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Odds of a military draft

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posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:32 AM
Now we all know better than them just re-instating the draft...

what will happen is a long and drawn out propaganda campaign... and the people will demand they re-instate the draft... or something along those lines.

we all know the government works more effectively than that

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:47 AM
I do not think a draft is necessary as long as they keep lowering the recruiting standards and creating more and more impossible economic atmospheres, there will be an endless supply of people who get talked into signing up to fund their lives in whatever way they think it will help them or their families.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by Lucifer Rising

Good point...

if they start to get desperate, I could also seeing them allowing legislation to pass that enables prisoners in our jail to serve our country in lieu of their prison sentences...

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 01:07 AM
God forbid the US citizen do his duty and serve the nation in a time of turmoil. Don't let the needs of your nation interrupt your personal career plans.

My suggestion would be to enlist if the drafts start. Volunteers may get a choice of jobs, conscripts almost certainly won't. If you don't want to be pulling the trigger, enlisting is the only sure way. Unless you want to tuck tail and run. Thats fine with me, as long as you don't intend on ever coming back.

I hope they never start the draft. I have enough trouble with my volunteer soldiers...

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by WhiteOneActual
God forbid the US citizen do his duty and serve the nation in a time of turmoil. Don't let the needs of your nation interrupt your personal career plans.

My suggestion would be to enlist if the drafts start. Volunteers may get a choice of jobs, conscripts almost certainly won't. If you don't want to be pulling the trigger, enlisting is the only sure way. Unless you want to tuck tail and run. Thats fine with me, as long as you don't intend on ever coming back.

I hope they never start the draft. I have enough trouble with my volunteer soldiers...

I already did my time... 6 years... I just came off my inactive reserve period last year.

I don't think they will need the draft... if they can successfully pull off a false flag attack, or use an effective propaganda campaign, they will instill a sense of patriotism and we will see another swell in enlistees like we did after sept 11...

However, questioning someone's patriotism because they do not want to serve in the military is a little extreme isn't it? especially in a time when people are questioning the wisdom and motives of their government to begin with?

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 01:27 AM
Check out the similarities between Carter's and Obama's policies for a clue.
There is a great article on infowars. Obama, master of rhetoric that he is, equating womens "right" to die for the elite with Africa American men's service in past wars.

[edit on 29-10-2008 by HiAliens]

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by nj2day

I'm sure I won't be the first, but thank you for your service.

I wholly agree that the federal govt should be questioned on every account. Its our duty as Citizens. As a former servicemember you should know that the US isn't the "Evil Empire" some make it out to be. The military is only employed to further US interests. If the interest of the US doesn't coencide with your own, you have 2 choices- run for or petition office and change the interests (legal political action), or defect to a nation that fits your agenda. If a draft were to occur, having registered for the draft implies tacit agreement with the foreign policy ideology of the United States. You have/had a choice when registering for the draft, each of which carried its own consequences. If you registered so you could get federal student aid, well, you agreed to fight for the nation if it saw fit to call on you. Its a two way deal. If you didn't want to fight, you should not have registered. Suck up the consequences on the front side, or suck them up on the end with the possibility of carrying a rifle someday.

It becomes not a question of "patriotism," but a question of honoring committments you made to your country.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by WhiteOneActual

That would work out great... however all males ages 18-25 are required by law to register for the selective service program...

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:54 AM
They don't hunt you down and make you register. They won't issue warrants or really even think twice about you not signing up. All that happens is you become inelegible for federal grants and loans, govt jobs, and security clearances. I have several friends who thought they'd "stick it to the man" by not registering. They're not living as fugitives- they went to college, have jobs, cars, houses, families. They've never been arrested and charged with failure to register for selective service.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by WhiteOneActual

nah they don't track you down or anything...

however, before they let me separate from the military they made me fill one out

and I was over 25 when I left lol

still, even if the military didn't make me, and it was the law, I probably would have registered anyway...

Yah, I'm one of those suckers

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:23 AM
What a bunch of chicken S(&^%*ts! Bottom of the line.

If you are called to duty, you serve. It is not about whether you agree or disagree. If there be a WWIII I would sleep better at night and for the rest of my life knowing I did all that I can do to protect my family. Hopefully I will survive without serious injury. It comes to a question of who do you love more? Yourself or your loved ones? I would, without hesitation, take a bullet for my wife. I love her more than anyone could imagine. I could not sleep knowing that abandoned everyone I know by not serving. I like living in America. Yeah I may not agree or like what our government is doing but where else would I go? S Korera? Russia? Italy?

