reply to post by pynner
It is in my neck of the woods..dont know where your at but I see people going about their buisness, people still shopping at wal mart, people paying
less at the gas pump (2.47 per gallon here), and I definately do not see people being rounded up and put into camps or 2000 mile long spaceships
cloaked over the north pole or entire markets crashed to crumbs or every single bank in the nation closed down.
You want to know what is ignorant here? Its those who go about putting unecessary fear and intimidation based on hear say and complete lack of knowing
facts before bandering "the sky is falling" posts. THAT is what is ignorant.
Now disagree with me all you want, I dont care. What I will acknowledge is this...there is NO market crash, there is NO round up of civilians into
camps, there is NO black helicopters flying around, there are NO military troops marching down main street USA, there is NO martial law enacted, there
is NO 2000 mile long cloaked UFO hovering over the north pole, there is NO mass rioting in the streets, and there certianly aint NOthing unusual going
on other than regular daily activity as it was a month ago and further back.
But who am I to stop anyone from following the lead lemmening from taking that leap off the cliff?!!!!
If there were ever a place to find a mass of people who need some psycological help, this would be a haven for shrinks!!!
Like I said, and as the topic title asks, what happend to all this gloom and doom predicted events that was supposed to make the entire world come to
a sudden hault?!!! Where is this invasion? Where are the troops? Where are the camps? Where are the invading aliens from their 2000 mile long cloaked
Oh..they are walking around among us cloaked I suppose...
You know, things may not be 100 percent, but they are certianly NOT as bad as some here have spouted over the last few weeks.
I note all this because I see that the recent posts list has changed dramatically since the passing of the 15th. It lists more realistic posts and
threads now instead of the rediculous google map thing and major market crash syndrome threads.
Ok so now the new set date of gloom and doom is for the 25th.
Thats just a couple days away. And when that day comes and goes and the birds are chirping and the sun is shining and people are lined up to check out
at the wall mart checkouts, I will be here once again asking the same question...what happend to the gloom and doom for the 25th, or whatever other
day it is predicted to happen that comes and goes just like any other normal day.
Off to have a cup of joe and a cig and relax and enjoy the sunshine and chirping birds and watch people go about their daily buisness as usual.
Let me also add..that layoffs have occured before, the recent layoffs are not the first, nor will it be the last. That is a regular thing that happens
in a changing market. And these changes are not due to some disaster, they are changing because the market demands change, without change, the market
does not grow, and if your not ready for that change, you will find yourself left behind wondering what happend.
I would suggest keeping up with the changing times and perhaps then you can change too and not find yourself left behind. Maybe take a course on
another line of work might help, or expand on your current line of work so that if something changes in that field, you can move right along with it
instead of lagging behind.
Those that repeat what they did before in a changing world will be bound to get left behind unless they change with it.
[edit on 23-10-2008 by RFBurns]