest watching season 1 of Jericho ?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:15 PM
Realistic scenarios of this kind of event have been available since the 1950"s.\\It i

Anyone that was in the military between about 1950 and 1980 was exposed to such scenarios. Funny that the author of this thread can't seem to find such things.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:27 PM
the best option is to either be right next to the target, or nowhere near the target. I would hope that by now the term MAD is understood. (Mutually Assured Destruction) The only way anyone would detonate a nuke is if they were prepared for the end of all life. Not too many people (even GWB) are into that way of thinking I hope. In the mean time while we wait for the STHTF, enjoy life as much as possible, and don't stress over that which you cannot control. Having the belief I do, I think the afterlife will be quite a bit nicer than than the hear and now, so I will smile while I can. But I won't roll over and play dead while stupid people do stupid things.

PS. in my version of the after life, there is beer.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

Terrorists will attack cities with suitcase nukes before nuclear war starts. The first three cities to be struck by suitcase nukes will be Israel, Rome, and Washington DC.

This has been guaranteed since 1995 by a seer who on 9/11/1998 posted a thread on Google with the title "SOLLOG PREDICTS 911 EMERGENCY!!!!!" That very post can be seen at this ATS thread:

Sollog Warned of 9/11 Three Years Before it Happened! Here is PROOF!

Even one suitcase nuke detonated in a city anywhere on the planet will cause real estate prices to plummet in cities. My suggestion to you and anyone else who is worried about this is to move out of the cities. Moving out is better than trying to protect a home that will be worthless after a nuke hits. More information can be found on Sollog's site at

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by memememe

Is Pat / SOLLOG out of jail yet?

I haven't seen anything posted by him in ages!

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by memememe

Terrorists will attack cities with suitcase nukes before nuclear war starts. The first three cities to be struck by suitcase nukes will be Israel, Rome, and Washington DC.

Why Rome? Hasn't the pope's apology to the Muslim world been accepted?

Poor Italians, apart from being a bit sleazy sometimes, they never do anything bad!

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Dermo

Originally posted by memememe

Terrorists will attack cities with suitcase nukes before nuclear war starts. The first three cities to be struck by suitcase nukes will be Israel, Rome, and Washington DC.

Why Rome? Hasn't the pope's apology to the Muslim world been accepted?

No, it's the rest of us he should apologise to. Why does Islam speak for the rest of the world in your mind?

Poor Italians, apart from being a bit sleazy sometimes, they never do anything bad!

Except follow the Fasces, hence Fascists?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Atlantican
reply to post by memememe

Is Pat / SOLLOG out of jail yet?

I haven't seen anything posted by him in ages!

Don't know who Pat is. They tried to silence Sollog by jailing him and he is due to get huge compensation over that. It didn't work though as he has been releasing prophecies on a regular basis since his illegal incarceration. They are all on his website.

Incidentally, just a few days ago Sollog released an article which warns of DIRTY BOMBS coming soon to New York City. Suddenly politicians have now started talking about an unspecified event happening after the U.S. elections. I wonder if that is it.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by memememe]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

With Russia, China , and Pakistan the most likley countries to attack the US with Nuclear weapons is really depends on what weapon has been used .
With Thermonuclear warheads the fallout area with prevailing winds could be as much as 4 - 500miles - Report date in 1956 - Pacfic islands - With a direct hit on LA depending on the wind - fallout would reach as far as mexico city to las vegas area - And as for a heat source i would not worry too much about it - If a nuclear weapon hit LA many more would surely follow and hit most major cites within the US - WWIII . My best idea is to build youself a nulear bunker min depth of at least 100ft and wait for the fallout to clear - 10 -15 years.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:56 AM
If you have a good calculator which does fractional exponents or
Microsoft EXCEL can use these quick formula for calculating lethal radius

Simple weapons calculator -

y= yield in tons/2500, (kilotons multiply by 1000 to get y )

THERMAL =Y^.41 (thermal 3 degree burns)

BLAST = Y^.33 (4.6 psi overpressure - destroys all unreinforced

RAD= Y^.19 (lethal dose 500rem radiation)

Gives radius in meters

Sample calculation for 1 KT (1000 tons) yield

Thermal 687 meters
3rd deg flash burn

Blast 739 meters
4.6psi blast force

Radiation 840 meters
Lethal 500 rem

As can see even with "suitcase" nuke of 1KT (1000 tons) lethal radius
is over 1/2 mile for radiation. Damage and casualties will extend for
several times this distance

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