As much as I hate to say it, America still has the most freedoms out of the rest of the world. Anyone care to offer an alternative country to live? One where you can safely walk at night and not get kidnapped?

Quite your b!$&'in and do something about it! Run for congress. Write your congress. Find something you believe in and do something about it in a non-violent way.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Amaxium


Everyone wants to party, but nobody wants to pay the bill.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 01:44 PM
I wouldn’t be surprised if very soon the youth in America find themselves faced with compulsory national service - 2 years military.

No, I wouldn’t be surprised at all - from there the Draft, of course.

Just call me silly, but I believe it.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 07:08 PM
What is wrong with you people????
Are you cowards?Screw the government,but what about fighting for your country?For it's survival.The country you were born in, and had a prosperous life,compared to most countries.

Let me explain something,I am not a military person.I tried but failed.
I joined the Marines when I was 21,got hurt,then sent home.I regret that each and every day.

Where is the courage that our fathers and better yet grandfathers had.Say during WW2,without them(most drafted buy the way) we would all be speaking german right now.

I'm not affiliated with the military in any way,but despite my lack of confidence in our government,I would grab my guns and defend our country today.On domestic or foriegn soil,if i could get there.

Bunch of cowards.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Obama already told everyone that he planned on making it manditory for everyone to work in a community service program,isnt that the same thing as a draft ,just under a different name so noone will be the wiser

Just because it says community service doesnt mean you have to serve just in your community,you are protecting your community by going to another country and fight to keep them from coming here.

Wise up people before its too late.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:57 PM
If i got the draft letter, Id burn it in the fireplace to get some free heat out of it.. would not show up for there induction process..

Worst that could happen is they find me, and feed and cloth and shelter me for a few years... but they would have to catch me first... good luck doing that. there are so many easier ways to disappear on this planet... heck look as at osoma bin laden.. hes been hiding from the entire US army for years and years.. and they still have no clue where he is.

[edit on 30-10-2008 by E-ville]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by E-ville

Why would you refuse? you didn't give any reasons beyond the fact that you wouldn't.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by E-ville
Worst that could happen is they find me, and feed and cloth and shelter me for a few years...

I believe you are thinking jail time in a federal penitentiary is as easy to survive in. You may want to do some real research into what life is like. Here is a start on some stats. Prison Stats

Here is another link that tries to show you a glimpse at how prison life is like Tips on surviving in a federal prison

You also forget that fact that you have a high chance of contracting HIV and or TB during your vacation to a federal prison. Do not even think about asking me how one may contract the HIV. (Watch the movie Deliverance and you will get a better picture of what I mean.)

If you think life would be bad in the military, then you truely have no idea what prison life is like. I have not been and do not have any desire to go. Chances are in today's society, in America, you have a high chance of getting caught. You will have to abandon everyone you ever knew and must never contact them for any reason whatsoever pretty much until you are in your last week of life. You can never reveal your true identity, hopefully your fingerprints are not already on file (many parents take thier kids in to get fingerprinted under the missinformation that it helps track your kid down in the event of a kidnapping), do you truely have the means of obtaining a true fake identity? These are just some obvious points and in no way covers all points necessary regarding your choice you had voiced.

You like to party without paying for the bill.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Amaxium

i have to agree with you most truely my father was in namm and grand father in WWII and if it wasnt for the men and women fighting for our freedom then we would be living a whole diffrent life than we are now and my thanks go out to all who are serving and have served to keep this country,if there is a draft im all for it i have a wife of 11 years and 3 children and im more than willing to fight for my country!!!i'm going to and have started my paper work to get into the guard and im sure im going to like it and serve my country so people who want to wine can sit at home and complain and try to tell someone how to live their lives well i got a tattoo on my left forearm that states LIVE FREE OR DIE!!!Well thats what im going to do live my life the way i want as long as im not doing anything against the law.If you dont want to live where conscription might happen thenleave and dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!!I allso feel that everyone should serve 2 years in the military mandatory so that noone will complain about having a draft,but thats just my opinion and if that bothers you would you like to have some terrorist come to hunt you down with out knowing it?!!!GOD BLESS ALL WHO ARE SERVING WITH THE ARMED FORCES I'LL BE WITH YOU SOON!!!!

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 04:44 AM
I was in for ten years, took a bad fall sky-diving (was in Vegas, not on duty) and spent the last few years with surgery and rehab. Am back now, in the Army as a civillian making more than I ever had before.
Whether you agree or disagree relax, there are enough of us who will work to make sure you still KEEP your rights to disagree.
I personally don't think there will be a draft, nor would I want one. I want to work with men and women who WANT to serve their country, not anyone forced to.

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